Polyp cervical uteri-is it dangerous: symptoms, causes, photos, diagnosis, treatment

Polyposis growths in gynecological practice are very common. Similar sprouting can be localized in the uterus itself or on its neck.

Cervical polyposis, also called similar growths on the cervix, is the background pathology, which is characterized by the proliferation of endocervical tissues lining the inside of the uterine neck.

Polyps are considered to be benign formations, but in the absence of necessary treatment they are able to be malignant, then a woman begins oncology processes that go to cervical cancer.

Causes of

The formation of polyps on the cervical tissues arises from the lack of hormonal balance.

But other causes can also provoke the polyp on the cervix:

  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system of inflammatory origin like endometritis, adnexitis;
  • Pathologies like fibroids, pseudo-erosive and erosive processes;
  • Endocervicitis;
  • Ovarian disturbances;
  • Therapeutic and diagnostic curettage, surgical abortion of pregnancy;
  • Impaired immune activity;
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  • Pathologies of the thyroid;
  • Pathologies of a venereal nature;
  • Early sexual life, frequent change of partners or neglect of barrier contraceptives;
  • Psycho-emotional stress, stress and depressive conditions that adversely affect the hormonal background.

Types of

As with endometrial polyposis, cervical polyps are:

  1. Adenomatous - such outgrowths are called atypical, they differ in a homogeneous structure and can grow up to 40 mm or more. Such formations are the most at risk of degeneration into oncology and cervical cancer, so after their surgical removal, patients are often prescribed a chemotherapy course;
  2. Ferro-fibrous - these formations contain glandular tissue and connective tissue base. Most often, such growths do not exceed 25 mm;
  3. Fibrous - are formed from connective tissue cells. Such growths are characteristic for women over 40 years of age and are often malignant;
  4. Mucous - such polyps are formed from glandular cellular structures. Usually, such growths are found in women with active reproduction, they rarely exceed 15 mm in size. Such a variety of polyposis practically does not recur and is very rarely re-qualified as a cancer.

Symptoms of

Initially, polyps in the cervical canal grow latent without showing, but with increasing education, the woman observes the appearance of specific symptoms:

  • Vaginal bleeding that is not related to menstruation. In cervical polyposis, bleeding is usually of a contact nature, i.e., occurs after gynecological examinations or after sexual intercourse;
  • Isolation of vaginal whites of , sometimes with an unpleasant odor, indicating the attachment of a secondary infectious process;
  • Painful symptoms of - they can occur when traumatized growths, and if the polyps are large, then aching soreness troubles the patient constantly;
  • Difficulty with conception, infertility. This symptom is almost always the case, because the polyp blocks the sperm in the uterus. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to go through a gynecological examination.

Polyposis symptomatology is determined by the magnitude and type of growths. At small sizes the pathology proceeds asymptomatically and does not cause trouble, but is revealed at casual survey of the gynecologist.

What is the danger of growth?

Polyps are usually background and arise from other pathological processes.

But if they are not cured in time, the polyps can be malignant and cause cancer.

Among the most common dangers lurking in polypous processes, specialists distinguish:

  1. Severe anemic processes caused by heavy bleeding;
  2. Infringement of formation by walls of the cervical channel for which elimination urgent surgical help is necessary;
  3. Even greater imbalance in hormonal status;
  4. High risk of miscarriage;
  5. Problems with conception, infertility;
  6. A high percentage of the probability of degeneration of sprouting into cancerous growths.

The greatest danger for a woman is the risk of oncology, since in this situation, usually not only the outgrowth, but also the uterine body is removed.

Cervical polyp during pregnancy

If a similar pathology is found during pregnancy, then there is no need to panic.

Sometimes the patient develops bleeding, which is caused by traumatism during sex or after an examination of an obstetrician-gynecologist. The peculiarity of polypous processes in pregnant women is that in such patients polyps begin to grow faster and acquire a bright shade.

Diagnosis of

. A doctor often sees a patient's polyposis during a gynecological examination. In case of suspicious symptoms, a woman should visit a specialist. Usually the gynecologist examines the patient with the help of mirrors.

For the confirmation of cervical polyposis, a woman is diagnosed with ultrasound. As additional techniques, metrographic, hysteroscopic research, etc.

This photo shows how the polyp looks on the neck of the uterus

The most informative diagnostic technique is hysteroscopy.

Thanks to hysteroscopy, a specialist can not simply reveal polyposis, but also determine the size and exact localization of formations, their numbers. In the process of hysteroscopy, a specialist can take a biomaterial for histological examination. A similar procedure is necessary to exclude cancer processes.

How to treat cervical polyposis?

Polyps are considered to be benign, but they still need to be treated, otherwise they can develop into cancer.

Neck polyps need to be removed, and if necessary, then in an additional therapeutic effect, for example, hormonal or anti-inflammatory treatment.

The outgrowth is removed surgically or by unscrewing. With single polyps, the tactic of unscrewing is usually used. To do this, the polyp is grasped with a special tool and pulled out by rotational movements, after which the cervical channel is carefully scraped to remove all the particles of polypous formation.

If polyps are multiple or a single growth is distinguished by a wide base, then the removal is carried out by surgical methods.

Used for polyps and drug therapy. But it can not be used as the main treatment, because it is impossible to get rid of polyps by conservative methods. Such treatment can only suppress the growth of these formations and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Sometimes women themselves refuse surgery, in such cases conservative treatment helps.

Medication for cervical polyps is usually based on the following treatment options:

  • Hormone therapy - involves the use of combined contraceptives, gestagens and other hormonal drugs, whose action is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background, slowing or stopping the growth of the polyp, restoring the cycle, stopping soreness, etc.;
  • Antibiotic therapy - is relevant if the polyposis is of an infectious and inflammatory origin, then drugs of macrolide( erythromycin, etc.), tetracycline( doxycycline), fluoroquinolone( metronidazole) or cephalosporin( cefotaxime) are prescribed;
  • Anti-inflammatory treatment - in the presence of inflammatory pathologies like adnexitis or cervicitis, NSAIDs( Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, etc.) are indicated;
  • Vitaminotherapy - is needed to stimulate immunity. B vitamins and iron, magnesium and zinc are especially needed.

Conservative treatment can significantly alleviate the clinical picture of cervical polyposis, but it is not possible to get rid of it medically. After stopping the use of drugs, polyps usually begin to grow again.

Surgery to remove polyp of cervical canal

Surgery to remove polyps is called polypectomy. It is carried out using a hysteroscope, which visualizes all the doctor's actions inside the vagina and cervix.

Hysteroscopic surgery to remove the build-up is today considered the most common method of treatment.

Most recently, the most common method of treatment was curettage scraping. But this technique is characterized by a number of negative aspects.

The procedure is carried out blindly, a specialist can remove the polyp not completely, which in the future will lead to a relapse. In addition, scraping is considered a rather traumatic method, so it is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Removal can also be performed using a laser method, which is considered to be minimally invasive and the most modern. The laser beam is directed to the polyp and pointwise it is removed.

The procedure is safe, does not damage surrounding tissues and does not affect reproductive functions. Possible removal by cryodestruction, radio wave therapy, diathermocoagulation, etc.

Preventive measures

Ideal preventive measures against cervical polyposis are measures aimed at excluding the factors contributing to their occurrence:

  • Eliminate stress and depressive conditions;
  • Regularly undergo gynecological examination, at least once a year;
  • Refuse bad habits;
  • If the polyposis was triggered by diabetes, then it is necessary to monitor the level of sugar;
  • Timely therapy of infectious pathologies, genitourinary and reproductive diseases like erosion or pseudo-erosion;
  • It is obligatory to use barrier means of contraception, etc.

Polypase cervical structures can provoke the development of cervical carcinoma, therefore, one should not start pathology on its own. It is better to start treatment as early as possible.

The video clearly shows a huge polyp in the cervical channel:

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