Acute pancreatitis in children - symptoms, treatment, diet for the pancreas

Exacerbation of pancreatic inflammation in a child is characterized by the same signs as in adults. Due to the release of biologically active substances, enzymes are released that damage the pancreas in children.

The causes of the acute form of pancreatitis and its aggravation in a child can be both congenital disorders of metabolic processes, and the causes due to lifestyle and habits. To the health of children, whose vital systems have not yet fully formed and are in the process of constant development, must be treated with particular attention. Pancreas is particularly sensitive to eating disorders and excessive consumption of too spicy, salty and fatty foods.

Many reasons can provoke the development of acute forms of pancreatitis in children. Some types of transmitted infectious diseases( such as viral hepatitis, varicella, influenza, dysentery, sepsis and many others) can cause an acute illness. The harmful effect on the pancreas of the child can have both the course of the disease itself and some of the medicines used for treatment. Violating the tissues of the pancreas can some types of injuries of the abdominal cavity. The next common cause of a child's acute form of pancreatitis or its aggravation is cholecystitis or other diseases of the gallbladder. Provoke an exacerbation can even excess calcium in the child's body or poisoning some types of chemicals.

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More common in children is edematic form of pancreatitis in the period of exacerbation of the disease. If the process of inflammation worsens, the child complains of severe pain in the abdomen, especially around the navel, sometimes pain is given to the lower back or subcostal area. As a rule, with edematic forms of acute pancreatitis, the temperature of the child's body may not increase.

Acute pancreatic dysfunction of a destructive nature is rare.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis in children

Acute pancreatitis in children is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Strong piercing pain at the bottom of the ribs. Aggravated by palpation. Fades when lying on the stomach or left side.
  • Vomiting, in which mucus leaves with traces of bile.
  • Frequent urge to defecate and flatulence.
  • Pale skin and white coating on the tongue.
  • Lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, weakness, headache.
  • Temperature rise up to 38 degrees.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis in children

Treatment of acute pancreatitis in a child is carried out only in a hospital. First of all, it is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome. To do this, prescribe antispasmodics and analgesics: no-shpu, baralgin, papaverine or analgin. With the exacerbation of symptoms, all drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Taking medication inside is only possible after removal of inflammation of the pancreas. With dehydration and intoxication of the body, children are given droppers with glucose and saline solutions. If the disease is accompanied by increased nervousness, excitability and sleep disturbance, then sedatives can be taken.

In the first days of treatment, a starvation diet with sufficient intake of non-carbonated mineral water is mandatory. After relieving pain relief, children are prescribed a diet that is accompanied by the intake of enzyme preparations( Pancreatin, Mezim).

Diet for acute pancreatitis in children

The diet after an attack of pancreatitis is observed for 2 weeks. Then they switch to sparing food. After the hungry days the child starts to drive in the ration the mashed porridge on the water. Most often oatmeal or buckwheat. The first portion should not be more than 50 grams, after 3 hours it is increased by 50%.The next day, white rusks, fruit jelly and dairy products are introduced. From drinks to the child the not strong tea is shown. Vegetable purees are given no earlier than 4 days. Meat and fish products are introduced on the 8th day. All dishes should be wiped, have a temperature of not more than 40 degrees. After two weeks of diet, non-acidic, thermally processed fruit purees are gradually introduced. Go to the table number 5.

From the diet is completely excluded:

  • Salted and smoked products
  • Sweets, chocolates and confectionery
  • Fresh pastries
  • Saturated broths
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Synthetic products
  • Spices, canned food, marinades

The diet for the treatment of acute pancreatitis in children should be balanced and consist only of easily digestible dishes. The food is fractional, every 2.5-3 hours, the size of the portion is not more than 200 gr. Every 6 months you need to do a pancreatic ultrasound.

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