Antipyretics at high temperature: for children from 3 years, babies, infants

In young children, immunity is at the stage of its formation. Therefore, the body temperature during infectious and inflammatory processes greatly increases. In rare cases, the body reacts to a fungal infection. Doctors recommend not to bring down the temperature below 38 degrees. At this time, there is an intensive production of leukocytes, which are needed to overcome viruses and bacteria.

Some children with convulsive syndrome should not tolerate such a temperature. Manufacturers offer many drugs that are manufactured in a convenient form of syrups and candles.

Features of children's antipyretic

Antipyretic drugs refer to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The same group includes pain medications and those that relieve inflammation.

Some medicines have clear age limits. For example, if there are Nimesulide or a combination of several active ingredients, it is best not to give them to children under 12 years of age.

Active active substances contained in antipyretics block the production of COX.These are special enzymes responsible for fever. Simultaneously, the work of the nerve centers in the medulla oblongata is inhibited. They are responsible for the appearance of fever. The severity of the action is directly related to the temperature and dosage of the drug.

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Increased body temperature has a protective nature, because it leads to a decrease in the rate of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. In most diseases, the maximum temperature for children, which does not lead to a worsening of the work of other organs, is 38.5 degrees. There are children from the risk group. They are justified in accepting a lower thermometer. This category of children includes those who have:

  • chronic heart diseases,
  • metabolic diseases,
  • neurological pathologies,
  • febrile convulsions in the anamnesis.

The indication for febrifuge is fever, which is accompanied by muscle and headaches. It is impossible to allow a strong rise in temperature in children of the first months of life.

Dr. Komarovsky on antipyretic for children:

Forms of medicines for children

Antipyretics are available in various forms:

  • syrup,
  • candles,
  • soluble powder,
  • tablets,
  • injections.

Children easily drink sweet syrups. They have an effect in about 30-40 minutes. The duration depends on the active ingredient. Candles begin to act faster - in about 20 minutes.

They are an excellent option in cases where the child refuses treatment or when eating, vomiting occurs. It is best to administer suppositories after cleansing the intestine. Then they will act faster. Syrups and candles are the most popular forms of antipyretic agents.

Special chewable tablets are suitable for older children. Because of chemical additives, they can cause allergic reactions. Such medications are prescribed for children over three years of age, since the kids can still choke on a pill.

Drugs in the form of powder for children of younger and preschool age are rarely used. Such products dissolve in water, have a pleasant enough taste. Modern manufacturers supplement such drugs with ascorbic acid, just a few antipyretic components.

Overview of the most popular tools


For babies from 6 months to one year is allowed to use Efferalgan. These are suppositories for rectal administration. Doctors are allowed to use when reaching a child's weight of more than 4 kg. The beginning of the drug in about 40 minutes, and the effect lasts 4-6 hours.

The main active ingredient is 150 mg. Paracetamol. Auxiliary components are semisynthetic glycerides.

Paracetamol is also found in:

  • Cefikon D,
  • Panadol Baby.

These drugs can be used no more than 4 candles every 6 hours. Duration of treatment is about three days.

Candles containing the active ingredient ibuprofen are represented by such preparations as:

  • Nurofen,
  • Ibuflex,
  • Ibuprofen for children.

Used for infants from the third month of life. The maximum daily dosage is calculated from the ratio of 30 mg of active ingredient per 1 kg of body weight. The action lasts for 6-8 hours. It is recommended not to use more than 3 candles per day.

Previous drugs can be used to increase body temperature after vaccination, teething, infectious diseases.

In cases of inflammatory processes and teeth eruption, many parents prefer Viburkolla. These are homeopathic suppositories, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. They contain chamomile and other components of plant origin. They are applied 4-6 times a day.

Popular antipyretic candles for children


Children older than 3 years are often prescribed syrups, powders for oral solutions. All of them contain sugar, so children drink them with pleasure. In this form is issued:

  • Efferalgan,
  • Kalpol,
  • Panadol.

The average dose depends on the age and starts from 10-15 mg / kg per day.

Syrups based on ibuprofen are prescribed for fever with a pronounced inflammatory component, for example, in angina. The recommended dosage is 5-10 mg / kg in children of the first years of life. These drugs include:

  • Ibufen,
  • Bofen,
  • Nurofen.

Popular children's syrups with antipyretic effect

Capsules and tablets

They are mostly shown from 6-7 years. This age limit is associated with an impressive dose of the active ingredient. Tablets may include secondary substances. Effervescent species begin to function in 1-15 minutes. Efferalgan belongs to them. After 20-30 minutes they begin to act: Nurofen, Piaron, Panadol.

Reviews of the children's therapist on antipyretic drugs:

Tips for parents

There are several rules that you need to consider when choosing a febrifuge:

  1. Candles are best placed at night, as they have a prolonged and mild effect. The horizontal position of the child will ensure the complete dissolution of the medicine.
  2. Virtually all medicines are given no more than 4 times a day. The exception is homeopathic candles, which can be set at a high temperature( above 38.5 degrees) up to 6 times.
  3. When taking an antipyretic agent, you need to monitor your hands and feet. If they become cold, you need to do a light massage of the extremities. This will reduce the likelihood of seizures.
  4. If the temperature does not drop, visit the clinic or call a doctor. The child will be delivered the above described lytic composition.

How else can I bring down the temperature?

You can also use compresses. Gauze pieces of tissue are moistened in the decoction of mint leaves and applied to the forehead, groin, temples and wrists. Such compresses are changed every 10 minutes.

An effective solution is also a saline solution. It is injected with an enema. For the procedure, add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a glass of warm water. The volume is selected depending on the age.

When is it urgent to call a doctor?

Do not delay the doctor's call if:

  1. A newborn baby under 6 weeks old has a temperature above 38.2 degrees.
  2. Dali antipyretic, and the child continues to behave unusually( much crying, can not wake up).
  3. High temperature is accompanied by difficulty breathing, vomiting.

The most dangerous are: excessive drowsiness, convulsions or confused consciousness. Seizures are a rhythmic twitching of the head or other parts of the body.

In conclusion, we note that antipyretics are directed to symptomatic treatment, therefore the main methods of influence should be aimed at combating the underlying cause that caused the disease. In addition, he should be provided with bed rest, taking vitamins.

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