Varicose eczema: treatment, causes, symptoms and features of the disease

Varicose eczema( not to be confused with idiopathic) is a chronic pathology affecting the lower limbs. The disease is often called hyperemic eczema or congestive dermatitis. It accompanies the pathology of the vessels of the legs( thrombophlebitis, varicose, etc.), manifesting themselves against their background.

Defeat usually focuses on calves and feet. How does the disease manifest itself, how and what to treat varicose eczema on the legs?

Features of the disease

Diseases are for the most part affected by women, as they have more provoking factors for this. These include:

  • borne pregnancy,
  • elderly or middle age,
  • chronic infection,
  • overweight,
  • leg injury,
  • deep vein thrombosis.

Varicose eczema of lower extremities( photo)

Stages of

The stages of varicose eczema can be divided into 4 types:

  1. I stage. The initial form can often be cured with the help of folk techniques, but doctors still recommend not delaying and getting advice from specialists to prevent further progress.
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  3. II stage. is characterized by a serious violation of the venous current and the appearance of swelling. All the symptoms of eczema are manifested even with this form.
  4. III stage. The bubbles appear bursting and the surface is constantly wet. On the skin, it is enough just to bring the infection, so you need to connect all possible methods of treatment.
  5. IV stage. This stage completes the development of eczema, as the crusts appear and gradually the disease fades. But with the wrong tactics of therapy, you can provoke a re-wave.

The causes and features of varicose eczema are discussed in the video below:

Causes of

The main cause of this form of eczema is the neglected condition of the veins, since the limbs are worse enriched with oxygen. Because of this, the most common site of the disease is the ankle joints.

The development of the disease affects not only the deterioration of the vessels, but also the improper functioning of the heart valves, which disrupts the normal flow of blood. As a result, there is an increase in pressure in the vessels, which leads to the appearance of edema. The pressure in the capillaries also increases, and this is already the cause of increased vascular permeability. Blood penetrates through the capillary network. After a while in these areas there will be ulcers and pustular foci.

Symptoms of

The main symptom of eczema of this species can not be noticed, it's varicose veins. Often the extremities feel itching, heaviness, sometimes pain. There are other signs of venous damage.

With varicose eczema, violet-red patches appear on the legs, microvesicles develop. After a while they are opened. There is itching, puffiness, and after combing, there is a much higher chance of infection entering vesicles and wounding.

The skin becomes wet, but gradually begins to dry up. This stage is accompanied by the appearance of crusts. Then the skin coarsens, darkens, it may appear wrinkles, it becomes denser. After the overflow of the pathology into the chronic form, sclerosis of the subcutaneous tissue and skin appears.


There are no specific methods for diagnosing varicose eczema. Often there is enough medical examination for diagnosis of the disease. A number of laboratory tests are conducted, which helps to clarify the diagnosis or differentiate eczema from other possible diseases.

Sometimes it is possible to carry out a skin allergic test to find out a remedy or thing that can exacerbate the manifestations of eczema. About what varicose eczema of the lower extremities requires treatment, about the devices for this we will tell below.

On the factors that contribute to the appearance of eczema on the legs, this video will tell:

Treatment of varicose eczema on the legs

Therapeutic way

The nutrition is corrected, since it is of fundamental importance in the treatment of varicose eczema. It is important to exclude products that can provoke a repeated wave of the disease.

It is advisable to buy tights or stockings with anti-varicose effect. In diseases of the vessels of the legs, many prefer to restrict physical activity, which is fundamentally wrong. Limbs are already suffering from impaired blood circulation, so loads are not just important, but they also play an important role in achieving a positive effect of treatment.

For ointments and steroid creams from varicose eczema on the legs, read below.


The main direction of the drug method is to soften the skin, fight against swelling and itching, eliminate other symptoms and prevent infection. In general, various ointments are used for this purpose, both steroidal and non-steroidal. Good help with such steroid creams, as Elok, Advantan, Lokoid. Their advantage over other means is a rapid effect.

Choose the dosage of antihistamines, which are needed to relieve the itching. Often used the following drugs:

  • Cetirizine,
  • Loratadine,
  • Erius,
  • Chloropyramine,
  • Promethazine,
  • Clemastin.

Locally, you can apply bandages with benzocaine, camphor, menthol.

Other drugs include sedatives. Usually, these are medicines based on plant components( valerian, motherwort, etc.), but tranquilizers are used much less often. Considerable importance is attached to the reception of phlebotonics, since they help the therapy of the underlying disease.

When the infection develops, the doctor can decide on the use of antibiotics with a wide range of effects. They are not only taken internally, but also use ointments based on them for topical application. For example, lotions from silver, furacilin, benzoyl have a pronounced effect.

When the disease flows into the subacute period, you need to use ointments with less pronounced effect. Means should have an additional emollient and exfoliating effect to remove the emerging crusts.

Other methods of

  • There is a method of treating varicose veins with a special radio-frequency device. On eczema, such therapy affects indirectly. If there are no varicose extensions, then the likelihood of developing eczema will decrease by 90%.The most gentle method of treatment is the use of the CELON device.
  • Varicose therapy is also performed by laser coagulation. Under the influence of the laser beam, the lumen of the vessel narrows to a normal state and sticks together, which prevents the appearance of an extension again.

About the treatment of varicose eczema on the feet folk remedies read below.

Folk methods

At home, you can use traditional medicine recipes, especially if they have been approved by a doctor. The following proven methods exist:

  1. Grated potatoes are applied to ulcers. He is put through gauze, and after a while the compress is replaced with fresh. Daily procedures will help the best healing.
  2. Take 1 tbsp.l.wormwood and milk. The plant( leaves) are pre-dried and ground to a powder. After mixing, the mixture is applied to the bandage, and the resulting compress is applied to the areas with dilated veins. Repeat the procedure for 4 days, then take a break( 4 days) and again conduct a course of treatment with a wormwood compress.
  3. 1 tbsp.l.cones of hop are poured with boiling water( 200 ml) and heated in a water bath. The resulting broth is drunk daily 3 times. It can also be used for lotions, applying moistened gauze to varicose extensions.
  4. Home ointment from burdock, willow-tea, chamomile helps to get rid of itching and soften the skin. Each ingredient is taken for 1 tbsp.l., mixed with 200 ml of decoction of hay and 1 tbsp.l.butter. All this is kept in a water bath until the glue is formed. This composition after cooling is mixed with glycerin and rubbed into the affected areas.

Prevention of disease

People with varicose eczema need to comply with nutrition that supports the cardiovascular system. This necessarily implies the rejection of bad habits and alcohol, smoked foods and fried foods. You need to consume a sufficient amount of fluid, otherwise its deficiency will lead to blood thickening and the appearance of blood clots.

To control the release of sweat, it is better to wear clothes from natural cloth, try to change it more often. Decontamination of the skin of the legs and good hygiene are also of great importance. In patients with eczema, the infection quickly penetrates the epidermis, causing a relapse of the disease. All cleansing agents should not be aggressive.

Regular walks and physiotherapy procedures will increase the period of remission.

Complications of

Dangerous complications are associated with penetration into the wound infection. Trophic ulcers and the appearance of purulent areas are some of the most difficult consequences. The disease itself is already a complication of varicose veins.

Consequences arising from varicose eczema may lead to even surgical intervention, if not done in a timely manner. But most dangerous is the risk that is created for the health and life of the patient due to the progression of the infection.


Venous eczema is considered one of the most complex forms of this disease, it is most difficult to treat. When taking into account the doctor's recommendations and completely eliminating self-treatment, the probability of coping with the acute phase is very high.

Permanent control of a dermatologist is required, and in the chronic form of pathology, self-monitoring becomes very important. Treatment will bring results only if the doctor's instructions are strictly followed.

About varicose eczema and diseases with similar symptoms is told by a specialist in the video below:

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