But-spa and alcohol: compatibility, can it be combined, the consequences

Aggressive advertising of medicines encourages many of us to always carry a whole first aid kit with pills. This is not always justified, but it happens that you can not do without a pill. To the necessary medicines can be attributed No-shpu.

No-spa - the best antispasmodic

No-shpa is considered the most affordable and known drug used by patients to relieve spasms. But-shpu take from a headache and spasms in the intestines, with pains in the stomach and diseases of the urinary tract.

The spasmolytic effect of the drug is due to the presence of drotaverine hydrochloride, which is a myotropic antispasmodic, in its composition, that is, a substance whose action is directed at eliminating spasms of smooth muscles.

No-shpa is used to relieve pain and spasm with such manifestations as:

  • gastrointestinal spasms with gastritis, colitis, ulcer, enteritis, etc.;
  • headaches;
  • diseases of the bile duct system;
  • pain in the pathological processes of the urinary system;
  • dysmenorrhea.
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Often, obstetricians prescribe drotaverin to their patients in order to relieve the tone of the uterus in order to prevent spontaneous abortion.

Advertising presents us with a spy as an absolutely safe product, however this is not entirely true information.

In fact, the medicine has contraindications, which include:

  • liver and kidney pathology;
  • severe heart failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.

For example, No-shpa tablets are not recommended for people who are lactose intolerant, and it is not worthwhile to put injections in the presence of allergic diseases, bronchial asthma and increased susceptibility to sodium metabisulphite.


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With severe pain in the abdomen, it is necessary to exclude such acute pathologies as appendicitis, perforation of the ulcer, exacerbation of pancreatitis. But-shpa effectively removes the pain, and the patient in the meantime will lose precious minutes, during which doctors can save his life.

It's worth remembering that the nosh does not treat the disease, but only relieves spasm of smooth muscles. In this regard, do not get carried away by the drug and swallow it with handfuls at any hint of poor health. Duration of painful sensations more than two days should become an occasion for the reference to the doctor.
In the video description of the drug No-shpa:

Compatibility with alcohol

Drotaverin and spirits have some similarity in action on the human body - vasodilation, decreased muscle tone, general relaxing effect. After taking a pill of medicine with a sip of wine, the patient will receive the maximum relaxation of smooth muscles and a quick cure for spasm.

However, in addition to getting rid of pain symptoms, you can get not very pleasant effects:

  • pressure decrease, which threatens with general weakness and headache;
  • frequent urination due to relaxation of the musculature of the bladder;
  • spontaneous release of gases and rapid bowel evacuation;
  • tachycardia and difficulty breathing.

Similar symptoms, of course, will not be manifested in all its glory when raising one glass of champagne at the table, but after consuming more strong drinks in considerable doses - it is quite probable.

If such sudden manifestations from the body do not scare, then it can be said that No-shp is allowed to be used in combination with alcohol. Moreover, drotaverin interferes with the absorption of ethanol into the blood, thereby preventing a state of deep intoxication. This, by the way, is used by narcologists in the withdrawal of patients from drunken states.

Quite often patients wonder if it is possible to drink after they have injected a No-shpa prick. In fact, both forms of the drug act on the body are absolutely identical, the effect of the injection is only more rapid and helps with increased spasms. Therefore, you can drink, because they are compatible, but not much.

Possible consequences

But-spa is still not an inoffensive vitamin, it is a medicine used for medical purposes, for this reason the body can react to the simultaneous reception of antispasmodic and wine quite differently from what we planned. Strong relaxation of the muscles can lead to inability to move and, in some cases, to inhale, it is considered a threatening condition.

Sudden allergic reaction to tablets, enhanced by the action of alcohol, can lead to swelling of the tissues, rashes throughout the body and itching hives.

Increased heart rate and a simultaneous decrease in pressure as a result of drinking the drug with vodka or cognac are quite capable of leading the patient to resuscitation.

It is worth remembering that in some diseases, during which there is a spasm, it is strictly forbidden to drink! Gastritis or ulcer, cystitis or colitis, with the aggravation of which pain syndrome occurs, are an absolute contraindication to taking alcohol.

Rules for combining

After taking a No-shpa pill or injecting a shot, it is worth, if possible, to withstand a pause before drinking alcohol for at least a few hours, so that the medicine has time to act. In this case, alcohol is less intoxicating, but at the same time its antidepressant effect will decrease.

How much after the drug can I drink? Complete excretion of Noshpa from the body occurs, 72 hours after the injection or taking the pill. Consequently, people who are attentive to their health, it is better to delay the use of alcohol at this time.


Despite the fact that pharmacology does not officially prohibit the combination of No-shp with alcoholic beverages, and in some cases such interaction is even recommended, nevertheless this union should be avoided. Noshpa is a chemical drug that can cause a large number of secondary consequences, and ethanol will only strengthen them.

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