Diverticulosis of the colon, symptoms and treatment of intestinal diverticulum, folk remedies, diet and nutrition, how to treat the disease?

Disease, which is characterized by the appearance of saccate protrusions in the walls of the colon, is called diverticulosis. Such a pathology is usually caused by dystrophic changes in the muscular plexus, which leads to a violation of the organ peristalsis as a whole. Often the diverticulosis of the colon, especially in the elderly, is associated with various processes at the degenerative level. This is due to the fact that at this time the whole system of the gastrointestinal tract begins to weaken somewhat. Not the last place in the development of pathology is occupied by the way of life of a person:

  • Improper nutrition, especially if the patient's diet consists of a large number of high-calorie and fatty foods, can very easily provoke the development of pathological pockets;
  • Infections, increased gas production, excessive weight and constipation also contribute to the appearance of diverticula. This is due to the increased burden on the descending part of the large intestine;
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  • The use of heavy food leads to excessive pressure on the walls of the large intestine, which causes the protrusion of its mucosa, and as a consequence, diverticulosis. The walls of the digestive organ, undergoing constant pressure, become thinner, which in turn provokes the formation of holes through which the mucosa falls.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Colon Diverticula

Such a sign as a constant pain in the left half of the abdomen, presumably indicating a diverticulosis of the colon, indicates the need to undergo laboratory tests that either confirm or exclude pathology. In case of detection of pathological protrusions in the patient's gastrointestinal tract, optimal medical treatment or surgery, which must be performed against a background of special dietary nutrition and, possibly, with the use of appropriate folk remedies, is selected only by a specialist. Diverticulosis of the descending part of the colon is a disease, which is difficult to determine at early stages. Often the pathology proceeds completely imperceptibly, but, nevertheless, among the possible worrisome symptoms indicative of ailment, the following are distinguished:

  • The left half of the abdomen delivers long painful sensations;
  • The stool is broken, diarrhea alternates with constipation;
  • Often there is nausea, which leads to vomiting;
  • If the diverticulum of the large intestine is inflamed, the patient's temperature rises significantly. It is also possible the appearance in the feces of mucus.

In order for a specialist to unambiguously establish the presence of the patient's diverticulosis of the large intestine and to prescribe adequate treatment, the only complaints a person has for symptomatology are not enough. It is necessary to pass laboratory tests, as well as pass such instrumental studies as colonoscopy and irrigoscopy. Any expert knows that complaints of pain are only a presumptive sign of diverticulosis in the left half of the colon. Irrigoscopy is diagnosed by means of an X-ray of the intestine, filled with a contrast agent through a barium enema. Colonoscopy, which will also reveal the developing diverticulosis of the large intestine, is performed by inserting through the anus a special tube with a camera that allows you to visually inspect the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and determine the presence of pathological pockets on it, as well as the stage of developing inflammation. This diagnostic procedure is performed only in case of acute necessity, when all the symptoms indicate an ailment, in order to avoid perforation of pathological protrusions.

Diverticulosis of the colon takes a definite position in ICD 10( International Classification of Diseases).At the same time, depending on the symptoms, the disease is divided according to the presence of an abscess or perforation. Thus, thanks to ICD-10, it is possible to identify the stage of the disease, which must necessarily be treated. Class, which includes anatomical protrusions, refers to the pathology of the digestive system. Subdivision ICD 10, corresponding to them - is another disease of the intestine. But all the recommendations for drug therapy available there, can only be used by a specialist after carrying out the necessary studies and confirming the patient's definite form of this ailment.

Treatment of diverticulosis of large intestine

Since this pathology is quite serious and dangerous for its complications, therapeutic measures should be comprehensive, including the use of certain medications along with a special diet. For the treatment of pathology, traditional pharmaceutical agents such as broad-spectrum antibiotics, antispasmodics and gastrointestinal stimulants are usually prescribed. They are also used after the operation to remove the diverticulum.

Very well proven in the treatment of diverticulosis of the large intestine and folk remedies. Numerous positive reviews have the use of bran, facilitating the release of stool. However, it should be borne in mind that the reception should begin with a small amount - no more than a tablespoon a day. They are washed down with sour milk products, water or tea. Folk remedies that help to get rid of the manifestations of the disease are represented by various herbal decoctions. The most effective mixtures are from motherwort, nettle, hips, chamomile flowers and dill. The ingredients are poured with boiling water, and infused for 5-6 hours. Take a course, 150 grams of phytoplankton 3 times a day. In this case, compliance with the diet with diverticulosis of the colon is extremely necessary.

Negative manifestations of diverticulosis of the large intestine can be eliminated at home only on condition that there is no inflammatory focus in the digestive system. If the symptoms are too dangerous, you should not refuse hospitalization. First of all, the treatment should begin with the normalization of the stool, it is also important to follow the diet. With severe pain, you will need antispasmodic medications and drugs that can quickly normalize the motility of the large intestine. If there is acute inflammation, the use of antibiotics is mandatory, and the operation is not excluded, especially if internal bleeding has opened. Removal of the focus of inflammation will get rid of unpleasant painful sensations in the left half of the abdominal cavity.

If the disease could be detected quite by accident, then the best way out of the situation would be a diet, the daily menu at which should contain recipes of such dishes that are easily digested in the digestive organs and contain a large amount of fiber. Diet with diverticulosis of the large intestine, plays an important role. It is selected individually, with the purpose of protecting the damaged organ of the digestive tract, therefore, all recipes of dishes intended for feeding the patient should be as gentle and not containing products that adversely affect the mucosa. The most important in the treatment of colon pathology is eating a large amount of dietary fiber. This will prevent the progression of the disease at the initial stage without the use of medications. The main in the patient's menu during therapy of pathology should be dietary recipes for porridge on water, mucous soups and dishes from boiled vegetables.

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