What are the signs of a brain tumor at an early stage

1 Types of the disease

Brain cancer is constantly being studied, classified, treatment methods are being improved. According to the classifications proposed in 2007, CNS tumors by cellular composition are divided into 100 subspecies. The generally accepted classification is 12 categories. The most common category is the neuroepithelial brain tumor. It occurs in more than half of all diagnosed cases.

The most common species is called glioma. It is divided into stages and degrees, affects both adults and children. Unfortunately, glioma is incurable today. The last stage of glioma, called multiform glioblastoma, is an extremely aggressive type of brain tumor in adults. If treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and removed by surgery, a person is still doomed to death. Complete elimination does not eliminate the fatal outcome, even with postoperative treatment.

Among the tumors developing in the tissues of the membrane of the brain, a meningioma is released, from the formations inside the skull it is found in every fourth case. After serious craniocerebral trauma or infection, pituitary adenoma may develop due to the buildup of cells in this part. Tumors of the cranial nerve are characteristic of the brain in women, they are benign, arise regardless of age. Such tumors are removed surgically, and the patients are completely restored.

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2 How to recognize the first stage of brain cancer

Any disease is better to detect in the early stages, when the chances for recovery are high and the consequences for the body are not so critical. Tumor of the brain, like no other disease, is dangerous in neglect. In the early stages it can be curable and will not give negative consequences for the whole organism. Symptoms of brain cancer are similar in most cases in adults, so problems with diagnosis do not arise with the timely treatment of the patient to the oncologist.

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With children, everything is much more complicated, the presence of education can be indicated by increased excitability, pale appearance, frequent regurgitation. The smaller the age of the child, the more difficult it is to determine the true cause of these phenomena. Since brain cancer is divided into categories, the symptoms will also differ. It matters, cerebral is a location or a spot.

In pituitary cancer, the symptoms do not coincide with the tumor in the frontal lobe. But there are common parameters for detecting brain cancer. Unfortunately, many symptoms are ignored by people who write off them for stress, colds or other factors. The greatest enemy of man is carelessness. Brain cancer affects the brain tissue and begins to slowly destroy it, this process is long, months a person can not suspect anything.

Often patients come to the doctor with a headache, which does not help the pill for a month, and in the pictures the doctor discovers the formation in the brain. It all depends on the type of tumor, some make themselves felt quickly, others will wait for years.

All listed signs of the tumor are nonspecific, that is, individually each symptom can be associated with another disease: migraines, stroke, concussions. Do not panic at every dizziness and run to an oncologist. But if there are several stable signs, you should consult a doctor.

3 General symptoms of pathology

If a person has a brain tumor, symptoms associated with a severe headache are likely. In the presence of education in the brain, the head aches with acute pain precisely in the part where there is a problem. The concentration in the site of the localization of the focus is always stronger. Painful sensations become stronger with sharp turns of the head, with coughing, in the morning hours immediately after awakening. Brain tumor is not in vain called an insidious disease, since symptoms at an early stage in half of patients do not cause any pain. Usually it is nausea and vomiting, not associated with meals. In young children, this syndrome is expressed in frequent regurgitation. Vomiting accompanies the oncological patient throughout the whole illness, to the last stages turning into vomiting with blood.


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The first signs of brain cancer, expressed in vertigo, should be associated with the tumor only if they are characteristic of any position of the body and head of a person and do not pass during the day, even after resting in a horizontal state. This is due to a malfunction in the vestibular system or abnormalities in the function of the pituitary gland. With tumors, intracranial pressure increases, which gives a general pain in the entire head and causes dizziness.

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Symptoms at an early stage: "wadded" limbs. The first stage gives a slight weakness, which can easily be taken for fatigue or muscle overload. To the subsequent stages, a cancerous tumor becomes the cause of a full or partial paresis of the hands and feet. This is due to the connection of the think tank, responsible for the movement and coordination system in an adult. With cancer, the brain does not work correctly, it causes a variety of syndromes.

Symptoms of a tumor - a problem with eyesight. If a person's eyesight deteriorated without reason, it became cloudy, there were asterisks and spots, this may be a sign of brain cancer. Nystagmus of the eyeball is characteristic for the first stages of the disease. Because of the pressure inside the skull, because of the tumor, ears immediately suffer. Ringing effect or deafness indicates a violation of the level of pressure inside the head, which leads to deformation of the auditory system. Not always a brain tumor is accompanied by epileptic seizures. It is found only in 7% of patients and not at the initial stages.

4 How the disease manifests in children

Signs of a tumor in adults and toddlers manifest themselves in a violation of the vegetative system. It can be causeless disruptions in the pulse, increased or decreased pressure, pale appearance or bright spots on the face and body, abundant uncontrolled separation of sweat.

The first symptoms of brain cancer are accompanied by mental disorders, they directly indicate problems with the pituitary gland or special lobes of the brain. A person with a tumor in his head shows apathy, indifference to what is happening around. Children begin to behave aggressively and capriciously for no apparent reason. Adults develop an aggressive condition, which flares up during the day. The brain cancer already at the initial stages gives problems with memory, it breaks consciousness and thinking. Often patients complain of hallucinations, they hear non-existent sounds or see non-existent objects. This disease can change a person's personality beyond recognition.

Tumors in the head that affect the trunk or pituitary gland act directly on the person's coordination system.

First of all, household items are constantly falling from the hands, and then it is difficult to climb the stairs, it is impossible to drive a car, etc. Children become distracted, attention is not concentrated on objects or events. Adults notice a violation of the vestibular apparatus, it becomes difficult to recognize the distances to certain objects, people.

The brain tumor in the pituitary zone is dangerous for children because it is this part that responds to the production of hormones, for growth and development. At kids at once there is a deviation in development. In adults, in connection with the specifics, this factor is not so pronounced.

Patients with temporal lobe marrow cancer are particularly affected. The fact is that mental disorders develop, the loss of memory can be either short-term or retrograde. In this case, the patient needs special care on the part of relatives, since loss of memory causes aggression and other psychological problems. A patient with a temporal lobe of the brain experiences outbursts of intense agitation, fear. He is overcome by a depressive state with which he can not cope. Tumor of the brain is almost always accompanied by migraines, which are not affected by the usual analgesics. The temporal lobe is also responsible for speech, so the cancer causes the patient to experience unpleasant symptoms associated with a violation of the speech apparatus.

5 Clinical picture of the manifestation of the disease in different parts of the head

If the tumor affects the cerebellum, then among the symptoms there is a visual impairment, frequent desires for vomiting and unceasing nausea, not dependent on food intake. The occipital region hurts and disturbs spasms.

A tumor in the region of the occipital part of the brain immediately acts on the optic nerve. If a person suddenly felt a loss of vision on one eye or both at once for several points, it is an occasion to urgently conduct a test for a tumor in the nape. Such a symptom can not be ignored, therefore the first stage of cancer of the occipital lobe of the brain is often diagnosed at the initial stage, which allows talking about successful treatment and recovery. In the parietal lobe disorders responsible for speech functions, obvious symptoms: a person loses the ability to adequately perceive speech and formulate sentences. Cancer of the parietal lobe can lead to paralysis, since this area is associated with the ability to move.

Symptoms of frontal or frontal lobe cancer are associated with impaired olfactory receptors. Cancer of the frontal lobe, like no other form, violates and changes the personality of a person beyond recognition. Close patient is waiting for a great test, as the patient begins to develop a completely different personality. After surgery, if successful, this may change, and the person will return. Inadequate reactions, depressive states, causeless laughter - all this accompanies an oncologic patient with a tumor in the frontal lobe of the brain. Even at the first stages, changes are already noticeable, they are not pronounced, but unexplained joy, tears, aggression are present and are clearly visible to the close relatives of the patient.

Brain cancer, the symptoms of which can not always be detected promptly at an early stage, in the process of development leads to deterioration of the patient's condition and negative consequences for the body. Because of the wide variety of symptoms, it is rather difficult to recognize cancer at the initial stage. This requires a number of procedures and examination, in particular an MRI.The genetic predisposition to tumors in this or that zone of the body is of great importance. Pay special attention to hereditary disease.

How to distinguish a migraine from a symptom of a brain tumor? If the headache is accompanied by muscle weakness, numbness of the skin, a split image before the eyes, this is a symptom of the tumor. Migraine appears during the day and passes, sometimes pulsating and fading. Headache with a tumor pulses permanently, does not go away, it intensifies in the morning, it is not affected by analgesics. If the pain in the head is accompanied by vomiting and clouding of consciousness, this may be a sign of a beginning cancer.

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