Osteoblastoklastoma of bones and soft tissues in children: causes, photos and treatment of giant cell tumor

Osteoblastoclastoma is a bony tumor of the benign course( rarely malignant in the primary appearance).Despite good quality, it, in fact, takes an intermediate place, because it grows rapidly and can start metastases.

Statistics of osteoblastoklastomy

Statistics show that the disease accounts for 20% of cancers of bone cancer and affects children and adults aged 15-30 years ( approximately 58% of cases).

Also statistical data show that the tumor most often affects long tubular bones( in about 74% of cases).

Classification of

There is an x-ray separation of tumors that distinguishes:

  • Cellular. Neoplasm has a cellular structure, formed from incomplete bone bridges.
  • Cystic. Appears from a cavity formed in the bone. The cavity is filled with a brown liquid, which makes it look like a cyst.
  • Litic. The bone pattern can not be determined because the tumor destroys the bone tissue.

Depending on the type of tumor, the patient's survival may be different.

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Localization of

There are 2 types of osteoblastoclast location with respect to bone structures:

  1. central , grown from the thickness of bones;
  2. peripheral , affecting the periosteum and superficial bone tissue;

In this case, the tumor can be localized on:

  • bones and soft tissues;
  • tendons;
  • sacrum;
  • of the lower jaw;
  • of the tibia;
  • humerus;
  • spine;
  • of the thigh;

Reasons for the development of the giant cell tumor of the bone

Despite the fact that osteoblastoklastoma began to be studied as far back as the 19th century, its causes could not be fully understood. Scientists came to a common opinion that the conditioning factors include:

  • inflammation of , affecting the periosteum and bone;
  • permanent bone injury , for the most part of the limbs;

Clinical manifestations of

Symptoms in osteoblastoclastoma are scant, similar to certain diseases of bone tissue. Forward of other symptoms makes itself felt constant aching, rarely turning into acute, pain in the place of defeat. The affected bone is deformed, often a pathological fracture is observed.

Signs and causes of malignant tumor

The reasons why benign osteoblastic folds become malignant are not fully understood.

There is a correlation between malignancy of the neoplasm and pregnancy, which is connected with the hormonal background of the woman. Also, the process can be affected by injury to the affected limb. Ozlakochestvlenie can occur because of repeatedly passed radiation therapy.

Signs that the tumor has become malignant is:

  • Neoplasm is rapidly growing.
  • The diameter of the focus of destruction of bone tissue increased.
  • The tumor passed from the cellular-trabecular to the lytic.
  • The closing plate has collapsed.
  • Contours of the focus of destruction become fuzzy.

Also in patients there is a multiple increase in pain syndrome.


Exact diagnosis of osteoblastoclastoma is possible only with the help of X-ray equipment. However, this is preceded by the collection of anamnesis in the patient and the analysis of the symptomatology.

After setting the expected diagnosis, the patient is assigned:

  • Biochemical blood test. Shows the patient's health status and the presence of bone resorption markers in the blood.
  • X-ray. Allows you to assess the condition of bone tissue. The method is good because every hospital has equipment for research, however, MRI and CT are more accurate and effective.
  • MRI or CT.Studies allow you to obtain a tumor image layer by layer, to assess its depth and condition.
  • Biopsy. It is a fence of the tumor site, allowing to assess its malignancy and finally establish a diagnosis.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional blood tests and the affected area of ​​the body.

Treatment of

The main treatment for osteoblastoclastoma is the resection of the area of ​​the bone affected by the disease. In this case, the remote part is replaced by an explant.

The photo shows the operation to remove the osteoblastoklastoma

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Sometimes a standard operation can be performed using cryosurgical equipment. If tumor metastases penetrate into the lungs, partial partial resection of the organ is indicated. Very rarely, the tumor can be infected or bleed strongly, which is why it is time to amputate the affected limb.

When radiotherapy is applied:

  1. orthovoltaic X-ray therapy;
  2. remote gamma-therapy;
  3. braking and electronic radiation;

Doctors claim that the optimal dose is 3-5 thousand rad for the month of the course.

Complications and prognosis

With timely access to a doctor, the patient has a 95-100% chance of recovery. Relapses, which occur extremely rarely, are formed in a manner similar to the primary neoplasm. Therefore, with proper prevention, they can be avoided in most cases.

Factors affecting the complication include:

  • Untimely or illiterate treatment of the disease.
  • Trauma of bone tissue.
  • Infection.
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