Diarrhea in children with angina

Any infectious disease that is treated with antibiotic drugs can get various complications, including diarrhea. Among such diseases is angina.

This disease is annually exposed to a large number of people. If you use antibiotics to treat it, then their action can have a negative effect on the normal intestinal microflora. In the future it contributes to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the intestine, various stimuli that provoke the appearance of diarrhea.

When treatment of angina with various drugs, antibiotics, the appearance of diarrhea is provoked by bacteria that are resistant to the action of an antimicrobial substance. Also an adjacent phenomenon often occurs dysbacteriosis, colitis.

Diarrhea with angina can trigger yeast fungi. Candida-induced diarrhea can often lead to more serious diseases, for example, colitis. Reception of antibiotics can not destroy these bacteria in the intestines, so the appearance of a liquid stool will signal their presence in the body.

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Treatment of diarrhea in angina in a child

In fact, diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body and contributes to the removal of harmful microorganisms. But it can appear and as a side effect as a result of treatment necessary for the disease drugs. In children, especially at the age of 5, it is dangerous that dehydration caused by frequent attacks of diarrhea occurs much faster than in adults. Since the child has a very weak body, treatment should be given in the shortest possible time to avoid the occurrence of more serious complications.

Treatment should be aimed at fighting not only the symptoms of angina, but also to eliminate the side effect of taking antibiotics - diarrhea.

In addition to the use of special medications that are necessary for angina, you need to consume more fluid to prevent complications due to dehydration. The volume of consumed liquid should be at least 1.5 liters throughout the day.

If diarrhea is caused by the influence of clostridial bacteria, then in this case take Metronidazole, the glycopeptide Vancomycin. These drugs are prescribed for adults and children as directed by the doctor in accordance with the prescribed dosage.

Ordinary diarrhea with angina can take place within three days. When diarrhea passes, the intestine is gradually populated with a useful microflora and its functions gradually come to normal. During this period it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby's nutrition in order to exclude relapse of the disease and support the restoration of microflora.

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