Tablets from alcoholism Lidevin - instruction on how to use, where to buy, price, reviews of doctors and doctors

Lidevin is a drug used in the medical industry to treat alcoholism at various stages of the disease. The drug has undergone numerous tests in drug treatment clinics and is recognized as safe for the human body of the drug.

Instruction for the use of the drug Lidevin

Pharmacological action of

Disulfiram in the case of entry into the body begins its action: complete or partial blocking of acetaldehyde genase. As a result, the concentration of acetaldehyde rises.

Such processes in the body give the following result: a person feels nausea, malaise, blood rushes to the face, tachycardia develops, the osmotic pressure in the blood increases. Such feelings will haunt a person every time he drinks alcohol while taking a course of treatment.

The duration of Lidevin does not exceed 48 hours. That is, at this time after taking Lidevin tablets a person has a forced refusal of alcohol.

Indications for use

Treatment of chronic alcohol dependence, prevention of alcoholism.

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Tablets are available in a round form of cream or white, small inclusions are allowed. Tablets are placed in a honeycomb package in an amount of 10 pieces.

Method of administration and dose

The instructions clearly state how to take Ledevin. The drug is administered to a patient orally, it should be taken 12-24 hours after drinking alcohol. Dosage is 0.125-0.5 g, Lidevin should be taken 2 times a day, the treatment plan for alcoholism is made individually.

At the end of the course of treatment, which is 7-10 days, at the discretion of the doctor is disulfiram-alcohol test.

Side effects of

In case of overdose or other drug use disorders, the following side effects are possible:

  • Metallic taste in the mouth and severe headache;
  • periodic confusion, as well as memory loss;
  • asthenia;
  • neuritis of the optic nerve;
  • allergic reactions to the skin;
  • polyneuritis;
  • unpleasant odor from people suffering from colostomy.

Can not tune in to treatment for alcoholism? Look at the video about alcohol epilepsy, read about the complications and consequences.

Do you take pills for heart pain or high blood pressure? Read how beta-blockers are combined with alcohol in this article.


Absolute contraindications :

  • Glaucoma;
  • neuritis of the auditory or optic nerve;
  • tuberculosis and emphysema, asthma;
  • type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract and kidney;
  • malignant formation;
  • Intolerance of the individual components of the drug.

Relative contraindications is :

  • Elderly age
  • Stroke
  • Hypothyroidism


Before using the patient should be warned about the consequences of taking alcohol during treatment, as well as the potential for side effects of .

Caution should be taken medicine for people suffering from kidney failure, as well as such a serious illness as hypothyroidism.


1 tablet contains:

  • disulfiram - 0.5 g,
  • adenine - 0.0005 g,
  • of vitamin nicotinamide - 0.0003 g.

The active substance of the drug is disulfiram.

Where to buy, price

The drug can be purchased in pharmacies by prescription or ordered in specialized online stores.

As for the price, it will depend on the country in which the medicine is purchased.

  • The cost of medicine In Russia, on average, is 800-1000 rubles. How much is Lidevin in your city, specify in pharmacies.
  • Price of Lidevin in Ukraine is about 60 UAH

Analogues of

There are a lot of different medicines:

  • Algominal
  • Torpedo
  • Esperal
  • Veritrol
  • Antibus
  • Antetil

Each drug for treatment against alcoholism has its own characteristics. If you choose which is better than Lidevin or Colme, then the preparation of Colme compared with Lidevin has a lower toxicity, but its duration is less - 12 hours .The drug has no hypotensive effect and does not affect other enzymes.

Esperal and Lidevin have similar pharmacological effects, but Esperal provides a longer lasting effect lasting 10 days after completion of treatment.

The same substance is found in the preparation Teturam and Lidevin - disulfiram. The difference between drugs is not only in terms of money, but also in the amount of active substance: disulfiram in Teturam 0.15 g, one Lidevin tablet contains 0.5 g.

Involuntary head twitching is not necessarily caused by alcohol. Such symptoms have an essential tremor of the head. What is this disease and how to diagnose it can be read in our article.

When a person for a short period of time seems to retreat into himself, he ceases to perceive the world around him, and on encyphalography one can see a loss of consciousness. In this case, urgent treatment of absence is necessary - a neurological disease against the background of a mild stage of epilepsy. You can read about this here.

The consequence of alcoholism may be cerebral edema. More information about symptoms and first aid: http: // bolezni-nevrologii / sherepno-mozgovye-travmy / otek-golovnogo-mozga.html

The possibility of taking the drug without the knowledge of the patient

Only a doctor can prescribe the drug to the patient. This is explained not only by ignorance of the properties of the drug by people without medical education, but also by the need for additional examinations.

The second reason is psychological. Alcohol-stricken people clearly catch the moment when alcohol consumption will be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. And if he guesses who is to blame for his well-being, then the effect of treatment will come to naught.

It is also important that the drug should be used one day after drinking alcohol. Mixing Lidevin with alcohol is very dangerous, as it is possible to develop side effects, which will lead to a fatal outcome.

Recommendations of doctors on the use of tablets against alcoholism:

Reviews for tablets Lidevin

The opinion of doctors is that Lidevin is completely safe for human health, it can be used as a medicine for several years, making small breaks between treatment courses. No side effects of the drug appear if the doctor has prescribed the correct dosage.

If you consider the reviews taking this drug, then after using Lidevin, some patients notice nausea and malaise, possibly a rash. People who have already undergone a course of treatment, mark the appearance of a feeling of persistent aversion to any alcoholic beverages. They claim that these are "pills for drinking".

When choosing this medicine, remember that Lidevin and alcohol are not compatible. And the person in the fight against alcoholism is the man himself, and the medicines are his assistants only.

What are the first signs of alcoholism? Children and spirits? Whether it is necessary to pohmelyatsja and whether probably to cure the given illness? These and many more questions will be answered by the following video:

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