Treatment of gastric and intestinal dysfunction, how to raise, bandage, how to cure gastroptosis folk remedies, what to do?

When the patient is diagnosed with gastric emptying( gastroptosis), the treatment of this pathology is complex. It is aimed at eliminating painful symptoms, restoring the tonus of the musculoskeletal system and the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. To understand how to treat the omission of the stomach and intestines, it is possible only after X-ray examination. It gives a clear picture of how far the pathological process has gone, how much descent has occurred.

The doctor only after the examination makes a plan for treatment of bowel and stomach intubation. Most often it is conservative. Surgical intervention is resorted only when conventional therapy does not help, the disease progresses and provokes the development of irreversible processes. In all other cases, forecasts are almost always positive. So how to raise the stomach? The treatment of gastroptosis includes:

  1. A properly balanced diet.
  2. Recreational physical training.
  3. Hand massage.
  4. Medication.
  5. Wearing a bandage.
  6. Surgical intervention.
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Nutrition in the treatment of stomach and bowel descent

Anyone who wants to learn how to treat gastric emptying should first of all review their gastronomic habits and make the organs of the gastrointestinal tract work by the hour. For this, the patient needs to eat often( six times a day), but in small portions. The volume of a single meal is not more than 0.5 liters. This amount of food will not last long in the stomach, which means that food will not stretch it, aggravating the situation.

Only quick-digestible products are selected for cooking, and the dishes should remain caloric and balanced. Everything eaten for the day should help normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, so it's worth paying attention to porridges cooked on the water, raw vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat, sour-milk products.

For the control of constipation prescribed various vinaigrettes, filled with any vegetable oil. It is useful to eat a few fruits a day prunes. But from white bread, any sweet and sweet baked goods should be discarded. After each meal it is useful to lie for half an hour without moving, without making sudden movements.

LFK in the treatment of gastric emptying

It is the weakening of the muscular skeleton that causes the bowel and stomach to collapse, how to raise its tone, can tell only the doctor. Do not ignore his recommendations. The complex of exercises is selected in each individual case, but there are general exercises that should be learned and taken as a basis for health improvement. It is important to understand that physical education is useful only at the initial stages of gastroptosis. Under the influence of systematic training the muscular corset strengthens, which favorably affects the general condition of the patient.

All lessons are spent lying on the couch, the end of which is slightly raised. If the couch is not at hand, exercise can be done on the floor, but under the loin it is necessary to put a roller, 30 cm high. Only in this position can the body described take its usual anatomical position. All exercises are performed at a calm pace, jerks and sharp movements are contraindicated. In the most recent stages, this type of exercise is contraindicated.

If physical activity is prescribed for gastric and intestinal descent, then the following exercises should be done using the following basic complex:

  1. Lying on the back, stretching along the trunk of the leg, it is necessary to lift up the extended legs alternately: first left, then right( each leg 4 times each).
  2. We make a semi-lock. For this, we bend our legs in the knees, lean on the feet, and raise the pelvis.
  3. Hands along the trunk, lift both feet up and gently lower them, taking the original position.
  4. Raise up and down both hands.
  5. Simulate riding a bike.
  6. We simulate walking on the spot.
  7. We pull the knees bent at the knees and turn them first to the right, then to the left.

All exercises are performed four times. Training lasts in the first month no more than 15 minutes. A single approach is sufficient. The next month, the duration of training is not increased, but you will have to do it more than once, and twice a day. On the third month of the day, you will have to do three workouts of 15 minutes each. The course of treatment of gastroptosis - 3 months, then again a diagnostic examination. He must show whether the gastric and intestinal admission progresses, and whether treatment has been effected effectively.

It is useful immediately after physical education to make yourself a massage of the abdominal cavity. You do not need to get up, knees are bent and pulled to the stomach. Hands in a circular motion clockwise it is necessary to make soft movements-stroking.

Medication for bowel and stomach desecration

Medication should help to remove painful symptoms and restore the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Solving the question of how to cure the omission of the stomach and intestines, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and not engage in self-medication. How to be and what to do:

  • If you have severe pain, you need to drink antispasmodics.
  • Sedatives are used to treat vegetative symptoms.
  • Anabolic steroids are prescribed as strengthening and stimulating agents.
  • To eliminate constipation, laxatives, rectal suppositories and enemas with solutions are used. It is here that people's means are welcomed.

Treatment of gastric emptying with folk remedies

Traditional medicine helps to combat some symptoms of gastric emptying. For example, infusions and broths are capable of restoring the motor-evacuation functions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is useful, for example, for these purposes to drink infusion of millennia and bitter wormwood. Such a drug effectively eliminates constipation.

Restoring the secretory function of gastric juice can be done with plantain. A preparation is prepared from fresh leaves, they are poured in half liters of boiling water and cooked lightly over low heat. Drink the broth for half an hour before meals for 100 mg.

In the treatment of gastric and intestinal dysfunction, folk remedies actively use clay applications. Clay is mixed with water, kneaded, thus, a cake with a plate size, it is superimposed on the stomach and held there for three hours. Such treatment with folk remedies significantly facilitates the patient's condition and speeds up recovery.

Bandage in the lowering of the stomach and intestines

A bandage is worn only in severe forms of gastroptosis. The product can be bought ready in the pharmacy, and you can make it yourself, taking a waffle towel and sewing ordinary hooks to it. You can make a bandage against the lowering of the stomach from special bandages for the abdomen. As a result, you should get a belt that is similar to those used by heavyweight athletes.

It is important to understand that the bandage should be properly worn when bowel is lowered:

  • Firstly, it is worn in the morning before breakfast, and it is removed in the evening after dinner.
  • Secondly, to wear a bandage when lowering it is necessary only in the supine position on the back.

Such a tool improves the patient's condition, preventing the occurrence of severe cutting pains.

Operative treatment of gastroptosis

How to treat gastric and intestinal dysfunction, if the above remedies do not help to stop the progression? In the most severe stages, surgical treatment is often used. In this case, the surgeon re-forms the muscular framework, pulling up the ligaments, attaching the stomach to the diaphragm. But, as practice shows, after such operations, relapses often occur. Stomach again sags, what to do in this case, solves the consultation of doctors.

Knowledge of how to treat gastric and intestinal dysfunction for many helps effectively fight against gastroptosis.

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