Hemangioma cavernous, capillary and venous: photo, causes of occurrence in adults and children

There are many tumorous formations of benign or malignant nature, differing in structure, structure and tissues, from which they form. From vascular tissues, for example, grow hemangiomas.

Description, what is hemangioma?

Similar formations belong to non-cancerous tumor processes, caused by venous deviations of the congenital origin of .A similar tumor can grow in any place that has a vascular network.

Causes in children and adults

There is no reliable information about the provoking factors of hemangioma in adults and children, although there are many assumptions and hypotheses explaining the factors and mechanisms of the formation of individual tumor processes.

It is absolutely certain that there is no link between mutations and the development of education. A common theory of the origin of hemangioma is the virus-infectious factor that occurs at the time of pregnancy before the 12-week period.

The essence is that during the first trimester, the formation of the circulatory system occurs, and the toxic effect of viruses leads to the formation of intraorganic or superficial hemangiomas already in infancy or in adulthood.

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In the picture, a flat skin hemangioma in a newborn child

In adults, such tumor processes are activated due to a traumatic factor or as a result of a thrombus-forming process.

Types of

There are several types of hemangiomas. In connection with the location of the tumor are divided into:

  1. Skin formations , which are located in the surface epidermal layers. Similar tumor formations belong to harmless hemangiotic varieties, which is why, as a rule, they are not touched. Although in the case of being close to the visual or auditory organs, on the face, back or perineum, removal is necessary in order to avoid irreversible changes and dysfunction of closely located organs;
  2. Musculoskeletal formations of arising on the spine, muscle or joint tissues. These tumors are slightly heavier, but not so much that they are removed immediately after detection. As a rule, surgical procedures are started when a hemangioma of this nature becomes the culprit of problems with the skeletal formation of children;
  3. Parenchymal haemangiogenic processes of are concentrated in the testes, bladder, liver, adrenal or renal, brain or pancreatic parenchyma. Such tumors need immediate removal, because they are fraught with intraorganic lesions or bleeding.

According to the histological structure, hemangiomas are classified according to morphological features into such varieties as simple or capillary tumor, combined, venous or mixed formations, etc.

In addition, hemangioma is senile and infantile. The infantile form of hemangioma is most characteristic of newborn girls and is usually located in the region of the head or neck. Externally infantile hemangioma appears reddish stain, autonomously disappearing tentatively to 7-9 years.

Senile hemangiomas are also called senile. Such formations look like raspberry-red tubercles, which are mistaken for moles. But with a mole, senile hemangioma has structural differences, because the hemangiogenic tumor consists of venous structures.


This hemangiogenic form is considered one of the most frequently encountered tumor processes. Capillary hemangioma is characterized by a shallow disposition in the upper epithelial layers. The structure of the tumor is represented by the accumulation of a plurality of interconnected capillaries and interlaced capillaries. Such formations have a predisposition to penetrating germination.

Similar tumors are located mainly on the head, neck. They can occupy vast areas, providing the patient with cosmetic discomfort.

Photo of capillary hemangioma on the scalp

At a pressure on a similar hemangioma, the rapidly passing blanching of the tumor is traced. This is an asymmetric spot with uneven edges, having a crimson-cyanotic or reddish-pink hue. Similar tumors are prone to ulceration, although they are almost not affected by malignancy.


A similar tumor is concentrated in the subcutaneous tissue, forming from larger vessels than the capillary form of formation. It looks like a protruding purple swelling formed from a venous clump. Cavernous hemangioma is able to germinate only in subcutaneous tissues, and internal organs or muscle tissues are scarred very rarely. Occurs on the skin of the thighs and buttocks.

Photo of cavernous hemangioma on the neck of the child

Such formations may be diffuse or limited in nature. Diffuse hemangiomas have blurred edges, occupy a vast area in the form of multiple different size formations. Limited tumors are clearly distinguished from other areas.


Hemangiomas of a combined nature represent a cavernous-capillary mixture, such formations are placed under the skin in the cellulose and in the epidermal layers. Hemangioma is formed on the inorganic surfaces, on the bones of the skull, frontal bone or skin. Such a tumor is most specific for adult patients.


This kind of species is relatively rare. The racemose hemangioma is also called branchy. Most often, such neoplasms are located on the limbs and scalp parts of the head. They consist of wriggling and weaving blood vessels. Such a neoplasm specialists are usually considered as a cavernous hemangioma.


A similar term means a tumor consisting of vascular, nerve, lymphoid and connective tissues. The group of such formations include angioneurovromy, angiofibroma, gemlinfangioma and other tumors. Clinical data of this kind of formations are determined by a variety of prevailing tissue.


Venous hemangioma is often called a senile lip tumor or venous lake, because this formation usually occurs on the face of the elderly. Specialists suggest that the development of such tumors has an important effect on UV radiation.

Externally, venous hemangioma appears as a soft, dark purple or bluish papule no more than a centimeter in diameter. Typically, this formation is located on the lower lip.

The photo clearly shows how the venous skin hemangioma looks in an adult

The tumor delivers only cosmetic discomfort. When pressed, the venous hemangioma acquires an almost colorless appearance, because it has a thin-walled cavity structure and is filled with blood.

Dimensions of the vascular tumor

Hemangioma parameters vary according to the type of tumor formation. There are venous tumors several millimeters or centimeters in size.

Symptoms and localization of

The clinical picture of vascular hemangiomas depends on many factors like age criteria, the location of the hemangioma and the depth of its infiltration into the tissue.

Hemangioma of the skin

A similar venous tumor is located on any part of the body, therefore the symptomatic manifestations do not depend on whether the tumor is located on the facial or gluteal region. In general, neoplasm can be characterized by the following features:

  • On the surface of the skin of the skin is a slight elevation, which can be any shade of the red palette( from light pink to purple).The tone of the hemangiotic characteristics is affected by the number of vessels from which the tumor consists;
  • With the infiltration of the tumor into the depth of the skin, various pathological changes occur due to insufficient blood supply to the tissues - increased hairiness or ulceration, microcracks or hypertension. Any of these signs can cause bleeding of the hemangioma;
  • There is a slight swelling of the surrounding tissues and pain syndrome in the location of the tumor;
  • When pressed, the formation has a dense consistency, indicating that there is no tendency to malignancy. Soft structure indicates a predisposition to increase in size in the not too distant future;
  • Around the hemangioma, it is possible to form paresthesia areas, on which there is numbness or goosebumps.


The clinical picture of vascular tumors of the body is almost identical to skin tumors. Its symptoms are also associated with a swollen formation of red tones, which causes painful discomfort.

Similar formations can be localized in areas where they will be injured( shoulder area, axillary cavities, mammary glands, fingers, waist, etc.).Such damage is fraught with a violation of the integrity of the tumor, cracks, bleeding and the formation of ulcers on their surface.

If education has a fast-growing character, then it can undergo infiltration into the rib area, muscle tissue, which will lead to abnormalities in these organs.

On the face, head, leg, lip and nose of

Similar localization of vascular tumors in clinical practice is observed quite often. The main symptomatology of such formations is a swelling, a reddish hue, soreness in the area of ​​the tumor.

Photo of vascular hemangioma on the lip in an adult

This localization is dangerous by the excessively close arrangement of the formations with respect to the most important organs such as the brain, the orbit of the eyes, ears, eyelids, etc.


Usually, such a localization of the hemangioma goes unnoticed for a long time, developing asymptomatically. Usually hepatic hemangioma and gallbladder is detected accidentally with ultrasound, MRI or CT of the liver. A similar tumor is more often found in women 35-50 years of age.


On the presence of vertebral hemangioma, there are indisposed pain sensations in the back and are not eliminated by other traditional methods like rubbing with ointment or massage. Pain symptomatology is localized in a site similar to the location of hemangioma. The therapeutic approach is individual and determined by the doctor.


Renal localization of vascular tumors is very rare. Such hemangiomas are congenital, but are found already in adult children. Education increases in accordance with the growth of children, which provokes a strong clinical symptomatology like:

  • Lumbar, irradiating in the groin soreness;
  • Colic;
  • Uncontrollable hypertension;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • With hematuric signs;
  • Weakness and rapid fatigue.

of the Brain

For cerebral hemangioma, nausea and vomiting, spontaneous dizziness, a variety of headaches, weakness of muscle tissues are characteristic.

Also patients with hemangioma of the brain may complain of extraneous sounds in the ears, head, seizures of epileptic or convulsive nature, frequent fainting and paralysis of of certain parts of the body.

In pregnancy,

If a pregnant woman has a hepatic hemangioma, then the woman should be observed regularly with a specialist, because such vascular tumors tend to intensify during pregnancy.

This fact is explained by the increase in the general circulation and the increase in the estrogen level.

Therefore, during the course of pregnancy, the patient should be observed by a specialist, noting the changes in the state of hemangioma.

What is the danger of the disease?

Vascular formations are dangerous for the development of serious complications such as ulceration, bleeding, trophic ulcers .If the tumor is located near any important organs( for example, the larynx and lungs), then complications affect them, causing functional disorders.


Diagnostic processes usually do not take a lot of time and do not cause any difficulties, because in most cases the hemangioma is located on the skin surface. And an experienced dermatologist will not be difficult to determine the nature of education. Internal tumors are detected with MRI, CT or ultrasound.

General principles of treatment

The same therapeutic approach applies to patients of all ages, depending only on the location and properties of the hemangioma. If the education does not belong to the group with a high risk of complications, then it is monitored, because such tumors tend to be independently eliminated.

In general, the treatment is shown:

  1. When positioned near the eyes or with a negative effect on the eyesight;
  2. In the presence of ulcers;
  3. When the tumor is located in the respiratory system or in its immediate vicinity, etc.

Among the conservative methods used:

  • Receiving funds based on propranolol or timolol - Propranolobene, Anaprilin or Timadern, Timol, etc.;
  • Assignment of cytotoxic agents - Cyclophosphamide or Vincristine;
  • Corticosteroid therapy - Diprospan, Prednisolone, etc.;
  • Pressing dressings for hemangioma.

Among surgical techniques, laser removal, cryodestruction, the introduction of sclerosing drugs, radiotherapy, electrocoagulation or traditional excision are especially common.

Folk remedies for education in the kidney

Among folk remedies, such methods are very popular:

  1. Lubrication of the tumor with freshly squeezed celandine juice. Course - 2 weeks;
  2. Wetting hemangioma with a solution of copper sulfate( 1 tbsp. Per glass of water).Course - 10 days;
  3. Daily compresses with a tea mushroom. Course - 3 weeks.

How to get rid of a tumor in the spleen

The traditional treatment of a hemangioma localized in the spleen area is to perform a splenectomy leading to an absolute recovery.

How to treat diseases in the language

From the hemangioma language get rid in several ways:

  • Cauterization;
  • Laser treatment;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Sclerosing;
  • Traditional surgical removal.

In most clinical cases, hemangioma in the language is not a concern.

Can the neoplasm pass by itself?

With children's growth and development, the reverse development of hemangioma is possible, followed by its self-elimination. If a cavernous tumor is not prone to growth, it can go to about 5-7 years of age, so it is better to choose wait and see tactics in such a clinical case. If the tumor begins to grow rapidly, then surgical treatment is necessary.

To which doctor to contact

Therapeutic tactics are selected by specialists: pediatrician, surgeon, dermatologist, etc.

The reasons for the development of hemangioma and its treatment will be described by this video:

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