Symptoms of diseases of the vessels of the head, neck and methods of their treatment

1 What is vascular spasm?

From the medical point of view, under vasospasm, it is customary to understand a condition in which the lumen between certain vessels( the brain or thoracic region) narrows. This is due to the fact that, for some reason, the vessels are forced to decrease for a long time and intensively.

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If the stenosis of the vessels is reduced in the brain, the person may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Headache( sharp or aching).
  2. Sharp dizziness, until the appearance of "black dots" before the eyes.
  3. Nausea accompanied by vomiting.
  4. Violation of the coordination of movement in space( up to possible fainting).
  5. Dips in memory.

The main symptom that accompanies the stenosis of the vessels of the head and neck is headache. It can come at any time and be triggered by a sharp stress or a change of weather, provided that you are a meteodependent person.

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With spasm of blood vessels, hypertensive reaction is observed in people prone to increase or decrease blood pressure. Most often, such symptoms are observed in the elderly, in whom, with age, their elasticity narrows and vascular stenosis and narrowing of the lumens may occur.

However, young people are also at risk of vascular spasm due to the fact that the environment is deteriorating and there is a large amount of toxic substances in the air. When ingested into the lungs and the brain, toxic substances lead to vessel stenosis and a lack of oxygen. These symptoms can cause headaches and dizziness.

2 Causes of the disease

The main reasons for the narrowing of the vessels of the head and neck include:

  1. Overfatigue of the body. When a person for a long time at work or school is in a stuffy room or working at a computer, the blood circulation of the brain can be disturbed, and spasms of the brain and neck may occur, which is the reason for the narrowing of the vessels of the head.
  2. Lack of sleep. The brain should rest regularly. Daily sleep must be at least 8 hours a day. If the biorhythm fails and works at night, dizziness and vasospasm can become a habitual activity.
  3. Lack of oxygen. In order for the brain to function normally, he needs glucose and oxygen. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to stay at least 2 hours a day outdoors. Before going to bed and during the day, always ventilate your sleeping and working place, otherwise it can cause a narrowing of the vessels of the head.
  4. Smoking. A person who smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day, the number of spasms of the brain can increase in 70%.A harmful habit does not allow air to move freely in the vessels and therefore spasm occurs.
  5. Diseases that can be chronic and aggravated by symptoms in the form of spasms of the brain and neck area. These include: vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart and thyroid disease, impaired renal function, brain tumors, osteosclerosis.
  6. Conventional situations can provoke spasm of the brain and vessel stenosis. They include hypothermia or, on the contrary, overheating of the head. A strong noise( drill or music), suffered stress, a negative situation at work or in the family, the regular finding of a person with a nervous condition can lead to a narrowing of the vessels of the head.

3 Brain spasm treatment

Spasm of cerebral vessels is a serious disease that must be treated. The consequences of an untreated cerebral spasm can be strokes.

However, in order to make a more accurate diagnosis, you need to see a cardiologist. You will need to undergo a general examination and take the appropriate tests.

Depending on the degree of neglect of the disease, it will be necessary to undergo tests for: ultrasound of brachiocephalic arteries( BSA) with the help of doppler and magnetic resonance examination of the cervical spine.


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The size of the lumen between the vessels is determined by means of an anti- angiography. After this diagnosis, the cardiologist can determine the course of treatment and pick up the necessary medications to start a comprehensive treatment of the narrowing of the vessels of the head.

The most common drugs that are prescribed for spasm of the brain:

  1. Vasodilator drugs - "Nootropil".
  2. Spasmodics - "Spazmalgon".
  3. Drugs designed to improve blood circulation and lead to a narrowing of the vessels of the head.

4 Folk remedies for home use

Traditional medicine is widely used, which have a spasmodic effect on the areas of the brain and neck.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs of valerian, motherwort, anise, hips and yarrow, cooked in equal proportion, have a general soothing effect on the brain and nervous system. Use it regularly during the day for at least one month. After that, you should make a break for the same period and then apply it in the same way.

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Compresses must be applied to the head and neck area as a first aid. Perfectly remove headaches compresses from herbs of plantain, dandelion and St. John's wort. At occurrence of giddinesses, the person needs to be laid in a horizontal position and to put to the head gauze compress from herbs for elimination of stenosis of vessels. This is an excellent tool for treating the neck with folk remedies. Massage of the neck areas, in combination with the compress, is an excellent means of preventing the treatment of the vessels of the head and neck.

You can alternate decoctions of medicinal herbs with a tincture, cooked on the basis of garlic and thyme leaves. Take this tincture is necessary daily for two months before eating.

Self-massage is also an excellent means of preventing the disease. To do this, it is enough to massage the movements in the head and neck area with your fingertips every day before going to sleep. It is also necessary to rub the occipital part, scales and forehead. Do this on the massage lines, then lie down for 30 minutes.

Aromatherapy. A wonderful tool to relieve spasms of the brain. The best soothing effect is the oil of jasmine and lavender. This procedure is done for a minimum of 30 minutes, while the person should be in a relaxed state when lying down. After that, the room in which the procedure was carried out, will need to be ventilated.

Food Diet. To ensure that the cells and vessels of the brain receive the nutrition they need, the diet should be full. It is necessary to introduce into it foods rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. Increase the consumption of green apple, dried apricots, legumes, herbs, prunes, figs, dates. Use nonfat varieties of sea fish to increase to two times a week. The brain needs carotene every day. To this end, it is necessary to increase the amount of carrots and pumpkin consumed, as well as vegetables and fruits that have an orange color.

Daily it is necessary to consume at least three liters of clean natural water a day. Tea and coffee is not included in their quantity and, if possible, they must be replaced with fresh juices and fresh.

Regular exercise in sports and physical curative culture. If you have absolutely no time to visit gyms and medical centers, go in for athletic walking. Every day after work, pass at least 3 km in a certain rhythm, without getting lost and not lingering anywhere along the way. Keep track of your breathing. A great alternative to swimming can be home hardening in the bathroom with a contrast shower. Alternately, pour the body, shoulders and neck with hot and then cold water. Do morning exercises for the neck and cervical department, and in the summer, do it outdoors or in front of an open window.

Take up respiratory gymnastics. An excellent exercise for the vessels of the brain and prevention of spasms can be inflating balloons. In this case, you can inflate the balloons themselves, and simulate the process of inflating them. This is a very useful exercise not only for the vessels of the brain, but for the entire respiratory system as a whole, as well as for the vessels of the head and neck.

In conclusion, it should be said that the treatment of spasms of the brain is a complex problem and represents a serious disease. It is impossible to cure finally using only medicines and medicines of traditional medicine. So give up bad habits and lead an active lifestyle. Often go to the fresh air, take care of your nervous system, not exposing it to unnecessary stress. Be healthy!

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