Pile's disease( syndrome) in children - symptoms, treatment and diet

Diagnosing the disease of Pyrus in children is quite difficult, and all because its symptoms are similar to those of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. What is the described syndrome? It was discovered relatively recently. In 1905, the German surgeon Irwin Pair described the symptom complex that occurs with colonic stenosis. Some children have congenital lengthening of the sigmoid region of the large intestine, this pathology in rare cases leads to the formation of an inflection in the region of the splenic angle. Inflection becomes the cause of the formation of fecal debris. This phenomenon was called "syndrome Payra."

How does the Payra syndrome manifest in children? Pathogenesis shows the presence of a wide variety of symptoms. Here are the most basic:

  1. Strong paroxysmal pain in the region of the left hypochondrium.
  2. Burning and cutting pain in the region of the heart.
  3. A feeling of strong pressure in the place of inflection of the large intestine.
  4. Feeling of fullness in the upper left square of the peritoneum.
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  6. Heart palpitations.
  7. Heavy breathing.
  8. Podskrudinnaya pain gives rise to a strong fear.
  9. One-sided or bilateral pain in the shoulders, which is given in the arm.
  10. Severe back pain between scapulae.
  11. Prolonged constipation.
  12. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness.
  13. Constant irritability.

When the disease of Pyrus develops, these signs increase with increasing physical activity or increasing the volume of a single meal( with overeating).Any painful sensation subsides, if the sick child takes a horizontal position. With age, the brightness of the symptoms of the Payra syndrome increases, they become more intense, so they severely torment patients. The presence of pain symptoms is due to the fact that spasms form in some parts of the rectum, they disrupt the work of all functions of the organ described.

Consequences of the Payra Syndrome

Consequences of Buyr's disease in children can be fatal. It can reduce the detoxification function of the liver. This phenomenon is dangerous in that it helps to lower blood pressure, to the appearance of hemorrhoids, to the violation of the stool, to the accumulation of slags, to permanent pain in the right hypochondrium. The further the pathology develops, the more symptoms of hepatic insufficiency appear.

Constant constipation in children leads to the development of colitis, ileitis, nonspecific lymphadenitis, which is why it is possible to determine and diagnose "Pier's disease" only after careful collection of anamnesis, application of instrumental and differentiated diagnostics.

Diagnosis of the disease Payra

The frequency of detection of the disease Payra in children is 38%, the syndrome has a propensity to progress, so you can not ignore the treatment in any case. It was revealed that girls suffer from the syndrome of Payra three times more often than boys. The disease first appears at the earliest age, but the pain that causes the patient to finally consult a doctor appears in the puberty period, when conservative therapy may already be ineffective. That is why it is so important to detect the syndrome of Payra at earlier stages.

By the nature of the course of the disease, three forms of Piyr's disease are distinguished:

  • Pain.
  • Constipation.
  • Mixed.

To determine which form of the syndrome develops in a child, instrumental diagnostics helps. What research should be done with Piyr's disease:

  1. Radiograph Contrast Irrigography. With the help of it, anatomical pathology is revealed, indicating a violation of the ratio of the segments of the gut along the length, shape and volume.
  2. Ultrasound Doppler examination of the vessels of the superior mesentery. In the presence of the syndrome Payra it shows a violation of the linear blood flow.

Features of treatment of the disease Payra

A high-calorie diet and physiotherapy help to noticeably ease the condition of a sick child. The food should be balanced, the daily menu should include products that can enhance the motor and evacuation properties of the stomach and intestines. But there is one very important nuance: a diet with Piyr's disease should be composed of dishes in which there is no natural fiber. Food with the syndrome Payra in children all served to the table in mashed or pureed form and extremely warm. Strict restrictions do not have a diet.

Physiotherapy is very useful. When the diagnosis of Piyr's disease in children is made, the following procedures are considered to be the most effective:

  1. Therapeutic massage.
  2. exercise therapy.
  3. Paraffin wax applications.
  4. Electrophoresis with novocaine.
  5. Inductothermy.
  6. Electrostimulation of the intestine.

If conservative treatment with the syndrome of Payra does not help, a resection of the transverse part of the large intestine is prescribed. An anastomosis in this case is made end to end.

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