1, 2, 3 degrees of gastroptosis

In determining the strategy for treating gastric emptying, it is important to consider how far the pathology has developed. There are three stages of gastroptosis. Identify each help modern diagnostic procedures. At the first stage the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but early diagnosis helps to make quite favorable predictions. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of gastroptosis and in time to seek help from specialists.

Physicians distinguish three degrees of gastroptosis:

  • Diagnosis of gastro-optosis of 1 degree is made when the small curvature of the stomach is 2-3 cm above the line of the location of the gallbladder. Usually 1 degree does not show itself in any way. Only in 30% of cases the patients note a slight heaviness in the abdomen and the appearance of pain in the upper part of the stomach after running or jumping. After the termination of physical activity, sharp pain subsides, so they are few, who pays attention.
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  • Diagnosis of grade 2 gastroptosis is made when the low border of the stomach coincides with the line between the iliac crests. To the symptoms listed above, signs of a neurotic character are added. This rapid heart rate, mild dizziness, a feeling of light podtashnivaniya, resulting in decreased appetite.
  • The diagnosis of gastroptosis of the third degree is made when the lower edge of the stomach falls below the indicated scallop line. Here, and there are bright-marked symptoms. First, a person becomes intolerant of certain products. Most often disgust arises at the sight of fermented milk products, but acute and sour, salty and pickled you always want. The heartburn intensifies, attacks of a nausea become stronger, they quite often come to the end with urges to vomiting.

Additional symptoms of different degrees of gastroptosis

The fact that gastroptosis of the third degree develops shows the occurrence of prolonged painful constipation. They are formed because with a strong lowering of the stomach forms its bend, it negatively affects the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract, the peristalsis decreases, the feces move very slowly along the intestine.

When gastroptosis of the third degree develops, the abdominal organs fall into the pelvic area. As a result, there are strong cramping pains, which increase with any sharp movement. The pain does not go away, while the person shows at least some physical activity, but they instantly cease when the patient lies down and assumes a horizontal position. In this case, the secretory function of the stomach decreases, hydrochloric acid ceases to be produced. Its deficiency disrupts digestion, food is not fully absorbed, so the intestines and other organs associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract suffer.

If gastroptosis of 1 and 2 degrees is not too dangerous, then in 3 degrees it has serious consequences. A relaxed muscular frame provokes weakening of both sphincters of the stomach, and this leads to the transfer of bile to the esophagus and back to the stomach. First, this phenomenon gives rise to severe heartburn and promotes the formation of a bitter taste in the mouth, then ulcers form on the mucous, they bleed. With improper treatment, this complication very quickly develops into an oncology.

Prevention of gastroptosis of varying degrees

Given the axiom that states that the disease is easier to prevent than treat, it is necessary to remember about prevention. Even if gastroptosis of 1 or 2 degrees is diagnosed, with the help of certain measures it is possible to prevent the progress of the disease and prevent the appearance of the 3rd degree of pathology. What do we have to do?- Properly eat, lead an active lifestyle, strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall. Women who carry a child, those that experience a postpartum period, should wear a special bandage and constantly perform exercises for the press.

In the case when gastroptosis of the third degree is detected, complex treatment is required, which consists of several components. This is a therapeutic diet, a special therapeutic course of physical exercises, three courses of massage( each for 15 sessions).Drug therapy is appointed in a strictly individual order, taking into account the manifestation of painful symptoms. It is aimed at their elimination. Since gastroptosis of the third degree provokes a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid, during the treatment preparations are prescribed that can increase the production of gastric juice.

In the most severe cases, patients are advised to wear a bandage, he puts on when the person is lying on his back. Since gastroptosis is almost always accompanied by a hypotension of the stomach, patients almost always suffer from painful constipation. Methods of traditional medicine help to eliminate them. The story about them - the subject of a separate article, so it makes sense to flip through the pages of the site and learn more about this issue.

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