Is it possible to sweet with a stomach ulcer: chocolate, candy, cookies, marshmallows, jam, ice cream?

The food basket of a person with a gastrointestinal tract disease by nutritionists is divided into several groups, one of which is sweets in the stomach ulcer. Rapidly assimilated carbohydrates, which include refined sugar and products containing it, are limited in therapeutic dietary nutrition.

About what kind of goodies can be included in the diet of the patient, and what is under strict prohibition, let's talk in this article.

And what's sweet for a stomach ulcer?

Sweets related to high-calorie confectionery products do not represent biological nutritional value for the body, since on average 80% consist of refined sugar.

Sugar in stomach ulcer is allowed in the diet of the patient in limited quantities for a number of reasons:

  • A purified sweet product absorbs from the body the maximum amount of vitamins from group B, and the inflamed gastric mucosa and so prevents the full absorption of nutrients. That is, using unlimited sugar, the patient aggravates the state of things, which will lead to serious vitamin disturbances.
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  • Consuming chocolate sweets in a stomach ulcer, the patient often encounters irritated stomach syndrome. Simple sugars can enhance peristalsis, cause heartburn, vomiting on an empty stomach, pain in the epigastric region.
  • Bed rest and consumption of sweets are fraught with a set of excess weight.

Answering the question: is it possible to eat chocolate in an ulcer, gastroenterologists do not give an unambiguous answer, commenting on the information as follows:

  • Chocolate in gastric ulcer during an exacerbation refers to prohibited foods that are difficult to digest and increase the secretion of gastric juice, causing pain due to irritationmucous membranes.
  • Candies in their composition contain a number of substances( preservatives, thickeners, dyes and others) that adversely affect the mucous organ. Therefore, sweets in stomach ulcers, which include chocolate, fillers in the form of air rice, liqueurs, fruits, nuts, are prohibited. During the period of remission, one or two creamy caramels or candies such as Korovka are allowed to eat during the day.
  • Can I have chocolate in an ulcer during remission?50 grams of black delicacy without flavors and nutritional supplements in the form of nuts, raisins, seeds, fruits are allowed to be consumed daily. White and milk chocolate is forbidden even outside the exacerbation of the disease.

Is it possible to marshmallow in an ulcer?

Pastilla, marmalade, marshmallows are sweets that can be included in the diet.

These confectionery products do not contain vegetable and animal fats, which makes them easy to digest and low-calorie. In addition, one of the components acting as a gelatinizer is healthy:

  • Pectin is a natural herbal substance used for gelling marshmallows, which has antiulcer and antiviral effect, which improves the digestive tract. Pectin is able to neutralize metal salts and radionuclides and remove them from the body.
  • Agar is a substance derived from marine red algae. In the confectionery industry it is used to make a gelatinous consistency of such sweets as pastilles, marmalade, marshmallows. With ulcer agar-agar normalizes the function of digestion, thyroid, liver. Microelements of calcium, iodine, copper, iron and vitamins, E, B5, K, are necessary for the organism in the composition of the plant thickener.
  • Gelatin is a substance produced from the tendons and bones of animals. Zephyr with gastric ulcer with a gelatin base should be used with caution. It has significantly more calories than in the above samples.

Which marshmallow with a stomach disease to give preference? The airy delicacy of white or creamy-yellow color does not exactly contain colorants, so it can safely act as a dessert. Glazed with black bitter chocolate marshmallows are allowed in the diet in limited quantities and only during a period of persistent remission.

Jam, ice cream, cookies with gastric ulcer

All of the above products refer to high-calorie desserts, which contain a large amount of sugar and a minimum of useful substances.

With gastric ulcer, jam and confectionery flour products can be included in the patient's diet provided:

Jams and jam have an unspecified sour taste;
  • Cookies with an ulcer should contain a minimum amount of fat. Food additives and flavors in flour products are inadmissible;
  • Gallet and oatmeal cookies with an ulcer - the best option for snacks and snacks, according to dieticians. Vitamins of group B, magnesium, choline, phosphorus contained in oatmeal, act as a strengthening agent on the body.

    Food used by patients with diseases of the digestive system should not be hot or cold. A sharp change in the temperature regime of dishes with the temperature of the human body harms the gastric mucosa, irritating it. Therefore, a cold delicacy of ice cream with gastric ulcer is listed in the list of foods banned by patients.

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