Means for stomach cancer: drugs, vitamins, drugs, pills for treatment

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For the treatment of stomach cancer, not only surgical methods are used, but also medications, including various drugs for stomach cancer. About these funds, as well as other drugs and pills will be discussed in this article.

As mentioned, the most effective method of treating gastric cancer remains surgical, however, this method can not always eliminate the cancer problem to the end, as micrometastases can remain, as well as partially affected areas in the gastrointestinal tract that can not be removed. In this case, medicamental treatment with the help of chemical agents related to the fluoride derivatives of pyrimidine compounds, in combination with antitumor drugs, comes to the rescue. Typically, these drugs are presented in the form of tablets or injectable solutions, and administered to the patient orally or intravenously.

The traditional remedy for stomach cancer in medical practice for a long time remains 5 fluoruracil, which has proved its effectiveness. Nevertheless, in the process of research, complex therapy based on the use of fluorinated pyrimidine compounds with the connection of means of another action was not bad.

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To such drugs from stomach cancer include phase-specific and phase-specific drugs that have a cytotoxic effect on tumor cells, replacing some of their elements in their DNA or RNA, thereby suppressing the synthesis of amino acids and provoking a gradual death of the cell. In the first group of drugs, the replacement process takes place only in a certain period of the cell cycle, in the second group, it does not depend on the period. Among the means of phase-specific series, we can distinguish such tablets from stomach cancer: Vincristine, Thioguanine, Methotrexate, Citrabin, etc. The second group includes: Rubomycin, Adriamycin, Natulan, etc.

However, medicine does not stand still and is constantly searching for new drugs,which will come to the rescue of patients with stomach cancer. One of the promising directions in this area is biological therapy, which is based on substances produced by the human body.

Now in the study phase there are such tools:

  • monoclonal antibodies - proteins from human antibodies that will block the growth of blood vessels supplying nutrients to cancer cells;
  • inhibitors of tumor growth signals - the agent blocks growth receptors, thereby inhibiting tumor growth;
  • Bortezomib( Velcade) - a proteasome inhibitor that is responsible for the cleavage of proteins, blocking the cleavage process leads to an increase in the number of proteins in the cell and its further death;
  • Everolimus - usually used in patients who have undergone heart or kidney transplant;inhibitors of heat shock proteins - these proteins provoke the appearance of atypical cells, and therefore their blockage will help stop the process of tumor nucleation.

Despite the lack of a link between organ transplantation and stomach cancer, scientists believe that Everolimus will help to cope with this disease.

As noted in the previous article, drugs for stomach cancer can be used both before surgery and after. However, it should be noted that the use of vitamins in gastric cancer has a strengthening effect on the weakened organism, and therefore their use is an integral part of drug therapy. But on the intake of vitamins, too, one must consult a doctor and follow the recommendations strictly.

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