Why dizzy when you tilt down?

1 Causes of malaise in healthy people

The head turns when it is tilted not only in people who have health problems. Sometimes this unpleasant sensation can bother a person who does not suffer from any diseases.

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The most common causes of the symptom:

  1. Rapid movement. Dizziness arises from the difference in the directions of the processes of the human brain and the actual movement( for example, on carousels).
  2. Incorrect food. This applies primarily to office workers. Instead of a normal diet many snack on the go or make large breaks between meals. The brain does not get enough glucose, which leads to dizziness.
  3. Stress hormone. If people experience great excitement( when flying, speaking in front of a large crowd of people), a lot of adrenaline enters the bloodstream, resulting in narrowing of the vessels, increasing pressure, disrupting the flow of air to the brain.
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  5. Taking some medications: from allergies, sedatives, antibiotics.

2 Diseases as the cause of

If the above factors are excluded, the reasons for which the head is dizzy should be looked for in disturbances in the functioning of vital organs.

These include:

  1. Diseases of the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Otitis. Very often, this disease occurs due to the existing inflammation of the ear canal. To all of the above symptoms is a strong pain in the ears.
  3. Poisoning. The causes of this symptom can be poisoning with food or alcoholic beverages, as well as intoxication after taking medication. In this case, dizziness is often accompanied by migraine.
  4. Perilymphatic fistula. The disease occurs if the membrane between the middle and inner ear breaks. The patient worsens hearing or dizzy if he sneezes and coughs. In this case, you need to undergo a survey from a surgeon.
  5. Ménière's disease, which is characterized by an increase in fluid in the cavity of the inner ear.

This disease occurs due to reasons such as complicated ear inflammation and infection.

With such a diagnosis, when the head tilts, it seems to the patient that not only the objects that surround him are spinning, but he himself.

In addition, coordination is reduced, there is a constant noise in the ears and hearing deteriorates.

  1. Osteochondrosis. As a result of compression of the vertebral artery, the amount of blood that enters the brain decreases.
  2. Stroke. If you become poorly seen, it is difficult for you to coordinate your movements, your head is spinning, then this may be the first symptoms of a stroke. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  3. Tumor of the brain.
  4. Neurosis or depression. If this condition lasts a very long time, and dizziness is accompanied by nausea, you should visit a specialist to determine the state of mental health.
  5. Arterial hypotension. Low blood pressure can be a sign of various diseases. It is recommended to consult a therapist.

3 Dizziness during pregnancy

This symptom, like a head spin, may be the first sign of pregnancy. Nausea and dizziness in pregnancy are considered normal if they occur from time to time and do not affect the general condition.

If they are felt constantly, they can indicate the following conditions:

  1. Low hemoglobin. It can be increased with the help of preparations containing iron.
  2. Diseases of the spine.
  3. Diet. If a woman adhered to a diet prior to conception of the child and during pregnancy, then she has low glucose in her blood. To correct this situation, it is necessary to establish a diet.


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Future moms, remember: if you get dizzy, no matter how normal your condition might seem, you still need to visit a district gynecologist.

With all these conditions, the head is spinning exactly when it is tilted down, because the blood flow increases and its regulation is disturbed.

4 First aid

The feeling of an illusion of movement of the head often arises unexpectedly, and in that case we do not know what to do. First of all - do not panic and do everything possible to avoid falling. If the attack occurred at home, lie down so that the head and shoulders were on the same level, close your eyes. This position will resume the normal blood supply to the brain. Do not make sudden movements, as this can trigger a new attack.

If the disease only worsens, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist. In consultation with a doctor, you should tell in detail about all your sensations. An accurate description of the symptoms will help the doctor to put not only the correct diagnosis, but also to refer to the right specialist and provide qualified help in a timely manner.

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