Polyps in the throat: photos, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Polyps in the throat are benign lesions of small size. This is one of the most common diseases of ENT organs, which has a variety of shapes, colors, sizes.

It is prone to multiple manifestations. It often appears in the larynx, middle of the vocal cords.

Formations are a kind of fibroids that consist not only of connective tissue fibers but also of cellular elements, some liquid. However, unlike fibroids, polyps have a thicker stem and reach the size of a pea.

Polyps grow very slowly. Even the formation of education takes several months or years. Sometimes the people call polyps "singing knots", because they are almost all singers.

Causes of the appearance of

Polyps appear small hemorrhage, which are formed during tearing. The latter appear due to many reasons:

  • screaming or whispering
  • allergies,
  • smoking,
  • alcohol and caffeine,
  • dirty air.

It is noted that benign processes in the larynx are often due to genetic factors, as well as the impact on the fetus of various teratogenic circumstances. The latter include diseases of the mother, radiation exposure.

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Symptoms of polyps in the throat

In some places, the polyp is visible to the person himself when examining the throat. It looks like a red spot, which differs from the rest with its clear edges.

The surface is usually smooth and even, but the dimensions may be different. Progressive growth is mainly observed only in case of repeated trauma.

Sometimes polyps are blue, pink gray-white, blue-purple in color. If they are located on the vocal cords, the hoarseness of the voice gradually develops, the phonation breaks down.

Photo of polyp in throat

In some cases, other signs are found:

  • neck pain,
  • shortness of breath,
  • complete disappearance of voice,
  • cough with blood.

But in most cases, education does not show itself. Then the diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist.

There is another type of polyps - juvenile. They appear at the age of up to 5 years. This kind is prone to disappearance in adolescence. The formations are small-lobed, so they resemble cauliflower.

An indication of the juvenile type is the localization. Neoplasms appear on the ligaments, spread into the epiglottis, the lining region, and then into the trachea.

Diagnosis of education

Diagnosis of the disease by an otolaryngologist using laryngoscopy.

The main task is to differentiate benign formation from a foreign body, malignant tumors.

A procedure is performed using a flexible fibrolaringoscope. There is also a hard view, but its application is relevant only in cases where there is a removal of education. In municipal clinics to this day, mirrored laryngoscopy is used.

Sometimes it is additionally required to investigate voice functions, for this, phonotography, stiboscopy, and electroglottography are used.

Treatment of polyps in the throat

Removal of polyps occurs only in a situation where there is a risk of malignancy.

In small forms, the endoscopy method is used. For this, a special loop, guttural forceps is used. The tools perfectly handle isolated knots.

Electrocoagulation, cryodistruction and laser are actively used to eliminate polyps of the nasopharynx. However, before deciding on surgical intervention, the doctor can offer a conservative effect.

For this, the room provides the necessary level of humidity, and the person adheres to a certain speech mode. It is best to remain silent during this period, do not speak loudly.

For more rapid recovery in the post-operation period, it is recommended to stop smoking, humidify the air indoors and for 10-14 days to rest your voice ligaments.

A polyp after the operation may reappear. This happens in situations, if it was not completely removed. Therefore, it is important to find a specialist who will be trusted.


To never remember the polyps, you need to protect your vocal cords. Therefore, as a child, it is recommended to learn to control the voice and speak at a moderate volume. Adults are advised to stop smoking, alcohol. Only in this way you can save your larynx.

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