How much nicotine is contained in a regular cigarette and in a liquid for electronic cigarettes

To understand how much nicotine is contained in cigarettes, it costs any smoker. Perhaps the awareness of the harm that causes smoking to a person will help to abandon the addiction in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

Nicotine in cigarettes

Who has not heard the famous phrase "a drop of nicotine kills a horse"?It is unlikely that there are such among the smokers and non-smokers. Nevertheless, such a sad truth about nicotine - the main active ingredient in a cigarette - stops very few people, being considered no more than a joke. Any animal can die from a drop of nicotine, and a person continues to use this substance, supplementing it with smoke with tar and other carcinogens. It's easy to guess that the harm from cigarettes is huge, and the danger for smokers is very high. This is directly confirmed by the number of people who regularly die from lung cancer and other diseases caused by smoking.

After penetration into the body, nicotine quickly enters the bloodstream. Further, it passes into the brain, satisfying the need for nicotinic receptors and giving the person the desired pleasure. But nicotine has another property - it also quickly( after 2 hours) leaves the body, so the hand of the smoker and reaches for the next cigarette. Quick removal from the blood saves a person - the body does not accumulate a lethal dose, so it continues to live.

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Nicotine, which is found in plant leaves, relaxes, soothes the nervous system and quickly leads to dependence on it.

Other harmful effects of nicotine are as follows:

  • Depletion of the body through constant release of glucose and adrenaline
  • Blood thickening, tightening and folding
  • VAS spasm
  • Provoking thrombosis and stroke

Therefore, knowing how much nicotine in cigarettes everyone needs,the amount will help to somewhat reduce the dependence on cigarettes. Unfortunately, other toxic substances still make smoking a deadly habit. In addition, in order to compensate for the low amount of nicotine, manufacturers generously siphon cigarettes with other toxic components, which creates a very dangerous "cocktail".

Permissible amount of

There are two forms of this substance - free and salt. The latter is present in cigarettes, but during combustion it passes into a free form, which is absorbed in the body. Precisely to measure the amount of nicotine is obtained only in the remainder of the filter cigarette, and how much it got into the body, it is almost impossible to determine. Therefore, all the information indicated on the cigarette pack relative to the content of nicotine, will, in fact, be useless.

Different brands contain different amounts of nicotine. For example, in popular classic cigarettes brand "Chesterfield" - 1 mg.nicotine, in Winston - 1.08 mg., in Astra without a filter - in general 1.3 mg. The lowest indicator of the presence of nicotine in a cigarette is the figure of 0.3 mg., and the average of all cigarettes is the figure0.5 mg. In domestic cigarettes, nicotine is usually more than in a foreign-made product. And it is on the basis of what is written on the packs and you can talk about how many cigarettes you need to get a drop of nicotine, or how many grams of the same nicotine in one pack.


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The amount of nicotine in various brands of cigarettes

Information on the sale of light cigarettes, in which the nicotine content is lower than in conventional cigarettes, is now widely distributed. So how many drops of nicotine is present in one cigarette, and can a person die from such a quantity of this vegetable poison? The lethal dose for the human body is from 50 to 100 mg, in general it is not higher than 60 mg. If you take into account that in one strong cigarette about 1 milligram of nicotine( in a pack - about 20 mg.), Then for a lethal outcome you need to consecutively consume 60 cigarettes, or slightly less or more. This is about 2-3 drops of pure nicotine( a drop is about 25-35 cigarettes).Of course, no one can smoke so much, therefore, instant death to smokers almost does not threaten.

In recent years, in addition to "facilitating" cigarettes, there is also a direct opposite tendency to changing standards and adding more and more nicotine to tobacco products. This is very dangerous, because the dependence of smokers is formed faster. Also, the increase in the concentration of nicotine means the appearance of even greater difficulties when trying to abandon cigarettes - "breaking" will be very strong. Producers do this consciously, deliberately, in order to receive all the big profits. But the hygienic norms for ordinary cigarettes have not been canceled yet. According to them, the remote control for nicotine is 1.3 mg., For resins - 15 contained in 1 cigarette, so all the same it is worth to carefully inspect the packet when buying.

Classification of cigarettes on the fortress

As it was already mentioned, the indicators of the strength of cigarettes, or the degree of their irritating effect on the respiratory tract, are marked on the side of the pack, which is known by any inveterate smoker. The fortress is due to the increase or decrease in the presence of nicotine and other substances. The better the grade of tobacco, the less nicotine in it, and vice versa. The fortress, according to experts, represents the ability of a tobacco product to saturate the body of a smoker, to provide him with satisfaction. The stronger the cigarette, the larger will be the breaks between smoking.

Classification of cigarettes for the fortress is exemplary, it can vary greatly in different countries:

  1. Strong - packs of red, black.
  2. Light - blue shades of packs.
  3. Super-light - packs of gray, silvery colors.
  4. Extralight - white packs.

Also cigarettes, according to GOST, are divided into classes - the first-fourth class is inherent in light and medium-strength cigarettes, the fifth class belongs to the average fortress and above the middle, the sixth, the seventh - to the fortress above the average. It should be noted that in many grades of cheap tobacco, approximately the same amount of nicotine, and the change in strength is made possible by the number of holes on the filter when mixing tobacco smoke with air.

If the dependence on such products is less, then the damage to the body is even higher, and heavy smokers have more problems with time. There is another underwater stone: in order not to lose its buyer, tobacco cigarettes have recently been treated with ammonia, after which its chemical formula changes. Even despite the reduced amount of nicotine, it easily passes through the cell membranes, so its amount in the body can reach high values.

How much nicotine is in the liquid for electronic cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes have appeared recently, representing a vapor-gasifier, evaporating nicotine. A special liquid is poured into the cartridge of the cigarette, which will evaporate when the smoke is inhaled.

Manufacturers offer liquids according to the following classification:

  • SUPER LIGHT, 6 mg - super low nicotine concentration
  • LIGHT, 12 mg - low nicotine concentration
  • MED, 18 mg - average nicotine concentration
  • HI, 24 mg and higher - high nicotine content

On salealso it is possible to meet and beznikotinovuyu liquid NO, 0 mg. When smoking an electronic cigarette, nicotine acts on the body in a similar way as it does when inhaling smoke from ordinary cigarettes. It just as badly affects the vessels, heart, nervous system, stomach and intestines.

Nicotine electronic cigarettes also support the dependence of a smoker, preventing him from giving up a bad habit. The body will ask for ever larger and larger doses of the harmful substance. Usually the smoker gradually changes to stronger varieties of liquid for an electronic cigarette, which only strengthens his cravings. The conclusion is one: you can get rid of smoking if you "cut off" all communication with the cigarette and leave the habit completely!

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