Fenotropil and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, whether it is possible to use simultaneously

Alcohol and medications, as a rule, do not mix well with each other. Some drugs and it is completely forbidden to use in combination with alcohol, such an alliance can even lead to a fatal outcome. However, pharmacists are not always so categorical in questions of combining alcohol and drugs. One of the means that can be used without difficulty in combination with alcohol is phenotropil.

Description of the drug Fenotropil

Fentotropil is a drug belonging to the class of nootropics, that is, drugs that improve brain activity.

Fenotropil has excellent characteristics:

  • improves memory and learning;
  • helps you to concentrate and remember information;
  • supports the body during periods of severe stress;
  • improves mood;
  • increases the resistance of brain cells to the toxic effects of various substances;
  • supports high performance.

The scope of phenotropil is very broad:

  • depressive states;
  • alcoholism, including alcoholic delirium;
  • any disorders of the blood circulation of the brain;
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  • vascular pathologies in the brain;
  • convulsions;
  • obesity;
  • stress states;
  • memory degradation.

The drug is taken after a meal, it is better if the reception time is in the morning, because one of the negative actions of phenotropil is insomnia. A daily dose of more than 100 mg per day is divided into two doses. What exactly quantity of tablets to take and how much time to be treated is only the doctor who prescribes this medicine can say. On average, the course of treatment with phenotropil takes from one to three months. But is it possible to drink alcohol during this period?
On the video about the drug Fenotropil:

Compatibility with alcohol

Fenotropil is one of the drugs that treat alcoholism. Its unique effect is that the active substance of the drug reduces the effect of alcohol on the brain, thereby blocking alcohol intoxication. Having taken a pill of phenotropil before a booze, a person will remain sober throughout the evening, and the state of a hangover will not torment him the next morning. The course of taking phenotropil removes cravings for drinking alcohol, helps to restore impaired brain functions, destroyed by long-term intake of alcoholic beverages, treats post-alcohol depression.

However, whatever is said about the absence of harm in the joint use of alcohol and phenotropil, it is not recommended to systematically combine these two substances. A single intake of alcohol after the morning medication tablets is quite possible and serious damage to the organs is unlikely to cause, and as for systematic drinking-bouts with the course drug treatment, then it's much sadder.

That's why doctors are afraid to recommend after a long treatment immediately rush into the pool of alcoholic fun with your head.


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In addition, the ability of phenotropil is known to enhance the inhibition of the central nervous system in its initially depressed state. But it is ethanol that is the forerunner of such a depression of the nervous system.

Possible consequences of

As mentioned, chronic alcohol use against the background of treatment with phenotropil promotes the mass death of neurons of the brain, called apoptosis. This process is irreversible and fleeting. The consequences of apoptosis are simply awful - a person loses memory and the ability to abstract thinking, his speech becomes poor, visual and auditory activity decreases.

Even a single use of alcohol on the background of a course of treatment with phenotropil can lead not to the desired effect of reducing intoxication, but to other consequences. The oppressive effect of ethanol on the nervous system in combination with the drug can cause severe drowsiness, lethargy, and mood deterioration.

It should be noted that, in addition to the brain, there are other organs in our body that are in no way protected from the negative impact of ethanol toxins on them. Therefore, we should not rely on the magic effect of phenotropil, as a defender of our body from the harm caused by alcoholic beverages.

Rules for the combination of

Despite the good compatibility, doctors recommend spreading pentropil tablets and consuming alcohol in time. This means that after taking a pill of phenotropil in the morning, a person can drink alcohol only after 8-10 hours, and it is better if it is a small amount of wine, rather than a bottle of vodka.


In general, the opinions of specialists suggest that there should be no harm from the joint use of phenotropil and alcohol, these preparations perfectly coexist in the body, which does not lead to an immediate increase in the toxic effect of alcohol. However, it should always be remembered that a person is not a robot, but a complex organism, and it is practically impossible to predict in advance how an organ reacts to such a combination. Therefore, a prudent person will take any medicine only according to the prescription of the doctor and will never mix it with a toxic substance such as ethanol.

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