Polyp on a thick stalk, broad base in the stomach

Polyps are very diverse in appearance. Most often, such formations resemble the shape of a fungus, the leg of which can be thick or thin. Even being in one organ, and next to each other, they can be very different. They are on a pedicle or on a wide base. Arrangement of growths one by one or several at once. Tops are spherical, oval, papilliform and mushroom-shaped.

Polyps in the stomach can also have a large variety of external structure. Also seen on the foot or on a wide base. Polyps on the stem in medicine are called stalked, and on the platform are sedentary. Sometimes they can be found on top of the folds of the mucous membrane, as if continuation of it. In the stomach, they are divided into 2 main groups: tumors that are caused by inflammatory and after mucosal reconstructive processes;precancerous formations - adenomatous and fibroadenomatous. Sometimes it is very difficult even for specialists to designate a boundary between these two groups.

It is possible to detect polyps only as a result of examination and only to make suggestions on their presence in the stomach. Sometimes the symptomatology of polyps resembles the symptoms of gastritis.

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Sometimes a tumor on the long process gets into the duodenum, while the pylorus gets jammed and then the cramping pain visits the patient quite often.

Remove the polyps of the stomach on the stalk with the help of a so-called loop surgery - electroresection. It is very easy to remove such formations. Removal is made in 2-3 mm from its "roots".The more education, the harder and more dangerous it is to grasp with a loop. All due to the formation of a large zone of thermal necrosis and perforation of the wall. It is desirable to remove such formations in parts. Large neoplasms are formations larger than 1.5 cm. The depth and area of ​​the mucosal defect depends on the size of the base and the time of coagulation. In this case, the longer the coagulation lasts and the wider the foot portion, the deeper the mucosal defect will be. Large polyps on a wide base require more cardinal and serious surgical intervention.

In the colon, there are also formations that resemble the shape of a mushroom cap with a thick or thin stem. The size of the entire formation is 5-6 mm, the lower part can reach up to 2 cm. They are located, either singly or in groups. When there are a lot of them, and they are arranged by a group, they are usually not very large - no more than 5 mm and their leg is also short. If you take into account the anal canal, then there is often a fibrous polyp on the leg. Remove the formation in the gut, often with the help of a special loop, which is thrown on the lowest part.

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