Why after a stroke long dizziness, and what to do in this case

1 Repeated seizures of

Although the patient seems to have had an attack for obvious reasons, in fact, it is very difficult to determine the factor provoking this condition without any diagnostic actions. Treatment of the consequences of a stroke( including dizziness and headache) without identifying the cause of the doctors also do not start. More than a third of the strokes suffered do not pass without a trace, the patients experience many unpleasant consequences, but the peculiarity of this condition is that it almost always hurts the head after a stroke.

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The patient should be aware that these seizures never occur without a reason. Dizziness after a previous ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke can be caused by such risk factors as:

  • the recovery period of a young organism that will try to return to its habitual state;
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  • intracranial hypotension( with it there may be swelling of the brain, in this condition, the patient often gets dizzy);
  • hypotension;
  • damaged nerve endings;
  • intolerance to drugs;
  • vascular destruction in the cerebellum;
  • severe migraine in a patient's medical history.

It should be noted that it is impossible to make sharp or frequent head rises after a recent seizure, because of this, dizziness or cephalgia( it is also a headache) can intensify. The very condition of dizziness after a stroke is normal.

2 Factors provoking cefalgia

If the headache is moderate or excessive after a stroke, the patient often experiences frequent increases in blood pressure. To improve his condition and even return to a more or less normal way of life, it is necessary not only to pay him maximum attention, but also to call the doctor at home, and massage the patient's muscles and stimulate him for small physical exertion so that he gradually starts to get up himself. Because of pressure sores in the patient can also be dizzy.

Gradually, when the patient is constantly in a recumbent position, his muscles atrophy, as a result of which any load becomes more difficult for him. This provokes psychological disorders, as a result, the patient is nervous much because he is unable to perform elementary actions on his own. From this, he also constantly jumps blood pressure, hurts and dizzy.

It is especially common for a patient to respond if a stroke provokes a partial or complete loss of vision. If the patient develops a similar condition, he should explain that he is dear to his family and that it is not difficult for him to help give a spoonful of food, a mug of water or take him to the toilet.

Another mistake of the native patient is that they tell him that this attack provoked destruction of brain areas or other factors. From this, the patient can assume that, since such a condition has occurred because of neurosurgical features of the brain, then the attack will repeat. And some sometimes it is very difficult to explain that a full recovery is possible.

The patient can always forget that it can be cured, continuing to be nervous. The result is again high or low blood pressure, dizziness, cephalgia and even lowered self-esteem due to the fact that he needs help from strangers again to measure pressure and give the pill a headache.

This is a vicious circle. Therefore, being close to the patient, one should perform those actions that bring him only good, and talk about what gives the patient hope for further normal life activity.

3 Treatment of the disease

It is known that it is very difficult to compare this headache even with migraine, because cephalalgia is associated with lesions of the structures. Therefore, neuropathic effects occur after a seizure. Another patient may experience intellectual disturbances. In this case, the patient is prescribed special drugs to improve cerebral circulation and restore cerebral functions.


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After the patient has undergone therapy at the hospital level, his treatment is provided by a neurologist. As a therapy for cephalalgia, anticonvulsants, non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Sometimes, antidepressants and blood thinners may be required. If the patient has violated any vital functions, complex therapy is required.

At the non-pharmacological level, the patient is treated with a therapeutic physical culture. The patient should not lie, but it is also impossible to overwork. Physical loads need to be increased gradually. If properly performed together with the right drug treatment and constant airing of the room where the patient is, the chance to return the patient to a more or less normal life as soon as possible and to avoid disability increases several times. Therefore, correct treatment can not be neglected.

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