How is atherosclerosis of brachiocephalic vessels manifested and treatment of the disease

1 Nature of the disease

Blood in the brain moves along several large arteries: common carotid, right carotid and vertebral, one of the branches of the left subclavian artery. It may seem that such a variety can not affect the state of the brain, but this is far from the truth.

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Atherosclerosis of brachiocephalic arteries is allocated to a special group, understanding the whole process requires knowledge in anatomy. The Willis circle forms a closed chain of all the above arteries. The blood flowing into it can be evenly distributed throughout the brain. If the patency of at least one vessel is violated, then an essential restructuring begins in the body.

This complex system of arteries is subject to severe stresses, which can lead to a problematic situation. As the problem progresses, the patient begins an incorrect blood distribution, which can lead to a stroke - a condition of acute disruption of blood supply in the brain.

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Brachiocephalic arteries, as a rule, lead to such a violation. This process is associated with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. The venous trunk branches, creating special vortices. In this area, trauma increases, which is fraught with blockage of the artery. Branching in the form of a slingshot causes a large field of injury.

Among the main complaints of patients, you can see dizziness, which appears in the case of a quick turn of the head or during a sharp drop in blood pressure. This process is associated with the redistribution of blood, which is always given to the right side. Diagnose the above condition by using ultrasound examination of the cervical arteries. If necessary, you can conduct a Doppler study.

The presented method helps the doctor not only to localize the occlusion site, but also to determine the direction and speed of blood flow in different parts of such a complex system. Based on the findings and symptoms, you can choose a therapeutic tactic.

2 First aid

If there is no need for surgery, the patient periodically visits a neurologist, and treatment can be adjusted over time.

The main condition for all patients is the constant monitoring of cholesterol in the blood, as well as the reception of antiaggregants, which can prevent the onset of stroke.

In addition, it is advisable to take statins - medicines, which allow to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. They reduce the activity of the hepatic enzyme( HGM-CoA), which is responsible for the production of cholesterol, despite the fact that the latter is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

In the case of a sharp excess of the norm, there is a high risk of developing atherosclerosis - an ailment in which atherosclerotic plaques begin to clog the blood vessels.

Statins help not only reduce the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction, but also eliminate pain and discomfort in the chest. To date, a line of such preparations impresses with its diversity. These include: atorvastatin, fluvastatin, simvastatin, mevastatin, etc. Atorvastatin and rosuvastatin are considered to be the most powerful and effective.

If surgery is deemed necessary, surgeons can conduct it by 2 methods:

  1. Open method when the site of the artery affected by the disease is removed.
  2. Closed method, when the stenting of the artery in the area of ​​the plaque occurs.

If you find the first symptoms of an illness, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. The earlier the diagnosis is carried out, the faster it is possible to localize the consequences of the development of the disease. Atherosclerotic plaques do not appear just like that, but are associated with the wrong way of life.


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The main task of the patient is the maintenance of prevention and the absence of self-medication, which can be detrimental to health.

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