Lymphedema: treatment methods, prognosis, diagnosis, symptoms

Representing a constantly progressive process of edema of the lower extremities tissues or other areas affected by the disease, lymphedema is characterized by significant impairment in the outflow of lymph and the formation of a characteristic swelling of the upper layer of the epidermis. The initial stage of this pathological process may be invisible, but the progression of the disease entails serious disruptions in the process of lymph movement in the body and malfunctions in many of its functions.

The resulting lymphatic vascular injury, lymphedema, has its own classification, which allows you to determine whether the current condition belongs to a particular species and, in accordance with this, prescribe the necessary treatment that facilitates the main symptomatology and eliminates discomfort in the patient. Most often this pathology affects the lower extremities, but there are cases of the appearance of lesions and other parts of the body with characteristic manifestations.

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Features of the

  • disease Lymphedema, according to statistics, can occur both in women( mainly in the elderly after 45 years) and in middle-aged and older men( from 52 years).
  • However, even in young people and children, this pathology is noted in its variety, which refers to inherited and congenital changes in the state of lymphatic vessels.

ICD-10 code for lymphedema:

  • I89.0 Lympho-edema, not elsewhere classified
  • Q82.0 Hereditary lymphedema

This disease is characterized by gradually increasing edema of soft tissues, while the affected part of the body increases significantly in volume and is accompanied by such unpleasant externalmanifestations like lack of sensitivity on most of the affected skin, its appearance resembles an orange peel, the folds of the skin surround the joints. The lower extremities take the form of a column: clear contours are lost and the joints are not visible.

Photo of secondary lymphedema of lower extremities

Classification of

Today in medical practice a definite classification of lymphedema is adopted, which is determined by the mechanism of the origin of this pathological condition.

There are two types of this disease:

  1. Primary is a variant that occurs less frequently and manifests itself as a congenital pathology of the lymphatic system, which is most closely associated with childhood. At the same time there is a presence of hyperplasia and aplasia of vessels, thinning of their walls and poor elasticity. In parallel, there are some accompanying diseases that worsen the patient's condition.
  2. Secondary of lymphedema, an acquired disease and also characterized by similar external symptoms. Often, this condition is the result of surgical intervention, burns of varying intensity, removal or trauma to the lymph nodes.

Characteristic symptoms are manifested in both types of pathology, and their detection at the initial stages of the development of the disease allows for timely treatment.

The causes of lymphedema and its treatment are described in the video below:

Causes of

Depending on the variety, the causes that caused lymphedema may also differ. The most common reasons for the development of this pathology include the following:

  • heredity - genetic predisposition is fundamental to the primary form of the disease;
  • mechanical effects on lymphatic vessels and nodes: surgical intervention, injuries, burns, trauma at birth;
  • infectious diseases, the consequences of which are disorders of the functioning of lymphatic vessels;
  • removal of lymph nodes.

Modern diagnostic methods allow you to determine any changes in the state of the lymphatic system, which makes it possible to quickly detect lymphedema and begin treatment to restore the state of blood vessels to prevent the aggravation of pathological processes.

Symptoms of lymphedema of the lower extremities, arms and other tissues are described below.

Symptoms of lymphedema

The manifestations that characterize lymphedema can be called quite pronounced, which allows us to pay attention in time to the occurrence of any pathologies at the initial stage of their development.

Symptoms of this disease include:

  • general weakness;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • , the initial stages are characterized by swelling of the fingers with a gradual increase in the puffiness area, which affects the tibia, thigh and joints;
  • the skin becomes pale, on it the pattern of capillaries and veins differs;
  • to the touch, the skin in the affected areas resembles an orange peel.

The lesion first develops in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, and as the disease progresses the area of ​​the lesion increases, moving from the toes of the limbs to the shin and then to the hip.

Stages of lymphedema


Diagnostic measures allow timely detection of the current lesion, which makes it possible to stop the process of edema and improve the overall well-being of the patient.

  • The diagnostic measures primarily include the analysis of subjective manifestations, as well as examination in a phlebologist, which determines the state of veins and lymphatic vessels. The volume of the affected limb is measured and compared with the volume of a healthy limb.
  • Lymphangiography methods are also used to obtain the most detailed picture of the state of even small lymphatic vessels.
  • Computed tomography and duplex scanning are the most informative methods to get an idea of ​​the degree of neglect of the disease, the damage of deeper lymphatic and venous vessels and capillaries.

For treatment of lymphedema of the lower limbs, arms and other tissues 1, 2 degrees, we will talk below.

Treatment of

Methods for treating any type of abnormalities of veins and lymph vessels can vary significantly. With lymphedema, the most pronounced result is manifested with the use of complex treatment, which is based on the application of therapeutic methods and drug therapy.

Let's find out more in detail how to treat lymphedema.

For the use of folk remedies for the treatment of lymphedema of the lower extremities, the video below will be described:

Therapeutic treatment

Therapeutic effects include

  • physiotherapy,
  • balneotherapy procedures,
  • nutrition correction and a more rational menu.

This allows you to quickly restore metabolic processes in the body, improve the movement of lymph in the body, eliminate its stagnation. Also recommended for lymphedema is a light massage, which is also aimed at activating all processes in the body.

Treatment with medicamentous lymphedema is described below.


The use of medicines has the goal of accelerating the process of removing excess fluid from the body, stabilizing lymph movement in the vessels. To do this, diuretics can be used, as well as antibacterial drugs that eliminate the current parallel lesions of internal organs.

Drug therapy should be prescribed by a phlebologist, taking into account both the type of pathology and the degree of its neglect.


Surgical intervention may be recommended in the absence of a pronounced result in therapeutic and drug treatment. Then the operation is performed for the outflow of lymph and the elimination of swelling of the tissues.

When performing an operation at an early stage of lymphedema development, complete elimination of pathology is possible; with more severe neglect, surgical intervention ensures elimination of the most pronounced manifestations of the disease, improvement of the general condition of the patient.

Prevention of disease

  • The preventive measures include the absence of harmful habits and the use of healthy foods that do not contain preservatives, dyes, which worsen the condition of the walls of blood vessels.
  • If you are addicted to this disease, you should remove any obstacles to normal blood flow: cross arms and legs when sitting, wear tight clothing.

Complications of

With long-term lymphedema, the general condition of the tissues is likely to deteriorate, their nutrition and oxygen supply are disrupted, which is likely the appearance of a specimen of a different nature, its cracking and the appearance of fistulas.


Detection of the disease in the early stages of development allows to completely restore the movement of lymph in the body, to prevent deterioration of the tissues. Survival in this case is almost 100%.

In the absence of treatment or if it is insufficient, the survival rate is reduced: the 5-year indicator is 89-96%.

The question of diet and important advice on the treatment of lymphostasis, lymphedema of the lower extremities are given in this video:

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