1 Distinctive features of migraine The main distinguishing feature of migraine is a throbbing very severe pain, sometimes with vomitin...
Paresis of limbs is called weakness of some muscle groups, which is caused by a violation of their connection with the nervous system. This condit...
1 Causes of Migraine is commonly referred to as an attack of violent, pulsating headache, which affects only one half of it. In additi...
1 What is Magnetic Resonance Tomography? Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the newest and most effective methods for diagnosing var...
Varicocele - varicose veins of the spermatic cord and testicle. This is one of the most common diseases among men, which often leads to very unp...
Slender beautiful legs in shoes on high heels, of course, look very impressive, but many women such shoes threatens the appearance of deformatio...
Our body is a complex interconnected system. Failure in the work of one body affects the full functioning of other parts. The main indicator tha...
Sinusitis is an inflammation that affects one or more of the paranasal sinuses. It can develop as an independent disease, and as a complication ...
In a healthy man or woman, the color of urine can vary from that of straw to rich yellow. The intensity of the color depends on the concentratio...
Women who follow their health know their menstrual cycle and the time of onset of menstruation well. Therefore, they will immediately notice the...
18 Feb 2018
Weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headache as signs of migraine
1 Distinctive features of migraine The main distinguishing feature of migraine is a throbbing very severe pain, sometimes with vomitin...
18 Feb 2018
Disturbance Of Motor Functions
Paresis of lower extremities: causes, classification, features of treatment in children, gymnastics and massage
Paresis of limbs is called weakness of some muscle groups, which is caused by a violation of their connection with the nervous system. This condit...
18 Feb 2018
Symptoms and Treatment of Migraine
1 Causes of Migraine is commonly referred to as an attack of violent, pulsating headache, which affects only one half of it. In additi...
18 Feb 2018
Diagnosis And Treatment
Whether there is harm from an MRT of a brain and with what frequency the repeated procedure MRI for the adult is appointed or nominated
1 What is Magnetic Resonance Tomography? Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the newest and most effective methods for diagnosing var...
18 Feb 2018
Varikotsele - symptoms and treatment, photo
Varicocele - varicose veins of the spermatic cord and testicle. This is one of the most common diseases among men, which often leads to very unp...
18 Feb 2018
Traumatology And Orthopedics
Bone on the big toe: treatment at home
Slender beautiful legs in shoes on high heels, of course, look very impressive, but many women such shoes threatens the appearance of deformatio...
18 Feb 2018
Green plaque in the language: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Our body is a complex interconnected system. Failure in the work of one body affects the full functioning of other parts. The main indicator tha...
18 Feb 2018
Sinusitis in adults - symptoms and treatment
Sinusitis is an inflammation that affects one or more of the paranasal sinuses. It can develop as an independent disease, and as a complication ...
18 Feb 2018
Symptoms Of Disease
Muddy urine: causes in men and women
In a healthy man or woman, the color of urine can vary from that of straw to rich yellow. The intensity of the color depends on the concentratio...
18 Feb 2018
Women's Health
Causes of brown secretions instead of monthly
Women who follow their health know their menstrual cycle and the time of onset of menstruation well. Therefore, they will immediately notice the...