Drug Gamibazin in the treatment of nicotine addiction: instructions, indications, contraindications

Gamibazine is one of the most powerful drugs for the treatment of nicotine addiction. These funds are based on nicotine and other alkaloids, intended for persons with serious smoking experience - from 5 years and more. The drug "Gamibazin" has a completely natural composition, produced in Russia, and due to the variety of forms of release it can be used for a wide variety of patients.

Gamibazine in the abandonment of smoking

Under the general name "Gamibazin" several drugs are being issued for the treatment of tobacco dependence. All of them are united by one - the main active substance, alkaloid anabasin.

This alkaloid is found in the leaves of the anabasis of leafless( or hedgehog) - a poisonous half-shrub that grows practically throughout Russia, as well as in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Anabasin, in its toxicity, is on a par with nicotine - it is even found in tobacco leaves. And 2-3 drops of anabasin act on a person as well as a similar volume of pure nicotine - lead to death.

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But in the treatment of nicotine dependence, small doses of anabasine are very effective. The amount of anabasin in the Hamibazin differs depending on the form of release.

There are 3 forms of the drug release from tobacco dependence:

  • tablets( lozenges) for resorption, 120 pieces per bottle;
  • film for gluing on the gums of three colors, 50 pieces per pack, size 9x4.5x0.5 mm;
  • chewing gum, 30 pieces in one package. The price is from 320 rubles.

Tablets and gum contain anabazine hydrochloride, "portion" - 0.003 g in a single lozenge. Gum in addition to the curative alkaloid also includes flavorings, sugar, molasses, citric acid. The film is impregnated with anabasine sulfate - 0.0015 g.

Principle of action

Anabasin acts on a person in exactly the same way as tobacco nicotine. He finds in the body nicotinic cholinergic receptors and chemoreceptors of the sinocarotid zone( in the carotid artery) and exerts an exciting effect on them. And also purposefully affects the 2 centers of the brain, vasomotor and respiratory - just like nicotine.

But while anabasine stimulates metabolism and manifests itself in the body much more actively than nicotine. It blocks the tobacco poison and practically displaces it from the cells, occupying the nicotine space. The organism switches to an unfamiliar alkaloid, and the chain "nicotine - pleasure" is noticeably weakening.


In all instructions for the preparation "Gamibazin"( regardless of the form) the indications are very laconic. It is nicotine( tobacco) addiction and quitting.


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Gamibazine can be used at any stage of dependence, but due to the aggressive component of anabasin, these pills and chewing gum are recommended primarily for patients with smoking experience for more than 5 years.

Many "experts" on the Web claim that the drug is not only for absolute quitting, but it can help reduce the daily volume of cigarettes smoked. This is not so, the main condition of "gambazinovogo" treatment - a complete rejection of nicotine doping. Anabasin is very toxic and, in conjunction with nicotine, can cause severe poisoning. Probably, smoking after such a test will never want, but how the organism will be restored after poisoning is unknown.

Instructions for Use

The use of "Gamibazin" for the control of nicotine addiction should follow a descending scheme. The classical course is 20-25 days. If 8-10 days after chewing the plates or sticking the plasters, the craving for cigarettes did not decrease at all, the doctors demand to throw the course. You can try again in 2-3 months.

Tablets with anabasine are used for 25 days. They can be swallowed or put under your tongue. The first 5 days use 8 alkaloid lozenges a day, every 2 hours. From the 6th to the 12th days, the number of tablets should be reduced to 6. From the 13th to the 16th days, the tablet is swallowed after 3 hours, from the 17th to the 20th days - every 5 hours( 3-4 lozenges).Before the end of the course - 1-2 tablets a day, no more!

Number of servings of anti-custard chewing gum per day - 4 pieces for the first 4-5 days.5-8 days - 3 lozenges a day, 9-12 days - 2 times a day, until the 20th day you can chew 1-2 pieces a day.

It is recommended to use the film for 15-20 days. The first 3-4 days the film is stuck on the gum or cheek up to 4-8 times a day( as soon as you intolerably want to smoke).From the 5th to the 8th day, the dose is sharply reduced - up to 3 films per day. From the 9th to the 12th days, 2 films are glued, until the end of the course - once a day.


All drugs based on anabasin have an impressive range of contraindications. These are:

  • an individual intolerance to the plant alkaloid anabasin;
  • bleeding( internal and external);
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • tuberculosis and cancer;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • recent brain injury;
  • recovery after any operation;
  • increased excitability of the respiratory center of the brain;
  • certain diseases of the nervous system.

In this case, the gastrointestinal diseases are relative contraindications - and this is the advantage of "Gamibasin" over other powerful drugs from tobacco dependence. When using the film, the plant toxin does not enter the stomach, but immediately enters the blood. Therefore, the doctor can advise the doctor of this form of the drug.

Side effects of

Side effects of "Gamibazin" are usually seen either at the initial stage of admission, or in case of an overdose.

The most common symptom is a rather unpleasant sensation in the mouth due to the bitter taste of anabasin. Also can be added:

  • nausea and weakness;
  • non-identification of flavors( taste receptors temporarily lose sensitivity);
  • headaches;
  • high blood pressure.

In rare cases, individual intolerance to anabazine-containing drugs is diagnosed. It is accompanied by vomiting, migraines, asthma attacks, disorientation in space and fever.

Reviews of doctors and patients

"Gamibazin" - one of the few domestic drugs for treatment with nicotine dependence, which has shown excellent results and has a minimum of side effects. Therefore, doctors often recommend it to their patients - provided that there are no contraindications.

However, today the popularity of "Gamibazin" is gradually decreasing - other foreign preparations are coming to replace it. They do not have such a unique taste and do not cause unpleasant sensations when used.

In general, both patients and doctors are unanimous in one thing: if a person does not want to quit smoking completely, no substitution therapy with anabasin-containing drugs will save them. And if the decision to abandon cigarettes is firm and conscious, "Gamibazin" will be an excellent assistant in this difficult matter, will allow the body to displace nicotine and overcome physiological and psychological dependence.

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