Pancreatic pathology, its symptoms and signs

One of the most important human organs - the pancreas - performs two main functions: the production of digestive enzymes and the production of insulin.

Enzymes released by this gland promote cleavage of fatty acids. Thanks to this, muscles, kidneys and liver receive the necessary energy. Violation of this endocrine function, like the production of insulin, leads to diabetes mellitus.

These two functions do not depend on each other, that is, diabetics will not necessarily have digestive problems, and patients with pancreatic inflammation do not always become diabetic.

However, any pathology of the pancreas causes disturbances in energy, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Inflammation occurs when the enzymes produced by this organ are hindered and activated in its tissues and ducts. This inflammation is called pancreatitis. It can be acute and chronic.

Why develop such a pathology as pancreatitis? The release of enzymes can interfere with the swelling of the gland, clogging its ducts with stones, squeezing them with a tumor. With the complete cessation of the withdrawal of enzymes, they begin to digest their tissue, which causes acute pancreatitis. With the wrong treatment chosen, it becomes chronic.

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A cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, helminthiases, infectious diseases, operating injuries, toxic poisoning, alcoholism, thyroid diseases, significant nutritional loads( abuse of sharp and fatty foods) and even pregnancy can lead to such a pathology.

If properly treated with acute pancreatitis, the condition is normalized. Acute pancreatitis can be very dangerous, as in a number of cases it manifests not only inflammation and edema of the gland, but also necrosis accompanied by abscesses and hemorrhage, which often leads to death.

In old age, pathologies caused by impaired blood circulation in the pancreas can be added - thromboses, arteriosclerosis of vessels, embolism. In addition to the above-mentioned causes of acute pancreatitis, in rare cases it can cause certain medications, as well as congenital pathologies of pancreatic ducts.

Chronic pancreatitis occurs most often after acute, but can become a consequence of diseases of the liver, thyroid, ulcerative colitis, atherosclerosis, hemochromatosis. This pathology, like chronic pancreatitis, leads to the replacement of pancreatic pancreatic tissue, so this disease must be treated.

Symptoms and signs of pancreatic pathology

Symptoms of pancreatic pathology are divided into two types. To the first type can be attributed expressed syndromes: pain and exocrine insufficiency. These two syndromes give complete information about the condition of the organ. The second type includes less expressed and secondary symptoms - syndromes of intoxication and endocrine insufficiency. With these signs of pancreatic pathology, it is necessary to conduct tests - to pass blood and urine tests. Analyzes can record the inflammatory process and the destruction of the organ. Given the results of the tests, the doctor selects a comprehensive treatment.

Acute and chronic pancreatitis is treated most often in a surgical hospital. One of the disturbing signs is pain. It can appear in the right or left square of the abdomen. In this case, there is nausea and constant vomiting. There are these symptoms of pancreatic pathology usually after the abuse of alcoholic beverages or abundant spicy and fatty foods. Accompanied by acute and chronic pancreatitis of cardiac muscle hypoxia, tachycardia and hypotension. Sometimes consciousness is disturbed. Diagnosis of this disease can be through ultrasound or computed tomography.

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