Superficial gastroduodenitis chronic, focal, diffuse, pronounced - symptoms, treatment, diet when diagnosed, folk remedies, how to treat?

If the endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract shows a thickening of the folds of its mucosa, a slight puffiness of different severity, hyperthermia, a superficial gastroduodenitis is diagnosed. The pathogenesis is rather complex, it is regarded as a violation of the balance between protective mechanisms and factors of internal or external aggression.

Several causes of the disease. The most common cause is Helicobacter pylori infection. It has a direct effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and large intestine. The products of her vital activity neutralize the acidic environment of gastric juice. They stimulate the synthesis of gastrin, causing disturbances in the mechanisms of digestion. In this case, a pronounced superficial gastroduodenitis is formed. In addition to helicobacter pylori, there are several more characteristic reasons that can lead to the development of the described disease. Let us denote the main of them.

What factors shape a favorable environment:

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  • The most common reason for developing superficial gastroduodenitis is malnutrition. Permanent food on dry day, abuse of spices, abundant consumption of salty or bitter food, cold or hot dishes leads to damage to the walls of the stomach mucosa. As a result, there is inflammation that spreads further, through the pyloric department and the bulb into the duodenum, if the patient does not change his gastronomic habits.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking also leads to the described results.
  • Daily stresses, emotional failures provoke a general weakening of the body and create a favorable environment for the development of such pathologies.
  • A similar effect is provided by work on chemically harmful enterprises, the uncontrolled use of certain medications, and the effects of penetrating radiation.
  • Chronic diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys and liver are dangerous.
  • Often superficial gastroduodenitis develops due to hereditary predisposition.

Types of superficial gastroduodenitis

Physicians distinguish two basic conditions: acute and chronic superficial gastroduodenitis. In the acute phase, all symptoms are extremely bright, the chronic form is characterized by an erased clinical picture. There are pains, but it is not sharp, but aching. Painful seizures are replaced by remissions, and then return again, if any irritant enters the gastric tract. Gastroenterologists on the nature of the mucosal lesions distinguish two main types of chronic surface gastroduodenitis:

  • If it focuses on individual areas and does not penetrate deep into the mucosa walls, focal superficial gastroduodenitis develops. He becomes the first harbinger of an ulcer. When the inflammation is of a focal character, it begins to penetrate into the interior, deeper hitting the walls of the mucosa. This leads to the gradual development of digestive dysfunction, which leads to the appearance of other more dangerous diseases, such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis.
  • If the inflammation spreads over the entire surface of the mucosa, it makes sense to state that the patient has a superficial diffuse gastroduodenitis. It occurs most often. Since a fairly large area of ​​the mucosa is affected, diffuse gastroduodenitis is transferred and treated much more difficultly. To accelerate the recovery in this form of the disease, people's means are being used more actively.

When the whole clinical picture of the disease is on the face, a diagnosis is made, expressed superficial gastroduodenitis. The pathology can be recognized by a combination of several characteristics.

Symptoms of superficial gastroduodenitis

Symptoms of the disease are multifaceted, so it is so important to be able to recognize the clinical picture on your own:

  • The most common symptom is pain. She appears when the patient is hungry for a long time( for example, in the morning on an empty stomach).A healthy breakfast helps to get rid of it. After eating, the pain quickly disappears and comes back again with the first signs of hunger. It is this cyclicity that gives the right to speak about the development of superficial diffuse gastroduodenitis, the treatment of the initial stage is reduced to the right diet. Time of occurrence of painful sensations tells the experienced gastroenterologist, where there is inflammation of the mucosa and what force it takes. During an exacerbation the pain appears in the left hypochondrium, it is well probed it and at a palpation round a belly-button.
  • The second sign is a violation of motor and evacuation functions of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, the patient always has a feeling of a full stomach, mild nausea after each meal, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, belching air or a sour belch. The chair changes in the direction of diarrhea, the patient constantly feels the urge, and frequent slippage of the stool becomes frequent.
  • The third symptom is a violation of the vegetative system. This leads to the fact that there is rapid fatigue, severe irritability, general physical weakness and sleep disturbance.

Diagnosis of superficial gastroduodenitis

Diagnosis can be clarified with the help of modern diagnostic studies. Gastroenterologist after visual examination will send the patient to esophagogastroduodenoscopy, it will necessarily let you know what kind of gastroduodenitis develops: focal or diffuse.

In laboratory conditions, a biopsy of the gastric mucosa is mandatory, and then redirected to an X-ray study. To determine the level of acidity, the pH-metry is necessarily carried out.

Treatment of superficial gastroduodenitis

It can be called the initial stage of the development of the inflammatory process of superficial gastroduodenitis, treatment should be of a complex nature. The patient is prescribed a protective regimen, a strict diet, a course of medicinal preparations and physiotherapy procedures.

If a superficial gastroduodenitis is diagnosed, the diet should be of the following character:

  • The food should be full and varied, but the whole food should be warm, wiped through a sieve, punched in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. You can not use any soda products that can increase the level of hydrochloric acid.
  • You need to learn to eat often, at the same time, but in small portions. The focus is on fractional food.
  • The last meal - no later than two hours before bedtime.
  • It is forbidden to overeat, starve, eat dry.

A gastroduodenitis superficial is considered a non-dangerous disease, medication treatment is designed to eliminate symptoms and prevent the further development of inflammation. This can be done with the help of one wide tetepavtticheskoy scheme. It includes:

  • Antacids.
  • Antisector M-cholinolytics and H2-histamin blockers. Inhibitors of the proton group.
  • Prokinetics.
  • Preparations of the antiseptic group, which exert a cytoprotective effect.
  • Sedatives.

Those who know how to treat superficial gastroduodenitis can tell about the effectiveness of physiotherapy. What does the patient prescribe? As a rule, electrophoresis, ozocerite applications and transaire are prescribed. Beneficial effect has inductotherapy. If the patient is worried about chronic superficial gastroduodenitis, sanitation and treatment with folk remedies will help prolong the time of remission. Herbal decoctions effectively remove superficial inflammation, oat mash from the oats restore the gastric mucosa. Our grandmothers treated such and other folk remedies with any gastric diseases, they used chamomile, St. John's wort, millennial, oak bark and plantain for cooking medicinal broths. Official medicine recognizes the beneficial effect of such prescriptions, so treatment with folk remedies is necessarily included in the complex therapy. With proper treatment and observance of all the recommendations of the attending physician, complete recovery is possible.

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