Probiotics for dysbacteriosis: Narine, Bifiform, Maxillac, Normoflorin, Entererozermina, Bactisubtil

When the composition of the intestinal microflora is broken and the number of bacteria necessary for the body decreases, an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria that disrupt the normal process of the digestive system. This contributes to the appearance of the first signs of dysbiosis. Treatment of dysbiosis with probiotics, like Narine, Bifiform and others, is very popular and quite effective. Their use can improve the functioning of the intestine.

Probiotic contains live microorganisms, the use of which is permissible during treatment, as well as for prevention.

Probiotics are taken in capsules that protect the bacteria that are inside. The process of dissolution of the capsule occurs only in the intestine, acting at the site of the disease. When released, the bacteria secrete elements that prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. With the growth of beneficial bacteria, the destruction of pathogens gradually takes place, which greatly speeds up the process of treating dysbacteriosis.

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Narine with dysbacteriosis

Probiotic Narine is often used in the treatment of dysbiosis. Its action is aimed at regulating the work of the intestine. Also, the reception of probiotic Narine can significantly strengthen immunity.

The use of a probiotic is allowed even to a healthy person as a prophylaxis of diseases of the body.

Narine is completely harmless, it can be used even for young children. This probiotic is not a drug, it is a natural product. Thanks to treatment with this product, the symptoms of pathology decrease significantly, the general condition of the patient improves.

The product of Narine was obtained by cultivation of the main obligate microbes of a person in a medium based on cow's milk. It destroys pathogenic microbes so that its own microflora can develop. In addition, the agent contains components of bacterial cells that affect the acceleration of body detoxification and the release of harmful substances. Enriched with amino acids probiotic Narine with dysbacteriosis normalizes the processes of splitting lactose and milk protein. Overdosing of the drug is practically impossible, this product is physiologic for a person.

Bifiform for dysbacteriosis

Probiotic Bifiform is also one of the drugs used to treat dysbacteriosis. It normalizes the state of microflora irrespective of the nature of the occurrence of disturbances. It can be used for treatment not only for adults but also for children. The probiotic contains enterococci and bifidobacteria.

Bifiform is taken in capsules, so dissolution occurs immediately in the intestine. Once in the intestine, there is a multiplication of bacteria, with the release of lactic and carbonic acid. Bifiform promotes the suppression of pathogenic bacteria, since the acidic environment does not allow the development of a pathogenic microflora. Reception Bififorma at a dysbacteriosis helps to clear the walls of the intestine from toxins and harmful substances that were formed there for the entire time of illness. The intestine is freed from unnecessary masses, so the production of immune cells is much more active.

To apply Bifiform it is possible both for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, and for other intestinal and gastric diseases. This probiotic is very effective, its application has a good effect on the patient's well-being, and also helps strengthen the immune system, so that the body can fight harmful bacteria, eliminating the symptoms of pathology.

Maxillac for dysbacteriosis

Maxillac is a symbiotic, it is a combination of probiotic and prebiotic components.

Taking the drug can restore the intestinal microflora, disrupted dysbiosis. In this case, the body receives not only the bacteria of normal microflora, but also the substances that feed it. Bacteria Maksilaka very well take root in the intestines of a person, so the process of recovery occurs quickly enough.

The drug is safe and does not have a negative effect on the body, it can be used even for pregnant women. In addition, there has never been a case of overdose with Maxilac in the treatment of dysbiosis.

Normoflorin for dysbiosis

Normoflorin refers to the type of biologically active additives. The living bacteria contained in it help the food to be better absorbed, and also restore the normal microflora, disrupted due to dysbiosis. Taking the drug can restore the microbiocenosis, which was disrupted due to diseases and antibacterial therapy. Liquid synbiotic Normoflorin can be used from birth.

Included in the bacteria are well established in the intestines, as they were not subjected to drying.

The liquid concentrate Normoflorin L is also produced, which helps create an acidic environment in the intestines. This prevents the pathogenic bacteria from functioning normally. The drug also clears the intestines of toxins, helping to restore the natural microflora and normal motor activity, as well as get rid of the symptoms of dysbiosis.

Enterojermina for the dysbacteriosis

The use of the probiotic Entererozermina makes it possible to get rid of dysbiosis very simply and reliably. The probiotic is resistant to the acidic environment of the stomach, its action begins directly in the intestines, helping to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Entererozermine positively affects human immunity, facilitates the process of digestion and assimilation of food.

It is possible to use the probiotic Entererozermina for children from the first years, as well as for the treatment of the dysbacteriosis of any etiology.

Bactisubtil with dysbacteriosis

Probiotic Bactisubtil contains spores of bacteria that are constituents of normal intestinal microflora. These spores are unresponsive to the acidic environment of the stomach, so that the process of action of bacteria begins directly in the intestine, establishing a balance of intestinal flora. The probiotic also has an antimicrobial effect.

The dose of the drug is prescribed taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient, and the course of treatment with Bactisubtil is at least one week. Duration depends on the degree of severity of dysbiosis, as with severe forms of the disease, this process can be very long.

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