Exercises for bowel and stomach lowering - massage, gymnastics, exercise therapy( physiotherapy exercises) with gastroptosis

The physical load plays a big role in the treatment of gastroptosis, special exercises with bowel and stomach lowering strengthen the muscular walls of the abdominal cavity, pelvic floor and diaphragm. As a result, intrauterine blood pressure increases, blood circulation of all internal organs improves. This stimulates the secretory function, the gastric juice is produced in the right amounts, which means that the food is digested, it does not stagnate in the intestines, therefore it is absorbed completely.

General rules of the exercise:

  • The correct gymnastics during the descent of the stomach and intestines in the first days of treatment is done only in a prone position.
  • In this case, the patient should place a small cushion of soft material 30 cm high under the lumbar region. Only in this position the organs located in the abdominal cavity can assume their initial position.
  • It is necessary to choose such exercises that will alternately strengthen the abdominal cavity and pelvic floor alternately, with special breathing techniques being used between them.
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  • In the fifth week, the physiotherapy exercises( LFK), which helps to strengthen the posture, join the already composed complex. It is performed at a calm pace, without sudden movements and jerks. Any jumps and buckles are contraindicated.
  • After performing gymnastics with bowel and stomach lowering the patient needs to lie on the couch( 15-20 minutes) in the position on the back, with the foot end of the couch should be slightly raised.
  • In the first days of exercise therapy for gastroptosis, ten to fifteen times a day are performed. The best time to do the exercises is two hours after the end of the meal.
  • After a month, the load increases, you need to do exercises for 15 minutes, but not one, but twice a day. For the third month, the number of approaches is increased to three. The course of such treatment is three months.

What kind of gymnastics when stomach is down?

As a rule, exercises with gastroptosis are selected in strictly individual order, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient. But there is a common complex, it is universal and suitable for everyone who has 1 and 2 stages of the disease.

  1. Gymnastics at bowel descent always begins with respiratory practice. To do this, lie on your back, put one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach and start diaphragmatic breathing. A strong breath is produced so that the stomach is drawn as much as possible, then follows the same prolonged exhalation.
  2. The next exercise when lowering the stomach and intestines is performed in the prone position, stretched along the trunk of the arm, the legs alternately raise, each 4 times.
  3. In the supine position, we rest on the feet and bend our legs in the knees, hands along the body, lean on our legs and lift up the pelvis. We perform 4 times.
  4. When lying down, it's useful to simulate a bike ride.
  5. From a position lying, with arms outstretched along the body, we raise our legs, brought together, up and down.
  6. On exhalation we pull up the knees folded to the knees to the stomach, and then we take them aside, first to the right, then to the left.
  7. You need to stand on your elbows and alternately first extend the elongated legs, and then close them together.
  8. Lying try to imitate walking.
  9. On inspiration, raise the left foot and right arm up as high as possible, and then do the same with the opposite limbs.

Similar gymnastics with gastroptosis can be expanded and add other exercises. What exercises to add, will be prompted by the attending physician or specialist in exercise therapy, physiotherapy exercises with gastric emptying in the first two simple stages - the main component of effective treatment.

The action of physical exertion is enhanced if, together with exercise therapy for gastropotosis, massage is also applied, with the use of special techniques for the lowering of the stomach and intestines. The plan of the massage is made taking into account the reflex zones located in the abdomen, back, chest, neck. If there is no possibility to use the services of a professional specialist, massage with gastroptosis( gastric lagging), you can do yourself, lying on your back, bending your knees in your knees, and slightly pushing your stomach along the abdominal wall, moving clockwise with your right hand. After each session and massage, you can not stand up sharply. The main thing is to relax the muscles and rest for another 20 minutes.

Such therapy is sure to help, exercises of physiotherapy exercises with gastroptosis are shown to everyone without exception. But all efforts will be free, if the patient does not take care of himself. In order to consolidate the result, you need to try to avoid stress, you can not carry weights, do a large amount of work at a time at home. Movement and massage with gastroptosis is a medicine, but like any other drug, its overdose can damage and cause irreversible consequences. Therapeutic exercises( LFK) with bowel and stomach lowering are very dosed. There are special sports techniques developed for the treatment of this pathology. One of them is the system of Professor S.M.Bubnovsky.

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