Prevention and treatment of multiple sclerosis at home methods of traditional medicine

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1 Characteristics of the disease

Most patients perceive such a diagnosis as a sentence. After all, this is a chronic, constantly progressing ailment of the nervous system. With it, myelin( walls of nerve fibers) becomes inflamed and begins to break down.

The disease proceeds wavy and is characterized by the breadth of a variety of clinical manifestations. This is due to the possibility of self-destruction of tissue in any part of the central nervous system. Sclerosis proceeds long. Sometimes it can lead to rapid disability.

Disease manifestations:

  • impaired sensitivity and paralysis of the lower( rarely upper) limbs;
  • disorder of balance and gait;
  • malfunctions in the coordination of movements, the appearance of tremors;
  • change of speech( the patient utters words by syllables) and handwriting;
  • change in fields and decrease in visual acuity;
  • retention or increased urination;
  • in men with a spinal cord injury decreases potency;
  • memory and thinking dysfunction;
  • malfunctions of an emotional nature.
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Multiple sclerosis is rare in children and people aged after 30 years. Pathology begins to develop mainly at the age of 20 to 30 years. In some cases, even earlier.

Every year this terrible disease affects more and more people. But physicians still can not accurately name its causes, determine the course of its course. There are no specific medications, the use of which would lead to complete recovery.

Medications are used that are capable only of prolonging the terrible consequences of pathology to a greater or lesser extent. Their cost is quite high. Not all sick people can afford such treatment.

2 Folk recipes for the elimination of the problem

Treatment with folk remedies has a fairly long history and a large arsenal of methods in dealing with an insidious disease. This includes not only the use of herbs and all kinds of substances, but also exercises for the development of memory, breathing exercises, wraps, water procedures, massage.

At home, beekeeping products are widely used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis:

  1. Royal jelly. It is required to dissolve as a sweet for 5-10 minutes, adding 10 drops in 1 tsp.honey. This is done approximately 30-60 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of admission lasts 10 days. In total, there should be between 3 and 12. Between courses it is necessary to take a break for 1.5 weeks.
  2. HoneyHaving smeared all body with this natural product, do massage. Movements should resemble tearing off the skin from the body.
  3. Flower pollen. It is used for 1 tsp.3-4 times a day before meals. The course is 1 month. Pollen can be taken for longer periods.

Many recipes for healing the disease consists of medicinal herbs:

  1. Foot baths from clover meadow.300 g of dry grass pour 5 liters of boiling water. If the clover is fresh, then you need to take 900 g. Insist 5 hours. Then strain and pour into the tub. The duration of the bath is from 10 to 15 minutes. The water temperature should not be above 36 ° C.Along with the bathrooms it is useful to take infusion from the grass. To make it, it follows 1 tbsp.l.dry clover pour 1 cup boiling water. Infuse until the water cools. Use infusion 3 times a day for 0,5 glasses.
  2. Infusion of flowers of arnica and herb yarrow. Take 1 tsp.arnica and 1 tbsp.l.yarrow. Pour the plants 1 cup of boiling water. Insist. Take sips during the day.
  3. With urinary incontinence, you can cope with infusions of St. John's wort, dill or yarrow. Dry herb St. John's wort( 40 g) pour 1 liter of boiling water. Wrap and insist for about 3 hours. Strain, eat tea 3-4 times a day.0.5 tsp. Herbs yarrow brew in 1 cup of boiling water. Use the infusion in small sips throughout the day. In the evening, pour 1 tbsp into the thermos.l.seeds of dill and pour 200 g of boiling water. Insist about 24 hours. Strain. Take before bedtime the entire dose for 1 month.

Food products help cope with multiple sclerosis. They can also become an excellent preventive tool. The diet of sick people should include:


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  • apples and grapefruits;
  • honey;
  • milk;
  • beet and radish;
  • carrots and cabbage;
  • cucumbers and sweet peppers;
  • aubergines;
  • pumpkin;
  • fish;
  • bread baked from wholemeal flour;
  • sunflower seeds and nuts;
  • corn and oatmeal;
  • greens of parsley and dill.

3 Components of success in combating the disease

To cope with developing pathology, a sick person should not give up.

To win the disease and get well will help a positive attitude and desire to fight with sclerosis at home.

One should learn to receive from life joy and satisfaction. To achieve success, it is necessary to try to find an occupation to your liking and develop your skills.

It is necessary to perform logopedic and mental exercises:

  • learn by heart patters and poems;
  • solving crossword puzzles;
  • play board games( chess, dominoes, cards, checkers).

It is necessary to give physical exercises to the muscles. Without systematic training, they will quickly weaken. Exercises and loads should be feasible. In no case can you overwork and overheat. It is useful to make walks in the fresh air or jog. Excellent results bring swimming lessons.

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Special attention should be given to nutrition. Food should be healthy: contain the maximum amount of nutrients. The diet should include many fresh vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits.

It is necessary to refuse alcohol-free drinks and tobacco. The nicotine has the most destructive effect on nerve cells.

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