Thrombophlebitis of deep veins of lower limbs - photos, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the walls of deep, under the layer of muscles, veins on the legs with the simultaneous formation of thrombi in them is called thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs. This pathology is a complication of varicose veins.

Statistics say that most often thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities occurs in women. This fact physicians associate with wearing uncomfortable shoes, using hormonal contraceptives.

The occurrence of thrombophlebitis can provoke pregnancy. Depending on the nature of the flow, acute, subacute and chronic forms of thrombophlebitis are isolated.

Reasons for

Why does thrombophlebitis occur, and what is it? Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs is an inflammatory process, a complication of varicose veins( its next stage in neglect of self).This area is inflamed due to the formation of a thrombus. Quite often this disease is one-sided: only one shin or thigh is affected.

Predisposing factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
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  • long standing in a standing or sitting position;
  • strict bed rest for a long time;
  • presence in the anamnesis of varicose veins;
  • susceptibility to increased blood clotting;
  • oncological diseases;
  • gestation period;
  • is overweight;
  • is elderly and senile.

Also thrombophlebitis can be classified according to the current form:

  1. Acute thrombophlebitis develops very quickly, in just a few hours;
  2. Chronic thrombophlebitis develops imperceptibly and gradually, and periods of exacerbation are rare;
  3. Migrating thrombophlebitis affects several vessels at once. New foci of inflammation appear regularly, but completely disappear with time, leaving no traces.

It should be remembered that this ailment is extremely dangerous, as two bad things can happen to the patient: a blood vessel blockage and a thrombus rupture with subsequent transfer to the bloodstream. The consequences of such phenomena can be fatal for a person.

Symptoms of

With thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. In most cases, the patient has such signs:

  1. Pain in the leg where thrombophlebitis develops. Often the temperature of the diseased limb is lower than that of the healthy one.
  2. The body temperature rises a lot, sometimes the temperature gradient can reach 40 degrees.
  3. Puffiness of the lower limb occurs.
  4. Skin is pale, the skin becomes strained, tense.

The localization of thrombosis can also be different - the shin, ankle, thigh. Occasionally, the ailment develops without visible symptoms - this leads to a sharp complication, and in the future - to an unexpected lethal outcome.

Thrombophlebitis: photo

Thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the lower extremities looks like, we offer detailed photos of clinical manifestations.


Before treating thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the lower limbs, it is necessary to conduct competent diagnostics. The leading method is duplex scanning. If the scan does not give the desired results, radiopaque phlebography is used. In comparison with ultrasound, the effectiveness of these methods is considered to be higher.

Treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis

When symptoms of deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities appear, the treatment can be either conservative or surgical, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the course of the disease.

The principles of conservative therapy are the following:

  1. Creation of rest for a sick leg.
  2. Elevated limb position.
  3. It is mandatory to appoint in the treatment of thrombophlebitis anticoagulant, which dissolve the thrombus and prevent the formation of new clots. These include warfarin in tablets and heparin or fractiparin in injections. When using them, the parameters of hemostasis are necessarily controlled.
  4. Improvement of microcirculation( for this purpose pentoxifylline is prescribed).
  5. Also used are painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs, solutions that improve the rheological( flowing) properties of blood( rheopolyglucin), vitamins and antioxidants.
  6. Ointments, gels can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, reduce blood clotting. But with thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs, they are ineffective, so additionally prescribed medication in tablets, injections.
  7. The next point of treatment of a patient with a diagnosis of thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs is the use of compression knitwear and active movements. With the use of elastic bandage, the symptoms of deep thrombosis decrease significantly: swelling and pain. Usually, stockings with compression from 23 to 32 mm Hg are used, and the length is adjusted depending on the topic of thrombosis. Thus, a patient with thrombophlebitis of the femoral veins and pelvic vessels requires stockings up to inguinal folds, with constant wear, regardless of the location of the cause of the disease, stockings are recommended to the knees.

Combined therapy of these methods in combination with active movements brings great results. Significantly decreases the intensity of pain and swelling. Progression of the process of thrombosis is promoted by hypo- and adynamia. Therefore, the patient is advised to walk until the pain in his legs, if there is no contraindication.


There are several methods of physiotherapeutic treatment used for the DVT of the legs.

  1. UHF - under the influence of high-frequency electric fields in the affected areas, the outflow of lymph, blood circulation, regeneration processes in general is stimulated.
  2. Electrophoresis - drugs are injected through the skin with the aid of an electric current.
  3. Magnetotherapy - under the influence of the magnetic field, the characteristics of the blood composition improve.
  4. Paraffin applications - are useful in the threat of the formation of trophic ulcers. The procedure is not used for acute thrombophlebitis.

Also with acute thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities, hirudotherapy( treatment with leeches) can be used.


Surgical treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is performed with ineffectiveness of drug therapy, high risk of embolic complications and ascending thrombosis. To do this, you can use open surgery and endovascular.

  1. Cava filters is installed in the vein with flotation thrombus. Implantation of the cava filter is indicated by the patient for contraindications to the use of anticoagulants. The lower hollow vein is the main trunk vessel, through which blood moves from the lower extremities, the internal organs of the pelvic cavity and the abdominal cavity, to the heart and lungs. Therefore, in case of inefficiency of drug treatment of thrombosis, you may be recommended to implant a filter into the lower vena cava to prevent the development of thromboembolism( migration of the thrombus pieces through the inferior vena cava system).A filter in the lower vena cava is usually inserted through the femoral vein, but can also be inserted through the system of the superior vena cava( vein of the neck and upper limbs).
  2. Stitching of the inferior vena cava is performed if it is not possible to implant the filter. And also with multiple thrombi or relapse of the disease. In this case, a "clip"( special clamp) is applied to the affected area of ​​the vessel and stitched. This allows you to partially close the channel, leaving a certain clearance for blood flow. The disadvantage is a worsening of the outflow of blood from the veins of the lower limb.

After the surgery( any of these), you should wear a compression bandage or stockings. In this case, the first three days are not allowed, in general, to remove them, since there is a high probability of formation of new phlebolites.


Preventive measures are as follows:

  • wearing comfortable shoes and clothes that do not compress the limbs;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • doing sports;
  • weight loss;
  • rest, especially with regards to the feet, is advised sometimes to sleep with raised legs and do a massage.

So, thrombophlebitis should not be taken lightly, since the complications of this disease can be very serious. It is important to give up self-treatment and begin to follow the advice of doctors. This will help to remain a physically active person.

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