Interstitial form of uterine myoma and pregnancy, causes and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Benign uterine formations, unfortunately, occur in gynecological practice very often. For example, uterine fibroids, among the varieties of which the vast majority of tumors are interstitial formations.

What is the interstitial form of uterine fibroids?

Interstitial myomatous tumor occupies more than 90% of cases with all myomas.

Similar formations are most typical for women in the period of active reproduction, when a woman is quite capable of becoming pregnant and giving birth.

According to statistics, about half of the female population aged 34-47 is facing such a disease.

And over the years the pathology is steadily getting younger and is already detected in very young patients, which experts associate with the frequent use in gynecology of procedures such as scraping, laparoscopy, abortion, etc.

Causes of development of

As the most probable reasons for the development of such formations experts call:

  • Splashes of hormonal status, accompanied by an excessive content of estrogen hormones;
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  • If the lady after 30 has never given birth and did not experience full lactation;
  • With late onset of sexual intercourse;
  • Traumatic injuries of the uterine walls;
  • Infectious processes in the genitourinary sphere;
  • Heavy physical activity, coupled with a high load;
  • Real Exchange Disorders;
  • Severe delivery or a large number of abortions in the history;
  • Frequent stressful conditions, nervous breakdowns;
  • Endocrine pathology;
  • Unhealthy eating habits, obesity;
  • Lack of harmony and satisfaction in sexual life;
  • Hypertension;
  • Hereditary conditioning.

It is often difficult for specialists to determine any specific cause of the tumor process, since in most clinical cases the polyfactorial character of the etiology is revealed.

Symptoms of

Typical manifestations of interstitial benign tumors are specialists called pain syndrome, bleeding of uterine origin and disorders of intestinal and urinary function.

  • With compression effect on the vascular channels, located on all uterine walls, there is a disruption of the supply of tissue structures. Such processes cause characteristic soreness in the uterine region. In this way, the body informs the patient about the development of reproductive disorders. And the pains are not always the same - sometimes they bother constantly and have aching nature, and at times suddenly become temporary, but so intense that the patient experiences unbearable pain.
  • Interstitial fibroids, as a rule, develop in the presence of uterine bleeding. Monthly menstrual discharge becomes abundant, long-lasting. Often a woman is troubled by bleeding between menstruation. If the patient ignores such manifestations, then anemia of iron-deficiency type develops gradually, as blood loss leads to a significant decrease in the hemoglobin level.
  • Anemic processes provoke the emergence of constant weakness, discomforts and worsening of overall well-being.
  • If a tumor presses on the intestines or urinary structures, the woman often suffers from constipation and urination disorders.

Interstitial uterine myoma and pregnancy

If the myomatous node squeezes the tubes, then the onset of pregnancy will be impossible. If interstitial formation does not interfere with the onset of pregnancy, it may affect its course, since it is distinguished by internal growth.

With the aggravation of the tumor process at an early stage, the probability of miscarriage is high, in later terms, such nodes can provoke premature delivery.

Complications of

If the pathological symptoms are left unattended and untreated by the interstitial fibroids, then the anemic processes become more and more aggravated, the woman constantly looks pale and tired, she is troubled by weakness, dizziness and even fainting.

Uterine bleeding due to lack of treatment may increase, which is fraught with life-threatening conditions.

If education compresses the bladder, the lack of treatment can lead to pyelonephritis, urinary retention or urolithiasis.

Excessive pressure on the rectum causes blood circulation disorders, hemorrhoids development, chronic constipation, etc.

If the myomatous node actively grows into the uterine cavity, then the woman in the absence of treatment will necessarily face difficulties in terms of conception and bearing of the child.


For the differentiation of pathology, a comprehensive diagnosis is used, which involves the following procedures:

  1. Gynecological examination. It is carried out by means of palpation. If the nodes are localized in the frontal uterine wall, they are very easy to detect in this way;
  2. Laboratory research. Analyzes of blood, urine, smear, etc are processed;
  3. Ultrasound diagnosis. Highly informative method, allowing to accurately determine the size of education, its shape and location;
  4. MRI and CT are usually used rarely to clarify pathology;
  5. Hysteroscopy. The study is carried out using a special device( hysteroscope), which visualizes the formation, increasing its image.

Treatment and prevention of

The main method of treatment of all myomatous formations is surgery, but if pathology was detected at early stages, then conservative therapy can be managed.

The medical treatment of interstitial fibroids of the uterus body is based on hormonal therapy. The patient is shown taking androgenic steroids, progestogens, agonists, which correct the hormonal status and provoke a slowdown and even a decrease in the size of the tumor.

Similar treatment is usually applied to women who want to have a child in the future.

If conservative methods do not help, then an operative procedure is used such as:

  • Myomectomy - when the myoma node is removed;
  • Hysterectomy - when the ovaries are removed, the uterus body and the formation itself;
  • FUS ablation - involves evaporation of the formation by ultrasound.

Preventive measures include systematic visits to the gynecological office and exclusion of provoking factors of pathology.

Prognosis for

Interstitial tumor projections are ambiguous.

Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman to visit the gynecologist every year to avoid the neglect of interstitial fibroids.

Video about hysteroresectoscopic removal of interstitial uterine myoma with centripetal growth:

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