Stages of cleansing and restoring the body after quitting smoking

All heavy smokers are well aware of the dangers of their habit, and most of them secretly or clearly want to quit. But nicotine - this is an evil that just does not leave its victim. Repeatedly trying to quit smoking, people often complain about worsening of well-being, weight gain, bad mood and depression, which makes them take up the old one again. Quitting smoking is really not as easy as starting. Let's consider the stages of termination in more detail.

Stages of quitting

A person who is determined to embark on a healthy lifestyle wakes up in the morning with the firm intention not to smoke, starting today. He keeps the day, the second, and on the third day again takes up cigarettes, motivating his weakness with fatigue or nervous tension. In fact, with a sincere inner desire to stop smoking a person sooner or later everything will necessarily happen.

And now - the first step is made: there are no cigarettes in the house, the smoker is determined to fight with cravings for nicotine. What can it expect?

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The syndrome of rejection of nicotine is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Severe cough, accompanied by the departure of brown sputum. Do not be afraid of such a cough, it means that the airway of the smoker is released from accumulated soot and soot. Gradually, the work of the ciliated epithelium is restored, which also pushes away the sputum and mucus accumulated in the bronchi. The smoker should regard this sign as a positive moment in the cleansing of the body.
  • Persistent colds. Former smokers often complain about a decrease in immunity during the period of quitting, and this is not a far-fetched complaint. Indeed, nicotine has served as a kind of doping for the body, and its absence becomes a real stress. Accordingly, various illnesses of both cold and inflammatory nature are clinging to the body - ARVI, stomatitis, the appearance of acne.
  • A feeling of discomfort and irritability that accompanies a person who suddenly ceases to supply the body with nicotine. Such a nicotine breakage can last for several days - a smoker dreams, as he inhales smoke, he constantly pays attention to smoking people, the smell of smoke drives crazy, and the craving for cigarettes becomes very strong. This causes severe depression and a desire to smoke again. Receptors of pleasure, which intensified when smoking require their dose of nicotine, which also acts as a former smoker on the nerves. He becomes aggressive and can disrupt his anger at close ones. During this period it is very important to support a relative in his desire to give up a bad habit, distract him, borrow interesting business. Gradually, a strong craving for smoking subsides, but the desire to smoke a cigarette will continue to haunt the former smoker for a long time. Headaches, abdominal pain. Cleansing the body of the products of nicotine decay lasts several weeks, during which the normal work of all organs is restored. Absence of habitually arriving dose of nicotine leads to spasm of cerebral vessels, spastic pain in the abdomen, violation of stool. All these symptoms take place within a couple of weeks.

One can not but note the positive changes that are taking place these days with the already non-smoking person:

  • , an unpleasant smell from the mouth, from the skin and hair, is gradually disappearing;
  • normal breathing is restored within a week;
  • the work of olfactory and taste buds is being adjusted;
  • a few weeks later, the complexion improves and skin elasticity improves, circles under the eyes go off;
  • normalizes blood circulation, increases the tone of the vessels, which leads to an improvement in blood flow to the main organs.

Recovery of the body

Why does it become physically dependent on nicotine? Our body is a perfect biological mechanism, it develops its own nicotine to maintain a normal metabolic rate. Of course, this is not the toxin that comes with tobacco products, and it is not produced in such quantities. Nevertheless, when a large amount of nicotine enters the body, which is several times higher than the norm necessary to maintain metabolism, the liver stops producing endogenous nicotine. Thus, during the quitting of smoking, the body experiences real nicotine starvation and requires a new dose of toxin.

Without receiving a portion of nicotine from the outside, the liver again begins to supply the body with endogenous nicotine. This happens within two to three days. Thus, after three days the smoker can safely dispense with tobacco.

With psychological dependence, things are much more complicated. The reasons for feeding cravings for smoking are quite a lot - it's a tendency to bad habits, and difficulties in communicating with people, and the desire to be "like everyone else."Getting rid of the psychic craving for cigarettes is quite difficult, and the longer the length of smoking, the step towards healthy life is more difficult. In any smoking company who quits smoking feels like a black sheep, he again wants to drag on. Such traction can last for years.


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Psychotherapeutic session can help to get rid of psychological dependence to nicotine. The doctor will help to find out the reasons that contributed to the beginning of smoking and with the help of the training will remove the dependence.

It begins immediately after quitting and passes by the day as follows:

1 day. On the first day, the blood is cleared of carbon monoxide, respectively, the level of oxygen in different organs rises.

2 day. Bronchi begin to expel accumulated mucus, ciliate epithelium is cleared of accumulated soot, a strong cough begins in the smoker. Perhaps the development of insomnia, irritability, begins nicotine hunger.

3 day. Restoration of ciliated epithelium and bronchial mucosa is initiated. The blood vessels become more elastic, the blood tends to flow to the brain and heart. The smoker has an increased appetite. Due to increased blood flow to the head, there may be dizziness, a sense of noise in the ears. At the same time, irritability and nervousness increase, and the craving for cigarettes increases.

4 day. The blood circulation is normalized, the tides of blood to the brain become less powerful. Little by little, the gastric mucosa is restored, the secretion of the pancreas improves. Smokers note an increase in wet cough with the departure of viscous sputum.

5 day. Improves the work of taste buds, the smoker begins to feel the taste of food. The tone of the blood vessels is close to the normal level. The cough intensifies, the color of the phlegm becomes dark brown - so the bronchi and lungs are cleared from the accumulated soot.

6 day. The activity of the ciliary epithelium is practically restored, the lungs continue to actively produce mucus. At the person at a cough goes away a sputum with blood veins, in a throat as though there is a slimy lump. Irritability increases, the smoker increasingly wants to return to his old life with the presence of tobacco in her.

Day 7.Harmful nicotine is completely eliminated from the body. Some tissues and cells are almost completely renewed, a new epithelium is emerging in the stomach and intestine, not familiar with nicotine venom. The liver begins to produce endogenous nicotine, so the physical craving for smoking practically does not bother the person. Cough and feeling of stuffiness in the throat do not pass.

Day 8.Olfactory receptors come alive and almost completely restored taste. Food gets normal taste and smell, appetite increases and, as a result, body weight can increase.

Day 9.Almost completely restored the mucous membrane of the stomach, the secretion of the basic enzymes begins. Restorative processes in the intestine and broncho-pulmonary system continue. The person has pain in the lower abdomen, there is a change in the stool. At this time, colds, stomatitis, herpes can begin.

10 day. The process of restoring the immune system is started. Cough continues due to the process of regeneration of the pulmonary system. When coughing, mucus lumps with an unpleasant smell can cough up - it clears the mucus from the bronchi or gradually cleanses the tonsils from the congestion that has accumulated in them. The internal state of the smoker leaves much to be desired - he is depressed, his inner motivation may be shaken. These days, as never before, the support of relatives is needed.

11 day. Gradually, the tone of arterioles - small vessels carrying arterial blood - returns to normal. The brain is actively supplied with oxygen, resulting in dizziness, finger tremor and headache. The appetite increases. The craving for smoking increases, bringing with it irritability, aggressiveness or tearfulness.

12 day. Improvement of blood circulation and vascular tone leads to an increase in cell nutrition. The complexion is normalized, the activity of the intestine is practically restored. Blood cells responsible for immunity, twice updated and ready to fully protect the body from viruses and bacteria.

13 day. Continued renewal of skin cells. The physical condition is still unstable - a person can be tormented by headaches, malaise, pressure drops continue. This is due to the fact that the nervous system has not undergone a complete recovery cycle.

Day 14.The regeneration of bronchial mucosa ends. The red blood cell recovery process is in full swing, the platelet stock has already been almost completely renewed, which was not affected by nicotine venom. Gradually subsides a painful cough, the complexion becomes more even, the grayness disappears. At this time, many smokers decide to again taste the cigarette, which discards them at the initial stage of regeneration.

The first two weeks of failure came to an end. These are the most difficult weeks in the psychological plan. At the physiological level, the recovery process is in full swing, by the end of the first month of smoking cessation, the epithelial cells are almost completely regenerated, the process of creating new cells that are not familiar with the toxic effect of nicotine has been launched.

Subsequently, all organs and tissues undergo a purification process from nicotine venom. Visually, the stages can be seen in the table:

Name of the body Recovery time What happens
Blood 1 month Update cells "white blood" and platelets.
2 months Blood cells completely updated.
6 months Blood tests were completely normalized.
Skin 1 month The dull complexion disappears, the epidermis is renewed.
2 months Fully restores the complexion, improves elasticity.
Vessels 3 months Almost complete restoration of the tone and elasticity of vessels and small capillaries.
Light 6 months Capacity of lungs increases, cough passes.
8 months There has been a steady improvement in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Liver 6 months The regeneration of hepatocytes begins.
12 months The regeneration of hepatocytes begins.
Heart 6 months Complete restoration of the heart, due to a good blood flow through the vessels. The heart rate is close to normal.
Stomach and intestine 1 month The gastric mucosa is restored.
6 months The work of the intestine was normalized, the secretion of gastric juice was adjusted, the appetite was adjusted.

On the video about the first days and weeks of giving up cigarettes:

How to speed up the regeneration process

Complete recovery of the body after a long poisoning with nicotine poison occurs within a year. However, after a couple of months the smoker has a period when he wants to start playing sports, go hiking, and ride a bicycle. Physical forces are not enough for such activity. How can you help your body to cope more quickly with the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle?

As you know, all harmful substances are excreted from the body by the kidneys. Therefore, in order to quickly remove all the slag and accumulated poisonous elements, you need to drink more pure water. In this simple way, it is possible to adjust the work of the kidneys and quickly remove the accumulated poison.

A more or less healthy person is recommended to visit the steam room. Sweating is activated in the steam room, which facilitates the rapid removal of toxins through the skin.

Purification of the intestines will help the use of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fresh air and walks in the forest park zone will saturate the body with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

The increase in the diet of dairy products contributes to the establishment of the digestive tract and helps to neutralize the remaining toxic substances.

A visit to a psychotherapist and an expert in narcology will help to hold on without cigarettes for a long time, and after a year and completely forget about smoking.

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