Does smoking help lose weight or prevent weight loss: research, the effect of nicotine on the body

Smoking and losing weight - one of the most famous myths about the effect of nicotine on health, figure and beauty. Many people( both men and women) are genuinely confident that cigarettes help them maintain weight in shape. A popular horror story that the rejection of tobacco dependence immediately leads to a set of hated kilograms and provokes obesity, only plays into the hands of the world's cigarette manufacturers.

Smoking and losing weight

How exactly smoking affects weight loss is a matter that has long been in the sphere of the closest attention of scientists from all over the world. A slender woman or a smart man with a cigarette is a classic image of a smoker. And although there are a lot of full people with nicotine addiction in the world, it is still believed that tobacco poison helps to control weight in an incomprehensible way.

  • The most extensive study of this smoking problem was conducted in the early 2000s. They were scientists from University College in London. The specialists wanted to understand the source of this phenomenon, and for 6 years they watched over 3000 thousands of teenagers - from 11 years to 16 years. Some of the subjects smoked, but some did not.
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As a result, it was found out that there is absolutely no difference in weight, body mass index, caloric intake or fatty foods among smokers and non-smokers. All the differences appear later, when a long nicotine experience leads to the most dangerous changes in the work of the body.

  • Another major experiment proved that weight gain on smoking does not always stop. In many cases, because of endocrine disorders, the principle by which fats are deposited changes.

In regular smokers, fats are deposited according to the male principle, "apple", - around the waist and in the upper part of the trunk. This phenomenon can perceptibly distort the female figure, which is traditionally formed by the type of "pear" - a thin waist and pronounced hips.

  • If we talk about the reasons for the harmony of smokers, then here is a really breakthrough study of scientists from Cornell University in New York.

The effect of smoking on the weight of

But the effect of nicotine on the figure is explained not only by the active work of an unknown gene with a mysterious name.

When a person smokes a cigarette, a whole series of factors( physical and psychological) come into play, which affect not only the presence of unnecessary kilograms, but also the appearance of the smoker as a whole.

But does smoking really help to lose weight and what exactly affects weight:

  1. In the process of smoking saliva is actively produced, and food does not come into the body. In the deceived stomach small ulcers can be formed because of the increased acid, and in the course of time the contractile function decreases. As a result, the appetite decreases and digestion problems begin - heaviness, colitis, gastritis, etc.
  2. The smoker's organism is forced to constantly struggle with the toxic effect of nicotine. This consumes not only the calories that come with food, but also the internal reserves of the body, because of what already burned calories burned.
  3. Often, smoking serves to save people from stress. A smoked cigarette replaces a sandwich and a chocolate bar, resulting in fewer calories and the body has nowhere to replenish fat stores.
  4. Tobacco poison, getting into the blood, stimulates the production of the hormone glycogen. Usually the body uses it as an energy fuel in emergency cases, but here it takes for normal, natural glucose and starts up. Therefore, the feeling of hunger for a period dulled.
  5. Nicotine disrupts the endocrine glands, which causes hormonal failure. As a result, normal metabolism is distorted, and fats are deposited "not in those places."Hence - the accumulation of fat tissue around the waist, while the hips and legs remain still slender. Therefore, in some way, a bad habit even prevents weight loss.
  6. Nicotine disrupts vascular function and causes oxygen deficiency. Because of this, blood circulation and outflow of lymph are broken, the skin becomes gray, flabby, cellulite develops. Even with slender people.

On the video on how smoking affects a person's weight:


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Weight gain after giving up the habit of

After giving up a cigarette buzz, the body slowly but surely returns to normal working rhythm. And this often leads to a natural weight gain. This phenomenon is noticed by many smokers with experience, but the reasons for the sharpness of the completeness are quite understandable.

In addition, the appetite at this time increases naturally. The level of glycogen returns to normal, and the body requires its share of glucose, which means - a tasty and high-calorie meal.

Avoiding the appearance of extra pounds after you quit smoking is quite real.

To quit smoking and not replenish just follow a few simple rules:

  1. In the first weeks after the withdrawal from nicotine doping, it is important to clearly plan the diet. In the first months there is a tendency to gain weight, so a balanced diet is simply necessary. In addition, a healthy diet will help to quickly restore the correct metabolism.
  2. Physical load first. Starting is small - daily walks, swimming, then - favorite sports, fitness, etc. Exercise not only helps to burn excess fat, they contribute to the development of a "pleasure hormone" of dopamine, and this helps not to break and not return to cigarettes again.
  3. Try to maximize your day. Favorite work, sports, meetings with friends, walks - a tight schedule will not let you think about smoking every minute and overcome your dependence as soon as possible.

What the experts say

At the same time, smoking is not always accompanied by slenderness. Smokers with a long history often have a serious hormonal failure, when the body can no longer fully process nutrients. Therefore, even in those people who eat relatively little, stocks of adipose tissue are rapidly increasing.

Ex-smokers also tend to accelerate weight gain in the first months. Due to severe stress, the number of meals per day can grow up to 8-9 times a day, because of this people sometimes gain up to 10 kg in the first month.

However, these problems can easily be avoided if you eat right and remember about physical activity. Then the metabolism soon normalizes, the work of the endocrine glands stabilizes, and after a few months the weight will return to normal. And to the slender figure will be added and other "bonuses" of the life-free life - shining even skin, shiny hair, strong nails and perfect health in general.

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