Signs of a brain tumor and a prognosis for recovery after surgery

1 Stages of the disease and surgical intervention

It is difficult to talk about the life expectancy of a patient with such a diagnosis. Everything depends on individual factors:

  • age;
  • location of the tumor;
  • degree of disease;
  • of the patient's physical condition.

The average life expectancy with brain cancer is 5 years.

This figure is an average, to argue that a man with a brain tumor will live only 5 years, at least, is silly. Diagnosing cancer better at an early stage. Then the chances to get rid of a malignant tumor are higher than in other cases.

Brain cancer is divided into 4 stages of development:

  1. In the case of diagnosis of cancer of 1 degree, treatment is performed with the help of surgery. Malignant tumor is excised completely or partially. In most cases, the disease recedes after surgery and the patient goes to recovery. Observance of all the recommendations of the attending physician at times increases the duration of life. From this it is worthwhile to conclude: the sooner you have to see a doctor, the more chances for complete healing.
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  2. Intensive cell division at 2 stages leads to tumor growth, so patient forecasts are disappointing. The operation may not give the desired effect, and the disease will progress further. Individual parameters are the only hope of prolonging life. At the age of 60 years, patients rarely live 2-3 years after surgery and chemotherapy courses. A younger organism can regenerate forces rather quickly, thereby increasing the chances of recovering from cancer.
  3. Brain tumors of 3 degrees are difficult to cure. Malignant neoplasm grows rapidly, and life expectancy averages 1-2 years, not more. Chemotherapy courses, surgical intervention will only help prolong life for several months. The tumor completely affects the brain, and it is pointless to fight it.
  4. The only thing that can cure 4 degree of cancer is a great desire to live and, of course, support of relatives and friends. The outlook is negative. Lifetime approximately 2-3 months after confirmation of diagnosis.

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2 Characteristics of the pathology of

The most common types of treatment for neoplasms of the brain include surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy. Treatment in the early stages allows either to completely get rid of the tumor, or to live with it for at least about 10 years. The average value is about 5 years. Often the patient has neurological consequences.

Cancer, which is based on lymph nodes, causes a negative prognosis. Such a lesion can not be completely removed, so it is possible that after the operation the tumor remnants will begin to grow again.

3 The first symptoms of the disease

Malignant neoplasm can begin its development in one of the brain departments, and get into it by the bloodstream from any other organ along with metastases.

If a cancer is detected, the attending physician predicts the further development of the disease and prescribes the best way to fight the disease, based on the following factors:


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  • patient's medical history;
  • type of cancer;
  • degree of disease;
  • characteristic of the tumor;
  • subtype;
  • cell state( histology);
  • size;
  • location.

On the location of the tumor, you can see the first signs of the disease. Symptomatic is quite extensive:

  1. Constant headaches. This is due to the fact that the growth slowly but surely spreads throughout the brain, like a cobweb. Vessels narrow, intracranial pressure increases. Hence the headache, there is even a migraine.
  2. Dizziness. The tumor squeezes the structural vessels of the cerebellum, which are responsible for the correct balance of the vestibular apparatus
  3. Nausea. As a result of intracranial pressure on the middle( emetic) center causes a vomiting reflex. The main distinguishing feature of vomiting in a brain tumor is that after it there is no feeling of relief.
  4. Sluggishness and fatigue. The tumor squeezes the blood vessels, through which the blood receives vital microelements.
  5. Changing the hormonal background. In connection with lesions of the tumor of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, a frequent symptom is a change in the hormonal background. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are important parts of the central nervous system, which are responsible for the activity of all the endocrine glands.
  6. Disorders associated with the patient's autonomic system and resulting from persistent fatigue. They show that a person simply can not get out of bed.
  7. Violation of memory, attention - psychomotor reactions in the body of the patient.
  8. Paralysis. Refers to one of the first symptoms of brain cancer. Violation of the motor apparatus is connected all with the same pressure on the vessels of the brain. Paralysis can be of both lower and upper extremities. It happens that the pathology covers the entire body.
  9. Hearing and speech disorders. Inconsistent speech, poor recognition of sounds. All this indicates that you may have a malignant tumor.
  10. Sensitivity. The characteristic of this symptom is that sometimes the patient does not distinguish pain from the injection, does not feel the position of his body in space.
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If you experience any of the above signs, you should contact your doctor. A medical specialist will either refute a terrible diagnosis or confirm it. But one thing should be remembered: 1 stage of brain cancer is treated, and there are huge chances for a full recovery and a return to normal life. Operations are performed every day, and as statistics show, after surgical manipulation, after the removal of a malignant tumor the patient lives for many more years.

4 Methods of treatment depending on the course of the disease

Medicine does not stand still. Scientists from different countries of the world conduct various experiments to create the ideal drug for fighting cancer. To date, there are several types of tumor treatment:

  1. Chemotherapy. The course of chemotherapy is a mandatory type of treatment after the operation. Special drugs interfere with the development and division of cancer cells. Prevent the appearance of neoplasms in the brain.
  2. Radiation therapy. Some forms of radiation are used in this form of treatment. Therapy is of two types: internal and external. Types differ only in the way of introducing radiation. With the internal method, the substance is injected directly into the tumor, and with the external one the radiation beam is directed to the affected area of ​​the brain.
  3. Surgery. This option is effective only in the early stages of cancer. Neoplasm is removed and further treatment of the patient is carried out.

There are no definite reasons for the disease to appear. Doctors still do not know by what criteria a terrible diagnosis chooses a victim. Oncological diseases do not look at the age and status of a person. Cancer is recorded both in older people and in newborn children. You can not protect yourself from oncology.

Physicians have only a few assumptions about the occurrence of this disease:

  • long-term presence in a site with an elevated level of radiation;
  • head injury;
  • genetics;
  • of HIV disease;
  • smoking abuse.

Unequivocal and accurate statistics can not confirm how much you have left to live in the white world. The course of the disease differs in all patients. The same type of cancer can grow at different rates in different people.

Innovative chemotherapy drugs help people live longer or at least alleviate symptoms. Remember, timely treatment is possible, if not be too lazy and listen to your body. It is better once again to go to the doctor, than then regret about the missed opportunity. Treatment of cancer of 1 and 2 degree is usually doomed to success, but at stages 3 and 4 the organism practically does not give in to complete elimination of the cancer.

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