Leukoplakia of the oral mucosa

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Leukoplakia of the oral cavity - a lesion of the oral mucosa, characterized by its hyperkeratosis( increased keratinization).

It is characterized by the appearance of foci of compaction on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, corners of the mouth, tongue, a feeling of slight burning, constriction and itching. If hygiene measures are observed, the sanation of the oral cavity is carried out, and the irritating factors are eliminated, the leukoplakia can disappear.

It should be noted that the occurrence of leukoplakia does not guarantee its transition to a malignant neoplasm. However, if the horny neoplasms are unevenly colored, or they are localized in the tongue, the risk of a malignant tumor increases.

Reasons for

Why does leukoplakia occur in the mouth, and what is it? To date, experts have not come to a common opinion on the cause of the cause of leukoplakia. There is a point of view according to which this disease arises from the effects of both external stimuli and internal factors.

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Exogenous factors include:

  1. Long-term thermal irritation of the mucous membrane - inhalation of hot air in hot shops, consumption of hot food and so on.
  2. Adverse climatic conditions I am a dry hot climate with frequent winds.
  3. Prolonged chemical irritation of the mucosa - production hazards( refineries, mineral fertilizer plants, work with alkalis and acids), smoking, drinking strong spirits.
  4. Prolonged systematic mechanical effects on the mucosa - poorly installed dentures and seals, caries, malocclusion, abnormal teeth growth, rough food and so on.

Internal factors include various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, which greatly reduce the resistance of the mucosa to the action of negative influences. Also, a deficiency of vitamin A, responsible for the vision and condition of the epithelium, including the oral cavity can contribute to the development of the disease.


Leukoplakia is a precancerous disease that develops due to chronic irritation and inflammation of the mucosa. The risk of malignant degeneration is particularly high with uneven coloration of the neoplasm and when it is localized on the bottom of the mouth and on the back of the tongue.

Smokers sometimes develop nicotine leukoplakia of the mouth, which is a diffuse thickening of the mucous palate( whitish plaque with multiple red dots - the mouths of the ducts of the salivary glands).She rarely undergoes malignant degeneration and disappears when the patient quits smoking.

Symptoms of the leukoplakia of the oral cavity

When leukoplakia occurs in the oral mucosa, specific symptoms depend on the form of the disease. This is a typical and atypical leukoplakia. In some cases, it is invisible to patients and is found by chance, in others - patients complain of burning, roughness, tightness of the mucous membrane in one or more areas, rarely pain.

The main symptoms of initial stage leukoplasia include:

  1. The appearance of inflammatory foci characterized by swelling on the inner surface of the cheeks, palate, lips or in the tongue, it can also appear in the corners or on the lips;
  2. Education on the site of inflammation of pathological areas of the epithelium - keratinized, white or gray-white, raised and dense;
  3. A loose coating on keratinized areas, which is easily scraped off.

At this stage, the disease very often passes without any significant symptoms. Sometimes the patient notices that swollen areas interfere with his mouth, but this happens rarely. In addition, keratinization can occur sideways in the language or even under it, which will be invisible in the mirror. Namely, it is the most dangerous language in the language, because in most cases it leads to the oncology of

. When the leukoplakia of the oral cavity passes into the malignant , that is, the cancerous form, the following signs appear:

  1. Erosion in the area of ​​compaction,
  2. Bleeding of lesions,
  3. Papillary growths on mucous membranes affected by disease,
  4. Strong thickening and thickening of affected tissues,
  5. Rapid proliferation of lesions.

Usually leukoplakia is a sluggish pathology, its symptoms then abate, then grow over many years. But nevertheless, leukoplakia does not accept the reverse development;with time the area of ​​damage increases, cracks and ulceration appear, plaques become brown and become denser.

This degeneration is an unfavorable sign and is regarded as a precancerous condition or the onset of degeneration into a cancerous disease of the oral mucosa. The exact time period for which leukoplakia changes into malignant formation can not actually be determined, because this is a strictly individual process.

Leukoplakia of the oral cavity: photo

How this disease looks can be seen in the presented photos.

Classification of

Several forms of the disease are distinguished, on which the main symptoms and treatment method depend:

  1. Flat leukoplakia is the most common form of the disease that occurs with unexpressed symptomatology. The patient complains only of the increased dryness of the mucosa, the symptoms of tightness of the lips, cheeks.
  2. Leukoplakia Tappeynera - occurs in smokers with a long history, accompanied by red foci of inflammation, covered with white coating.
  3. Verrux - there is progressive keratinization, there is a high probability of transition to a malignant process.
  4. Erosive - the main cause is a chronic factor of mucosal injury, ulcers, bleeding are observed in the mouth.

On examination at the dentist, the physician performs a visual assessment of the affected areas, followed by differential diagnosis. An obligatory stage of diagnosis will be an HIV test and a consultation with an immunologist to assess the protective mechanism.

Treatment of leukoplakia of the oral cavity

Complex treatment is required for any form and localization of leukoplakia of the oral cavity. First of all, the factors that could provoke the disease must be eliminated. It is necessary to stop smoking and metal dentures, eliminate the lack of vitamin A.

In addition, when treating leukoplakia of the oral cavity, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination to identify additional diseases that could cause the disease. These include disorders of the thyroid gland, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, nervous system disorders, etc.

If the disease does not observe cellular atypia( simple leukoplakia), then no additional treatment is prescribed. Patients are only encouraged to undergo regular examination by specialists. If histological studies reveal cellular atypia, the treatment of leukoplakia of the oral cavity involves removal of the focus of the disease in the very near future by operational methods.

Since the disease threatens to degenerate the leukoplakia of the oral mucosa into a malignant form, it is absolutely necessary to treat it. And do it yourself at home is strictly not recommended.

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