What is the lipoma and its consequence: the causes of the onset, photo on the neck and leg, head and back

Widgets are equally likely to affect men and women of all ages, however, often patients are not in a hurry to remove them. Are they doing the right thing? To answer this question it is necessary to consider the lipoma in more detail from all aspects.

What is a lipoma?

Lipoma, is a common adipose, benign tumor that forms from the growing fatty tissue of .

Given that the fat tissue is even on the internal organs, the lipoma can affect them. Usually, it does not cause discomfort.

However, it can bring tangible pain when the tumor grows as it presses on the surrounding tissues.

How does it look like?

More physical, lipoma delivers aesthetic discomfort.

Wen can be single or multiple. In the second case, they are often symmetric. In a neglected condition, the tumor can be larger than 20 cm in size. In this case, it hangs from the skin, as it stretches it.


In medical practice and scientific research, several classifications of lime are used.

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The histological structure of the adipocytes allows them to be divided into:

  • Nodular, most common. Present as a knot of lobules of various sizes enclosed in a capsule. Lobules are fat cells.
  • Diffuse. Formed from fat cells without an envelope. Fat cells grow between the tissues of the body. Often, such adipose patients accompany systemic diseases of adipose tissue.

There is a more common classification, dividing lipomas into:

  1. Classical. Represents an exceptional fatty tissue.
  2. Fibrolipoma is an enlarged connective and fatty tissue.
  3. Miolipom - fat and muscle tissue.
  4. Angiolipom is a fatty tissue that captures a large area of ​​blood vessels.
  5. Mixolipoma - fat and mucous tissues.
  6. Myelolipoma - fatty tissue and bone marrow elements.
  7. The is a brown fat. Brown grease accumulates in representatives of the animal world, hibernating and babies, is intended to transform into energy during the famine periods.

As the above types of linden appear the same, the classification is used only in scientific works. Doctors diagnose lipomas by another classification, based on the localization and characteristics of the tumor and dividing them into:

  • Subcutaneous located in the subcutaneous fat.
  • The retroperitoneal , located in the fat deposits in the abdominal region.
  • Internal organs , located on the inside.organs surrounded by fat( bones and others).
  • Breast cancer , located on the chest.
  • Perineural , located along the nerve trunks. As it touches them, it causes severe pain symptoms.
  • Lumbosacral , located on the spinal canal( sometimes near the vertebrae).
  • Tendons and synovial articular membrane located in the joint cavity or tendon leaflets.
  • Intramuscular , located in the muscle fibers. Usually, it appears against the backdrop of an inferior deletion of the wen.
  • Angiolipom located in the kidney.
  • Adenolipoma , located near the sweat glands.
  • Mediastinal , localized in the middle of the thoracic cavity.
  • Cardio diaphragmatic , located in the cardio diaphragmatic corner.

In fact, the lipoma can occur anywhere: on the forehead, eyelids, and the eye, ribs, hips, eyes, shoulders, on the occipital part of the head, under the armpit, buttocks, thyroid and pancreas, intestines, in the mediastinum, in the softtissues and other organs.

The listed fatties are different in location, however, the mechanism of their appearance and clinical picture often coincide with them.

Mechanism of education

Weners strike men and women.

The mechanism is activated against the background of proliferation of subcutaneous fatty tissues. The lipoma undergoes encapsulation, after which the antibodies can not reach and destroy it.

Antibody protection allows lipoma to grow unchecked.

Causes of

The causes of lump formation throughout the body are not fully understood. At this stage in the development of medicine, scientists can only explain a small part of the aspects that accompany the emergence of adipose tissue, but not the underlying causes.

So far, doctors have agreed on the most possible reasons leading to the appearance of adipose:

  1. traumatization of certain areas of the body with fat tissue;
  2. pathological processes in metabolism( disruption of enzyme activity);

Activating the growth of lipoma can also:

  • pancreatic disease and liver;
  • bad habits( alcohol and smoking abuse);
  • neoplasms of the respiratory system;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • decreased pituitary function;

Please note! The above reasons are not 100% accurate, since the process of lime formation has not been thoroughly studied.

Symptoms of

Symptomatic in the initial stages of lipoma is scant. Most often it is not accompanied by discomfort, it does not hurt or itch. The main symptom( provided that the tumor is external) is a growth that slowly grows.

When the lipoma proliferates, it begins to press on organs and tissues, which leads to painful sensations. Pain syndrome also occurs when the tumor affects the fibers of the nerves.

The main symptomatology of the tumor depends on the location, because the body responds to pathology in different ways.

Mammary gland

A grease with a smooth surface and a structure similar to cells, is formed in the breast tissues. When the lipoma is large or located next to the skin, it is a hemisphere, in which you can distinguish clear boundaries. In the opposite case, the tumor is simply not visible to the naked eye, but can be detected by stretching the skin.

This photo shows ultrasound diagnosis of the right breast mammary gland

Usually, the tumor grows asymptomatically, without pain syndrome. When palpating easily shifts, does not hurt.


Renal kidney is formed from tissue fat capsules that surround the kidneys. These tissues and keep it in one position. At the initial stages, there is no symptomatology.

When the lipoma grows more than 2 cm in diameter, it will begin to press on the kidney, which will lead to the manifestation of local symptoms. She may become a pain syndrome( pain blunt, pulling, give in the lumbar) and elevated blood pressure. There is also a high content of erythrocytes in the urine, colic and varicose veins in the male.

If the lipoma in diameter exceeds 4 cm, it can be felt from the back.


Lipoma is located in the subcutaneous fat. May occur in any area, but most often appears in place:

  1. backs;
  2. faces;
  3. head;
  4. feet;
  5. hands;

In appearance it resembles a small swelling with obvious boundaries. Palpation( palpation) shows that the tumor is soft and flexible in consistency, mobile. The latter allows you to move the tumor under the skin a short distance, however, it returns to its place after the cessation of exposure. Skin over the neoplasm in all aspects are similar to healthy skin.

The photos clearly show the lipoma of the scalp, eyelids, on the face of the children, forehead, collarbone, on the palm and hand, under the arm and behind the ear

Photo of the lipoma on the body in the shoulder, back, thigh, buttock andon but g of

Tumor growth is slow, lasts for years. In more than 50% of cases, a significant increase occurs within 8 years. The size of the tumor depends on the stage of development, varies within 0.5-5 cm.

When the growth becomes large, it stretches the skin and hangs. In such cases, its blood supply may be disturbed, because of which the tissues around will become inflamed and deaden. Ulceration and inflammation can accompany the lipoma, if the area of ​​its localization is often injured.

Large lipoma compresses the blood vessels, which causes:

  • pulling constant pain;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • inflammatory processes;

Depending on the location, individual symptoms may appear: a feeling of discomfort and the like.

Neck on the neck

The cervical adipose is symptomatic and similar to the skin disease. It is also located in the subcutaneous fat, soft and flexible in consistency. However, unlike skin, it can press on the respiratory tract and larynx, because the patient will find it difficult to breathe and swallow.

Photo of lipoma on the neck from behind: before and after operation

There is a hereditary disease called diffuse neck lipoma. It is a multiple tumor that forms a chain of bulges.

Growth of lime can be as slow as fast, covering any part of the neck. As growth grows, the adipose cells press on the nerve fibers, vessels and organs, causing breathing difficulties, disturbing the work of the speech apparatus, edema of the neck. The disease can be accompanied by individual symptoms: stenocardia, weakness in the arms and legs, like.

The head and spinal cord

Depending on the location of the brain's adipose can be:

  • Interhemispheric. Is manifested by auditory hallucinations, disinhibited behavior.
  • Interhemispheric fissure. Is a headache, loss of field of vision.

Rarely is found the lipoma of the corpus callosum. Usually, it accompanies some pathology or trauma. It may not manifest itself until a certain period, so its growth should be controlled, passing every 6 months.examination.

There are also intradural lipomas of the spinal cord. They are extremely rare and initially develop without symptoms. So, lipomyelomeningocele is a meningomyelocele, combined with a lipoma. Lipoma of the terminal thread affects the end thread, leads to fixation of the spinal cord.


There are abdominomedistinal and parasternal lymphomas of the lungs. At the initial stages, there is no symptomatology. As the tumor grows, the tumor presses on the lungs, which can entail:

  1. phlegm with blood;
  2. difficulty breathing;
  3. pressure in the chest;
  4. pain syndrome;

Abdominal cavity

Preperitoneal lipoma or a hernia of the white belly line is common. In this case, in the fibers of the tendons, there are crevices, where the fat leaves, and then the organs. It is accompanied by a painful bulge and the symptoms of a stomach upset.

The picture shows the preperitoneal lipoma of the abdomen

Separately it is worth noting the lip of the bauginium damper. In medical practice, they often accompany other diseases, often malignant, and, of course, should be subject to disposal.

What is the difference between atheroma and lipoma?

Often, for a lipoma patients take atheroma, which is also a benign tumor, but their diagnosis and treatment are different. The main differences between atheroma and lipoma are described in the table:

Characteristics of Lipoma Atheroma
Reasons for the appearance of Appears due to clogging of the sebaceous gland Sebaceous gland accumulates in the capsule, day, tumor-cyst
Inflammation Absent Inflammates, pus emits
Consistency Soft Thick, elastic
Mobility Still Can move with pressure
Growth growth Slow Fast, progressive
Amazed May damage internal organs Can not appear on internal organs
Treatment Optional if the lipoma is not located on the internal organs of the Mandatory, the method depends on the indications

Is it dangerous for the tumor?

In more than 80% of cases, lipomas do not cause health concerns. However, their growth is accompanied by a cosmetic defect, as well as physical discomfort( in neglected stages).

In rare cases, the lipoma can grow into a liposarcoma - a cancer. However, this occurs with a long course of the disease( more than 10 years), frequent traumatization of the tumor and its huge size.

In any case, the lipoma needs to be observed by the doctor, ready to be removed.


Diagnosis of the wen begins with a visual inspection of the patient by the doctor. If the doctor suspects a lipoma, he will send the patient to:

  1. ultrasound;
  2. CT;
  3. radiography;

Histological examination of the tumor is also prescribed. Do I need a biopsy?

Many patients, especially private clinics, face the fact that they are prescribed a biopsy. However, surgeons do not fully agree on how to conduct it.

Biopsy - analysis of the removed part of the tumor. After the procedure there is wound. If it is confirmed that this is a lipoma - no harm will be done.

However, if the tumor is malignant, cancer cells will enter the wound, spreading throughout the body, increasing the risk of metastasis repeatedly.

Optimal, if after a biopsy and its results is no more than 1 day. In another case, it will be useless: when the analysis comes, cancer cells can penetrate into different systems of the body.

It is best to perform a biopsy before the operation so that the surgeon will know its result in a few hours and I will be able to decide if it is necessary to operate and to what extent.

Please note! Many patients confuse biopsy and morphological examination. The second must be done without fail!

To which doctor should I apply?

If you decide to turn to free medicine, then first you need to visit a therapist who will examine you, listen to the symptoms and write a referral to the appropriate specialist. If you decide to resort to the services of private clinics, then consult an oncologist or surgeon.

Treatment methods

Lipoma treatment can be operable and inoperable. In the second case, the patient is prescribed drugs, ointments. Operative methods include:

  1. excision;
  2. minimally invasive removal;
  3. laser removal;
  4. electrocoagulation;
  5. radio wave removal;
  6. liposuction;

Each type of treatment can be combined with the methods of alternative medicine, but not replaced by them.

Do I need to delete my education?

Most often, lipoma can not be removed, since life is not threatened. However, removal is possible if the patient wishes, for example, because of aesthetic defects, as well as in the presence of indications for removal. About the indications for the operation read in another article.

Please note! Before making a decision to remove the lipoma, it is important to consult with the treating doctor!

Prevention of

Lipoma can not always be prevented: much depends on a person's heredity. However, there are preventive measures that reduce the risk of lipoma:

  • to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum;
  • to stop smoking;
  • to introduce a balanced diet;
  • observe at least the minimum physical activity;
  • regularly visit a doctor, monitor the appearance of demodectic;
  • take multivitamins;
  • observe the hygiene of the skin;
  • avoid traumatizing the skin;

Some doctors advise taking a group of statins that reduce the concentration of fatty fractions. However, this measure of prevention is controversial and its benefits are not proven.

TV clip about the lipoma and how to fix it:

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