Duodenitis in children - symptoms and treatment

There is an opinion that children often get sick, however, unfortunately, sometimes these diseases are much more complicated than banal cold and even flu. One of these diseases is duodenitis. Unfortunately, this ailment can really manifest itself even in children. Besides, it arises regardless of age.

Just like an adult, duodenitis in a child can be both acute and chronic. The reasons for which the disease appears in children is plentiful. Among them are the features of genocode, some medicines, allergies, viruses, bacteria, parasites, weak immunity, etc.

The main symptoms of duodenitis in children

During the acute stage of duodenitis, children begin to complain of soreness in the upper abdomen on the right or in the center. In most cases, the pain is paroxysmal. In addition, these pains appear on an empty stomach at night or after 60-120 minutes. At the end of the meal. You can also note the child's digestive system disorders, expressed by capriciousness, nausea and heaviness in the abdomen. It is also possible weakness, rapid heartbeat, increased sweating and drowsiness. In most cases, these symptoms manifest no more than 2 weeks. Pediatric duodenitis in most cases accompanies cholecystitis or gastritis. With prolonged absence of treatment, gastroduodenitis may also occur.

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Diagnosis of duodenitis on a simple procedure with a gastroenterologist is absolutely impossible. In this regard, in the case of the presence of symptoms of this ailment, it is recommended to undergo special examinations, including intestinal x-rays, and analyzes. In addition, it is extremely important to determine whether the children have concomitant diseases of the pancreas, liver and other nearby organs.

Treatment of duodenitis in children

First of all, we draw the parents' attention to the fact that the treatment of duodenitis in children requires a comprehensive approach. This means that in the first place you need to teach your child to lead a healthy lifestyle. A prerequisite for recovery is compliance with the diet, taking vitamins, pain medications, specialized medications, and bed rest. Often to normalize the work of the intestine, children are prescribed a drug such as Metoclopramide. In turn, with erosive duodenitis, treatment takes place with the help of Gastrofarm and Oxiferricorbon. It is known that these medications have a restoring effect on the intestinal mucosa. A significant role is also played by sedatives and the use of light tranquilizers, like Seduxen and Elenium.

The diet in children with duodenitis, as a rule, is aimed at reducing the manifestations of symptoms and implies getting rid of the factors that irritate the mucous membrane. This is salty, fatty and sharp food. In addition, all food that is given to the child should be carefully grinded. This is due to the fact that large pieces of food can damage the already inflamed shell of the intestine.

In addition, a specialist can prescribe for the child physiotherapy, as well as physical therapy. If possible, the child should be sent to a sanatorium or a spa. In most cases, with sanatorium treatment, this disease disappears much more quickly in a child and the general condition of the disease is improved.

In most cases, children's duodenitis is easy to treat and has no complications. In this case, it is most important to make a diagnosis on time. That is, if the child complains of persistent abdominal pain or other symptoms, you need to guide him to a consultation with a gastroenterologist, because cure is much easier than a peptic ulcer!

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