Causes and treatment of severe and frequent headache during pregnancy

1 Etiology of the disease

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes many different changes. Some of them pass without a trace to the body, others cause various processes that are uncharacteristic of the ordinary human condition, while others can completely destabilize all systems and processes. Every woman has it in her own way. However, there are a number of similar factors that affect the formation of pain during pregnancy. And with the normal development of the fetus, the most frequent are headaches, which cause a lot of inconvenience.

As each individual organism is individual, the reasons for which a headache occurs during pregnancy can be conditionally divided into the following subspecies:

  • common;
  • private.

Common factors were determined by the statistical method based on hundreds, and even thousands of observations of women during pregnancy. All these records were clearly structured and summarized. After a detailed examination, a number of similar cases were identified. On their basis, and determined the main prerequisites, which in most cases are responsible for headaches.

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Private causes are strictly individual and have clearly defined prerequisites, which are characteristic only of a certain organism. They are due to the features of the structure of a person or factors previously affecting it.

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2 Normal and pathological body reaction

Why does the headache during pregnancy, what to do? As a rule, most women during this period have headaches. This is a completely normal reaction to the rebuilding of all body systems and their adjustment to new conditions of existence. However, when the head is aching every day - this is a warning that the body can not cope with the burden imposed on it. In such conditions it is necessary to eliminate the root causes of the appearance of pain. They look like this:

  • hormonal reconstruction;
  • modified diet;
  • increased burden on all body systems;
  • increase or decrease in pressure;
  • weather conditions;
  • systematic stress.

Each of these factors individually can serve as a starting point for the appearance of a headache in a pregnant woman. Therefore, neutralization of causes is a primary task that precedes treatment. The same treatment of periodic headaches should be performed only by a specialist who leads a pregnant woman, and only on the basis of tests and examinations, since the use of many drugs is strictly prohibited. Any narcotic or oppressive medicines are taboo and in no way can be used to neutralize a woman's pain.

3 Special cases of the disease

In addition to the generally accepted prerequisites for the development of pain in the head, there are a number of factors of a private nature, that is, present only in a particular woman. These reasons are strictly individual and do not have a special structuring, since they are oriented only to a certain organism. To such risk factors include:

  • impaired plasticity of the vessels of the head;
  • trauma to the skull;
  • expressed pathology;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • psychoneurological diseases;
  • damage to face or neck.

Headache during pregnancy, caused by such factors, as a rule, is permanent. This is due to increased stress on the woman's body. These overstrains provoke activation of old injuries or exacerbation of diseases. All these consequences result in the formation of systematic pain. Neutralization of this effect should also be performed by the attending physician, who, based on the nature and extent of damage or illness, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. As a rule, in such cases the head is very often and often hurts. Therefore, when the first symptoms or suspicions of a similar nature of pain should immediately report this to your doctor and describe the extent of damage.


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4 Types of ailment

Headaches during pregnancy are represented by several species depending on the nature and extent of the effect on the body. This structuring allows you to more clearly understand the cause of pain, which allows you to neutralize them. In addition, different types of head pain during pregnancy can mean completely different reasons for their appearance. Therefore, a clear characteristic of sensations is a necessity for neutralizing pain, which is conditionally divided into the following types:

  • pulsating;
  • pain of tension;
  • Migraine.

Pulsating pain in the head can occur due to several reasons. The structure of its appearance in most cases is the same, because it arises as a result of a lack of oxygen entering the brain. As a rule, such a pain is characterized by a certain pulsation, which corresponds to heartbeat and rhythm. This is due to the narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain, which become unable to perform their basic functions, because of what blood enters the head with a certain pulsation, you might even say, jerks.

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Tension pain diagnosed during pregnancy is a consequence of various experiences or stresses. The brain does not have time to fully rest and restore its functions after a tiring day. As a result of systematic overloads, he begins to experience aching pain. Still this kind of sensations can be called a pain of overwork. As a rule, it covers both parts of the head and is characterized by the formation of a kind of pressing moment. At times, it may appear that the head was squeezed by a vice, but these are only mental signs. In fact, the pain spreads deep inside the head and requires immediate neutralization.

If the head is very sore, this is the manifestation of the most dangerous and unpredictable kind of pain - a migraine. The reasons for its occurrence are thoroughly unknown to this day. It can cause as a sloppy turn of the head, and a bright flash of light or, for example, a sharp sound. Characterized by migraine spasmodic attacks of pain, which has a permanent basis. It may appear that she is retreating. However, as it was proved by scientists, this is completely different, because it is of a permanent nature with its peaks and recessions.

5 Preventive measures

What should I do if my head hurts during pregnancy? As you know, the best treatment is to prevent the disease. In the case of such painful sensations, which are in some way the disease itself, this is the purest truth. Regardless of whether the head hurts during pregnancy or not, it is necessary to adhere to certain preventive measures that will protect the woman's health from the manifestation of such symptoms and ensure a normal course of pregnancy. The complex of these activities is as follows:

  1. Walking in the fresh air. A slight increase in physical activity is a necessity that contributes to the prevention of pain, since during the walk the access of fresh air and, correspondingly, oxygen, which freely penetrates the brain and normalizes its processes, increases. In addition, physical activity forces all systems and organs of man to work much faster and more efficiently, providing free access to blood to remote parts of the body.
  2. Drinking lots of fluids. This step is necessary due to the fact that in some cases it is the lack of moisture that causes starvation of the brain, since water is the transporter of all nutrients and minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of all systems. All these factors are sufficient reasons for increasing fluid intake during pregnancy.
  3. A balanced diet is a must for a pregnant woman. The principles of correct and healthy nutrition should become unchanged by her companions, from the moment of conception and until the end of the period of breastfeeding. This is extremely important, since some products are not only harmful to the health of the mother and child, but can also provoke headaches. Chocolate, coffee, spices, aromatic additives - all this can cause migraine development.

Avoiding overloads and stresses is a primary factor.

He can not only neutralize pain, but also prevent a general decrease in immunity, which is fraught with serious health consequences, since loss of protective functions of the body can lead to the development of a variety of inflammatory processes or the infection of various systems and organs. Therefore, rationing and rest are the key to sound health and relief from pain.

6 Treatment measures

Regardless of whether the head is aching during pregnancy at the moment or not, the first signs of migraine need appropriate treatment. As you know, medications are highly undesirable in pregnancy. What to do in such conditions, the doctor in charge should prompt. The only more or less safe drug is the use of No-shpa, which does not contain any harmful or narcotic ingredients. However, even for its use, there are a number of limitations, determined by the nature and type of headaches. The use of various advertised drugs is highly discouraged, since their effect on the fetus is almost unpredictable. It can pass without a trace, or lead to serious complications. In such circumstances, the risk is unreasonable and the health of the child is much more valuable than the presence of pain in the head.

What should I do if my head hurts, but can not I apply medication? In such circumstances, the best solution will be the use of folk remedies and the implementation of preventive measures. A decoction of chamomile, string or peppermint can reduce stress and favorably affect the decrease in activity of foci of pain. In addition, walking tours in the open air and organizing the necessary rest will be useful. All these measures in conjunction with herbal decoctions of herbs will significantly help reduce pain and relax, and also rest.

7 Useful recommendations

Headache during pregnancy is not a sentence. However, its neutralization requires adherence to a certain regimen and observance of preventive measures that can guarantee getting rid of symptoms. Such a complex of procedures will favorably affect all systems and will strengthen the protective properties of the body. It should also be remembered that the appointment of any medications should be made only by a doctor, independent adoption of them is extremely dangerous for the health of the child. Even popular methods are not recommended to use without consulting a specialist.

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