Plantain - photo

Even children know about the useful properties of plantain. We all heard that if you attach a leaf of fresh grass to the wound, the blood stops, and the pain goes away. Such amazing properties of plantain, the photo of which you will see in the article, is due to its rich natural composition.

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Do not think that usefulthe plantain properties end only on the healing of wounds. Grass has a therapeutic effect in many areas. With the help of a green doctor, a cold is treated, a strong cough, many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also an extract of the plant is widely used in many cosmetic products.

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What is plantain - photo

The plant is a representative of the family of plantain. The grass is annual or perennial. The leaves are oval or rounded, they are distinguished by a bright green color and the presence of several veins. The description of the plant should include its spicate inflorescence, which turns into a box with small seeds.

Where does the plantain grow? Grass is common in Europe and some other countries. Favorite place of plant fields, forests, roadsides and kitchen gardens.

For the preparation of medicinal raw materials use all parts of plantain. Healing is considered to be leaves, stems and even flowers.

Important! Plantain perfectly adapts to any kind of soil. The plant is able to adapt even on sand and clay soil.

What the plant consists of

Plantain grass is extremely rich in various vitamins, minerals and other useful ingredients. The plantain leaf and its stems have the following substances:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • tanning agents;
  • vitamins;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids.

Also in the composition can include such trace elements as cobalt, selenium, magnesium, iron and others.

Special attention should be paid to the seeds of the plant. Seeds of plantain are rich in such components:

  • protein;
  • amino acids;
  • mucus;
  • fatty acids;
  • saponins.

Plantain medicinal is recognized not only by representatives of people's treatment, but also by official medicine and homeopathy. The plant is widely used for the treatment of various human diseases. This drug is considered effective and safe for therapy against many ailments.

Use of plantain for medicinal purposes

Having understood the composition and how the plantain looks( see photo) we will find out in which fields of medicine this miracle-grass is used. The most known properties of plantain include, of course, its wound healing and haemostatic properties. But in fact, the drug action does not end there.

Thanks to the presence of tannins and phytoncides in the plant, the herb is used for diseases associated with inflammation and infection. In addition, it is possible to distinguish and its following actions:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Hemostatic.
  3. Antiseptic.
  4. Analgesic.
  5. Antidiuretic.
  6. Healing.

Rich biochemical composition allows to achieve such actions on the human body, as a soothing, expectorant, diuretic. Prescriptions based on plantain are used to reduce high blood pressure. An excellent effect is achieved in the fight against insomnia and many other ailments.

Also, the leaves and stems of the plant are used to prepare various folk ointments, decoctions, tinctures. An excellent effect of these drugs have to combat such infections as streptococcus, staphylococcus. Broths of plantain is recommended to gargle with tonsillitis and purulent sore throat.

Important! Recipes based on plantain are a powerful preventive and curative remedy for the development of human cancer.

Collection and harvesting of plantain

For medicinal purposes, both leaves and plant seeds are suitable. Collection of raw materials is carried out at different times. It is recommended to cut off the green part during the flowering period, usually from June to August.

It is very important when collecting grass to ensure that the collected material does not get spoiled leaflets affected by powdery mildew, fungi or various pests.

After cutting, the leaves and stems are laid out in the shade and waiting for their complete drying. You can also use an oven or a drying chamber. The optimum temperature for drying is 40-50 degrees.

Seeds of grass must be harvested strictly after they have fully ripened. During this period they are endowed with the most useful properties. Separate the seeds through a sieve by slightly squeezing the boxes.

It is recommended to store medicinal raw materials in bags of natural fabric or paper bags. Shelf life under the right conditions is not more than 24 months.

Application in cosmetology

The wide action of plantain has found its application in the field of cosmetology. To maintain beauty and youth, the plant is used in the following areas:

  1. Fresh juice from the leaves and grass stems helps to cleanse the pores, relieve the inflammation of acne and other dermis problems. To do this, you can use the juice in both fresh and frozen form.
  2. Different plant species, such as plantain large, lanceolate are also used to moisturize the skin. To prepare the mask, you need to combine 50 ml of herb decoction with starch. As a result, you should get a gruel, which is applied to the cleansed face for 15-20 minutes.
  3. To heal corns and cracks, the crushed leaves of the plant are applied to the affected areas. This compress is fixed and left for no less than 8 hours.
  4. For moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin of hands, a cream is prepared based on honey, plantain juice and butter. For this, honey and butter are mixed in one tablespoon and add to the resulting mixture 30 ml of juice. The cream is applied to the hands 2-3 times a day with a thin layer.

An excellent vitaminizing and firming effect renders the plantain on the scalp and hair. For this purpose, the plants are rinsed with the head after washing and do not rinse.

Important! Despite all the benefits of the plant, its use can also cause such an unpleasant side effect as an allergic reaction. Before applying the product to the skin, a sensitivity test should be carried out.

Plantain in medicine

A huge number of medicinal properties allows the use of the plant in the following diseases:

Treatment of nervous disorders

Neuroses, lack of sleep, irritability, nervous excessive excitability - all these problems are successfully treated with herbal decoction. For its preparation, a tablespoon of the plant is poured with 500 ml of boiling water and boiled over a slow fire for 5-7 minutes. After that, the drug is consumed half the glass twice a day.

With a cold

For colds and strong coughs, it is recommended to use a herb based syrup. Prepare the remedy like this: in a glass jar pour sugar in an amount of 2-3 tablespoons, then put there finely chopped greens of plantain. Every 5-10 cm of grass must be poured with sugar. The container with the product is left to infuse in a dark place, periodically draining the formed syrup. Take the medicine on a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Plantain infertility

For ovarian diseases and impaired function, it is recommended to drink broth from the plant for 14 days. Prepare the medicine as follows: in enameled dishes place 2 tablespoons of dry grass and pour a liter of boiling water. After that, the container is put on a water bath and is pressed for 20-25 minutes. The resulting product is filtered and taken at 50 mg three times throughout the day.

Plantain, the medicinal properties of which we examined in the article, is a true panacea against many ailments. Proper use of the plant will help you to appreciate its effect and get rid of many health problems.

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