Lipogranuloma of the breast - what is it, symptoms, causes, treatment, prognosis

Breast cancer lipogranuloma-what is it?

This is a hotbed of chronic inflammation that develops due to parenteral administration of substances of oily consistency or appears in the area of ​​necrosis of adipose tissue. Occurs when injecting oil medications, with prolonged inhalation or in places of injury and reproduction of fatty tissue.

Code of the disease according to ICD-10 No. 60.80 "Benign dysplasia of the breast". The disease is rare.

In fact, it is an infiltrate with small cysts. Inside them is fat or giant cells with several nuclei. Lipogranulems have no clear boundaries.

Reasons for

Among the main reasons are:

  • trauma breast site,
  • injection injection, including antibacterial drugs, novocaine.
  • infection.

The latter include not only chronic diseases, but also any others that stimulate the growth of phagocytes.

For the development of the disease requires a persistent stimulus, which would lead to changes. Often the reason is the use of silicone implants.

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Symptoms of pathology

According to statistics, a predisposition to the disease is in women with large breasts.

Lipogranuloma at the first stages does not give symptoms. The first sign is the formation of post-traumatic education with hematomas and hemorrhages. This leads to the formation of a cyst.

Sometimes its contents are infected and becomes a cause of purulent diseases.

Women complain of discomfort and pain in one or more areas of the mammary glands. When palpation, a dense, tuberous formation is found. If it is large, the nipple becomes entangled and the gland deformed.

Sometimes the disease occurs without symptoms or resembles an oncology.

Symptoms are affected by the causes that triggered pathological processes in the body. If the problem occurs due to an injury, the tumor is round in shape. It is painful. When the progression of iron loses its sensitivity.


First the doctor performs palpation of the breast. Upon detection of education, the patient is referred for ultrasound and mammography.


  • Thermography. When the temperature changes are recorded in different parts of the chest. A significant difference in them usually speaks of pathology.
  • Transillumination. Through the mammary glands, light waves are passed through. Different tissues detain them in a special way.
  • Aspiration. The method allows you to establish the characteristics of the tumor. In education, a needle is inserted. With a cyst fluid is extracted. If a new growth from dense masses, the doctor receives the necessary number of cells for further study.

Treating lipogranuloma of the breast

Self-healing is observed in exceptional cases.

In virtually all cases, a scheduled operation is performed, during which the tumor is excised within healthy tissues.

Despite the fact that the lipogranuloma does not develop into cancer, it can provoke it, that's why doctors recommend to apply for any suspicions of a tumor.

Recently, non-surgical methods of treatment have also been proposed. Among the main ones is radio wave removal. In the process, high-frequency waves are used that remove the lipoma without scars.

The laser can be used. In these two cases, there are no visible scars or swelling on the skin. After removal of the tumor, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting drugs are prescribed.


Preventive measures are based on the regular passage of examinations from a mammologist, timely carrying out of ultrasound of the mammary glands. Should be avoided traumatizing the breast.

If the treatment was performed on the gland, a special bandage is used, which supports the breast in a normal position.

Special attention is paid to maintaining a normal hormone level. Positive impact on the body and health of the breast has the right nutrition, regular sex life, positive emotions, physical activity.


Prognosis with lipogranulome favorable. This is due to the fact that the tumor itself is benign, and the timely operation prevents the re-development of the disease.

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