Gum cancer: symptoms and signs, photo of the initial stage

About gingival cancer, gums are often forgotten, because the mortality from it is much lower than in other cancers. Such carelessness is dangerous: at a time when only 10% of people properly brush their teeth, getting cancer is easy. To protect yourself from cancer, it is important to know everything about them. Let us consider in more detail the causes and treatment of gum cancer.

Causes of gum disease

Statistics show that gum cancer most often affects people over 50 years old. Men suffer from the disease by about 20-30% more often than women.

The causes leading to the development of the disease are:

  1. a painful condition of the oral cavity, for example, carious teeth and gum disease in neglected form;
  2. alcohol abuse;
  3. use of narcotic drugs;
  4. smoking, especially the addictive habit of chewing tobacco;
  5. mechanical injuries of the oral cavity, for example, due to wearing piercing;
  6. infection with herpes or papilloma virus;
  7. precancerous diseases( SLE, Bowen's disease and the like);
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  9. no teeth;
  10. poor-quality dentures;
  11. improper nutrition with a lack of vitamins, leading to deterioration of the teeth and gums;

The catalyst for the appearance of cancer can be insufficient oral hygiene, leading to the development of inflammation and disease.

Symptoms and signs

Some patients develop cancer secretly, with little or no symptoms. This is less than 10% of patients, while the rest is one of the first to show bleeding gums. This symptom is often confused with simple injuries or inflammation of the gums.

Next, manifested swelling of the affected tissue, gradually spreading to the neighboring, which causes a tangible discomfort. Puffiness is accompanied by hypersensitivity to the gums and pain. Pain in the gums with the course of the disease goes into the facial and reaches such an extent that it is painful for a person to simply move the jaw. At the same time, the pain remains in a state of rest, because the nerve endings and fascial facial structures are affected. Pain, in turn, leads to a general deterioration of well-being.

Symptom of gum cancer can be a constantly increased temperature, provided there are no infectious diseases. Often hyperemia may appear first of all other symptoms. At the same time, the temperature is around 37-38 ÂșC.When metastases of cancer reach other organs, new symptoms appear: coughing, pressing pain in the throat and the like.

Initial stage

The initial stage of cancer is easily confused with other diseases of the gums. As with gingivitis, bleeding occurs in the gums. However, there is a fundamental difference: with oncology, the affected area begins to bleed even when it is lightly pressed. Bleeding is often accompanied by fever and swelling.

The photo clearly shows what the gum disease looks like in the initial stage of

. After the first signs, a new formation( often several) with a diameter of up to 1 cm, expressed in red, sometimes with white patches and ulcers, appears.

Diagnostic measures

Successful diagnosis largely depends on the patient's care and doctor's experience. An inexperienced doctor can confuse cancer with a flux and another disease, so before the tooth is removed it is better to conduct a checkup to rule out the likelihood of cancer.

Diagnosis of gingival cancer is carried out according to this scenario:

  • Referring to a doctor and collecting an anamnesis, an analysis of symptoms and signs.
  • Fluorescent analysis of the oral mucosa.
  • X-ray of the jaw.
  • Biopsy with histological analysis of the affected area.
  • Radioisotope analysis.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Positron Emission Tomography.

The doctor may also designate an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to check for the presence of distant metastases.

Based on the information received, therapeutic measures are assigned.

Treatment of gum cancer

The treatment of cancer depends on the stage of the disease, the size of the tumor and its location. The main method is surgical removal of the tumor. However, for greater effectiveness, combined treatment is indicated.

Combination treatment includes 3 points:

  1. surgical removal of the tumor;
  2. course of radiation therapy;
  3. course of chemotherapy.

Radiation therapy can be performed both before surgery and after. In the first case, the tumor itself and the surrounding tissues are irradiated, and in the second case the area where the tumor was located. Often radiotherapy is prescribed as prevention of recurrence of the disease.

Chemotherapy. Usually, it is prescribed for inoperable cancer, if there are contraindications to the operation. Rarely, as an adjunct to radiation therapy to enhance the effectiveness of the latter.

During chemotherapy, patients are prescribed drugs( in tablets or injections) that can stop the growth of cancer cells and even destroy a small part of them. These include preparations:

  1. anthracyclines;
  2. platinum;
  3. of vinca alkaloids;
  4. epipodophyllotoxins;
  5. others.

During the treatment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the patient, since radiation and chemotherapy reduce immunity, giving access to infections and viruses. To maintain immunity and restore the body, vitamins are prescribed.

Classical treatment is recommended to combine with methods of alternative medicine. Acupuncture, massages, as well as compresses and rinses based on medicinal herbs can improve the state of gums and strengthen the body.

As with other cancers, gum cancer may reappear. To avoid recurrence, recovered patients should undergo a blood test for oncomarkers after 3-5 months.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for the cure of ailment depends on the stage of the disease. Unfortunately, gingival cancer is rarely found in the early stages.

Treatment is also complicated by the fact that the pain is often attributed to the consequences of the disease of the teeth. After the removal of such a tooth, an infection passage to the hole opens, which can accelerate the spread of cancer.

Despite this, mortality remains one of the lowest. Statistics show that, on average, for 5-6 years survives:

  • to 80% in 1-2 stages;
  • up to 40% on 3;
  • up to 15% on 4;

With well-planned treatment, it is possible to make remission more than 30% longer.

For this, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • Eat right and balanced.
  • Choose and drink the course of vitamins according to the instructions. It is desirable to focus on complexes with a high content of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Abandon excessive drinking, smoking and chewing tobacco.
  • Refuse wearing piercings or bad habits( gnaw a pencil, keep foreign objects in your mouth), which can injure the oral cavity;
  • Maintain the hygiene of the oral cavity. This includes the care of gums( rinsing with herbal decoctions or medicinal solutions), and the proper daily brushing of teeth.
  • Visit the dentist at least once every 6 months and undergo ultrasonic teeth cleaning.
  • At the first signs of treating dental and gum disease.

Remember, following the preventive measures, you can prevent not only the cancer of the gums, but also other diseases, to improve your health in general.

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