Can there be an allergy to alcohol: causes, symptoms, treatment, photo

Many people are not by hearsay acquainted with allergic reactions. The body can react violently to anything: pollen flowers, animal hair, water, frosty air and, to the delight of some, alcoholic beverages.

Allergy to alcohol

Can there be an allergy to alcohol? It's amazing, but it happens. Surprisingly, ethanol is a natural metabolite of the body, that is, the body produces alcohol in small doses. Immunologists converge in one - a reaction to endogenous alcohol, that is, worked out by the body itself, does not happen. The molecule of ethanol is very small, so that the body could form a kind of immune defense against it, so there can be no allergic reaction to pure alcohol without additives and impurities.

Causes of

A violent reaction of an organism to a foreign protein called allergy occurs when a small molecule of ethanol attaches to a larger component - a protein, to which the immune system actually reacts, trying to force it out of the body.

Conclusions about why the allergy to alcohol develops by itself:

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  • In the alcoholic beverage there are fragrances, dyes, preservatives and other additives that cause a response of immunity.
  • Alcoholic beverage of questionable quality.
  • Home-made wine that has not been cleaned.
  • Significant bust in the use of alcohol.

It becomes clear that any beverage consumed, be it expensive cognac or cheap alcohol tincture, can contain polysaccharides, which cause such a reaction of the body. That is, an allergic can have a terrible reaction to wine or champagne, and beer and beer drinks will not be allergic. Consider the main components of each of the popular alcoholic beverages, which are likely allergic reaction.
On the video about the causes of alcohol allergy?

On wine

Not all components of even the most expensive winemaking product are safe for human health. Almost 99% of winemakers add to their wines sulfur dioxide( sulfur dioxide), which is a powerful allergen. In principle, sulfur compounds are completely unnecessary in the production of alcoholic beverages, but in this case the wine will be very expensive. Sulfur dioxide is added at all stages of wine production, and in some cases contributes to changes at the molecular level, which causes the reaction.

No less common is the allergy to chemicals used in winemaking for spraying grapes or berries from pests. Pesticides, even in a small amount present in the products of winemaking, can cause a severe reaction up to suffocation.

On beer

Very often allergen is barley malt. People who are hypersensitive to gluten of barley have a similar protein in the epithelium of the intestinal wall. Prolonged use of beer causes a specific reaction of the body, in which the epithelium of certain parts of the body, in particular the conjunctiva of the eyes, the urethra, the intestine or the articular shell, is attacked by antigens originally directed to the protein of gluten of barley. There is a complex autoimmune reaction of the body, when even a small amount of beer provokes diarrhea, inflammation of the joints or skin rashes in a person.


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In addition, modern breweries sin by changing the classical formula of beer and add to the foamy drink various artificial additives: flavorings, dyes and preservatives, which does not have the best effect on the beverage itself and on the humanhealth.

On ethanol

It's worth mentioning vodka products. A small percentage of the population has an allergic reaction to pure ethanol, without any impurities.

Than to explain this? Ethanol in its pure form, being a powerful solvent, gets into the blood and spreads to all organs, including the intestine. The permeability of the intestinal wall increases, as a result of which foreign proteins from not completely digested food and various toxins enter the blood, which causes an allergic reaction.

Do not forget about the individual alcohol intolerance. Some people do not have a special enzyme in the body that can split alcohol into acetaldehyde, which is subsequently broken down by special enzymes.

How to recognize the symptoms of an allergy

Most often, an allergic reaction to alcohol begins to manifest immediately after drinking a drink.

Symptoms of the reaction may be as follows:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • puffiness of the face, in severe cases - edema of internal organs;
  • small red rashes( urticaria) on the face or other parts of the body or scaly patches causing severe itching;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling in the nose, accompanied by a strong outflow of mucus;
  • is a severe headache.

It is extremely difficult to diagnose an allergic reaction independently. Any of the above signs can be associated with other diseases not related to allergies. In any case, it is worthwhile to call a doctor and consult about this reaction.

Initially, with the first signs of allergy, patients are not serious about its manifestations, especially since signs soon pass without leaving any consequences. However, if allergic reactions occur frequently and last for a long time, it is fraught with bronchial spasm, Quinck's edema or anaphylactic shock. Such conditions are dangerous not only for health, but also for human life. Therefore, at the first signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction to alcohol, it is worth taking measures to eliminate this disease.

On the photo, an allergic reaction to alcohol in the form of red spots on the face of

What to do

The algorithm of action for allergic reactions will be as follows:

  1. If the allergic reaction is accompanied by severe headaches, an increase or a sharp decrease in blood pressure, suffocation, loss of consciousness, then it is worth callingdoctors-resuscitators!
  2. Procrastination in such cases can cost the patient's life.
  3. Eliminate the use of alcohol, which has a reaction.
  4. If you can not avoid drinking alcohol, then you should try to improve the quality of alcohol, along with a decrease in dosage. For example, instead of vodka, use cognac.
  5. With little alcohol and a mild allergic reaction, it is worthwhile to support the digestive system by removing from the snacks potentially dangerous dishes from the point of view of the allergic response of the body, taking enzymes or sorbents such as activated carbon tablets, smectas or enterosgels.
  6. Take antihistamines( Fenistil, Claritin) and Prednisolone in a dosage prescribed by a doctor allergist.
  7. If an attack of suffocation occurs before the doctors arrive, give the patient an anti-asthmatic inhaler.

Treatment of

Allergy is considered a very complex disease, and getting rid of it is quite difficult. The only salvation from which can be a complete rejection of a substance that causes a violent reaction. In the case of alcoholic beverages, this is quite possible. Moreover, with the identified allergies to wine and wine products, it is possible to replace wine with good quality brandy or vodka. For the prevention of diseases of the intestine and liver it is worthwhile to carry out medical treatment and support of these organs. Reception of antihistamines of new generation will help not to aggravate the revealed problem.

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