Skin sarcoma: photos, symptoms, types, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Sarcoma formations account for about 5% of the total number of malignant processes.

They can affect various tissues of our body like bone, nervous, lymphatic, blood and other internal structures. Often, sarcomatous processes develop in the skin layers.


Disease Cutaneous sarcomas are a group of malignant tumor processes that form in skin tissues from abnormal connective tissue elements.

Such formations are rare. Prefer to localize on the hips, legs, chest and abdominal area, forearms.

The share of cutaneous sarcoma is about 0.3% of the total number of skin tumors of malignant type.

Types of cutaneous sarcomas

Skin sarcomatous formations are classified by analogy with soft-tissue tumors. According to histological signs, these formations are practically indistinguishable, which causes confusion in diagnosis.

That is why the diagnostic and therapeutic approach is based on general principles similar to soft tissue sarcomas.

In general, cutaneous neoplasms are classified into:

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  1. Fibrosarcoma - spindle-celled formations, are formed from deep dermal layers, are more often localized in the abdomen, grow slowly, do not ulcerate, metastasize primarily into the lung tissue, lymph node structures in the tumor process with a similar type of cutaneous sarcomaare involved;
  2. Liposarcomas are a mesenchymal cell tumor that primarily affects older men. Has the form of diffuse cutaneous infiltration, has daughter nodal foci;
  3. Angiosarcomas - look like a red-violet bruise, more often localized on the face, but can form in other places. They are identified as single tumors, prone to bleeding. They are formed from endothelial vascular cells;
  4. Leiomyosarcoma - is of smooth muscle origin, occurs at any age, but more often in elderly and middle-aged patients. Education is usually single, characterized by a particularly pronounced malignancy and in almost all cases ends lethal;
  5. Kaposi's sarcoma is a very rare pathological form, it is more often localized on the feet and hands, the children and elderly men are most susceptible to such a tumor.

Photo of the sarcoma of the skin

Similar forms of sarcomatous formations are revealed most often, although there are other types of them. Depending on the origin, sarcomatous formations are primary or secondary.

Reasons for

Cutaneous sarcomatous tumors usually develop against the background of such factors:

  • Long-term dermatoses, chronic dermatitis. Against the backdrop of such pathologies, the skin undergoes permanent injuries and injuries, which play a role provoking cutaneous sarcoma factor;
  • Presence of cicatricial changes on the skin;
  • Inflammatory skin pathologies of a chronic type;
  • The presence of benign processes like fibroids, lipomas, etc. Such a factor indicates the presence of predisposition to tumor processes;
  • Poor heredity, genetic predisposition;
  • All kinds of traumatic skin lesions;
  • Negative chemical and carcinogenic effects, professional activities related to harmful production, radiation, pesticides, etc.;
  • Long-term systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Unhealthy addictions like nicotine, alcohol, drugs, which also have a toxic effect on the body.

Symptoms of the skin sarcoma

The onset of the sarcomatous process is characterized by the appearance of a tight knot formation, which gradually grows and acquires a blurred and irregular shape.

The formation grows in the direction of the epidermal layer, sprouts into its structures, acquiring the appearance of a mushroom-shaped node with manifestations on the surface. To tissues these nodes are attached with a wide base.

Similar neoplasms can develop both slowly and rapidly, early metastasizing. In the development of the tumor process this clinical picture is observed:

  1. As the surface grows, ulcers appear, the formations begin to bleed, which causes discomfort and pain;
  2. Against the background of ulceration, infection often occurs, inflammation develops;
  3. Tumor sizes can reach tens of centimeters;
  4. Color such tumors also differ, they come from light pale pink to saturated violet-cyanotic shades;
  5. When the visceral spread of the tumor is actively affected lymph nodes structures of deep and peripheral localization;
  6. When the tumor process penetrates into the nerve, joint, bone or vascular tissues, then there is a pronounced discomfort symptomatology and soreness, which usually encourages patients to consult a doctor.

In the absence of treatment, a fatal outcome occurs about a couple of years after the onset of sarcoma development.


To determine the type and nature of the tumor, the patient is assigned a comprehensive diagnosis, which begins with a thorough medical examination.

On the development of malignant oncology, signs like ulceration, pain, bleeding, dark shade of education, metastases speak.

But to confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a biopsy with a histological study of the biomaterial. Such a procedure is considered a compulsory study in the diagnosis of such education.

In addition, tests and analyzes are carried out such as:

  • Electronic or light microscopic examination;
  • Immunohistochemical analysis using antibodies;
  • Cytogenetic analysis;
  • Flow cytometry, which helps determine oncomarkers, determine the type of cells, etc.;
  • Fluorescence.

Therapeutic therapy

With respect to cutaneous sarcomatous tumors, several different therapeutic techniques are used, which are used singly or in combination. One of the priority methods is surgical treatment.

Operations are carried out in several ways:

  1. Extensive excision - when complete removal of the affected area;
  2. Microsurgical operation of Mohs - a gradual, layered removal of visible oncologic lesions is made until a healthy tissue is reached;
  3. Gentle removal of - when the doctor eliminates only education without amputation, followed by additional chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

If necessary, and the removal of lymph nodes. In combination with surgical interventions, irradiation is often used to destroy cancerous cell structures that could remain after removal or to reduce the tumor in order to simplify the procedure for surgical treatment.

In addition, the chemotherapeutic effect is also performed. The method is very effective, but it has a lot of the strongest side reactions.

Chemotherapy is used only as an additional method, it is impossible to completely cure sarcoma with antitumor drugs. Such a technique can be used as the main one at the thermal stage in order to prolong the life of the patient.

Prognosis and prophylaxis of

The prognosis is caused by the type of tumor, the presence and extent of metastasis, the stage of the tumor process, the response to therapy, etc. Thus, fibrosarcoma, for example, is characterized by slow growth and lack of metastases, so the prognosis is positive.

And leiomyosarcomas, on the contrary, are characterized by an aggressive course and early metastasis, which adversely affects the predictions.

With regard to prevention, there are no specific measures. To prevent sarcomatous skin formation it is recommended:

  • Timely and qualitatively provide treatment for any skin pathologies of allergic, inflammatory or infectious origin;
  • Avoid prolonged sunbathing or fanaticism in the solarium;
  • Until the end of trauma and skin damage, and avoid their recurrence;
  • Avoiding aggressive environmental influences such as carcinogens, radiation, harmful production, etc.
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