Red throat and sore, diarrhea with fever and vomiting

There is no such person who in his life would not have faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea. Many of us are able to liquidate a liquid stool in a short time. But when there is such a symptomatology as a sore throat, diarrhea, fever, and in addition to it, the patient suffers from attacks of repeated vomiting, many are lost and do not know what to do. Especially in the case when this situation occurs in the child. The severe condition of a person who has concurrently developed catarrhal and intestinal negative manifestations is explained simply by specialists - he "picked up" the intestinal flu. What is this attack, in which such signs of abnormalities of the respiratory and digestive organs are mixed, like the red throat, vomiting, diarrhea, and all this takes place against the background of a fever?

Intestinal flu, or rotavirus infection, is a fairly common disease. It is most often caused by viruses belonging to the Rotavirus group, which, entering the organs of the digestive tract, begin to multiply intensively and cause their inflammation. Basically, the ailment, which causes diarrhea, fever, throat, redness, swelling and pain, children are prone. They have intestinal flu not only occurs more often, but also lasts much longer than in an adult patient, and it is more severe. Also suffer from it are elderly people, whose symptoms of gastric flu are very pronounced. At the same time, an adult with a strong immune system, rotavirus infection, which has a sore throat, temperature, diarrhea, may simply not notice, as it will have a latent form, with implicit symptoms. But at the same time, a person who is healthy outwardly will be the carrier of the pathogen.

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Why does the temperature, diarrhea and red throat appear?

The virus that causes the development of the disease penetrates the body through the gastrointestinal mucosa. The incubation period of the disease usually lasts from one day to five days. Depends on its duration on the concentration of the causative agent and the state of the immune system. There are several types of transmission of the infection, which provokes such symptoms as swelling and sore throat, temperature, watery diarrhea. Specialists distinguish the following:

  • Nutritional. That is, microorganisms provoking an ailment enter the digestive tract through poor-quality products, especially dairy products, or poorly washed vegetables and fruits. Also, infection through unboiled water is possible, even with ordinary bathing. This kind of pathology is called "sickness of dirty hands";
  • To "pick up" viruses that provoke the appearance of not only diarrhea, but also vomiting, as well as soreness and reddening of the throat, in a person on the background of a fever, it is also possible by airborne droplets. Microbes from a sick person into a healthy body fall in this case with droplets of saliva, when coughing, sneezing or loud conversation;
  • It is not excluded and contact-household way. Infection in this case occurs in places of congestion of people, which include shops, schools, kindergartens and offices.

The causative agent of intestinal flu is dangerous because it is one of the most viable. It is not capable of destroying conventional detergents. It is resistant to both high temperatures and freezing. Therefore, if there is a person in the immediate environment who has a sore throat besides diarrhea, safety measures should be taken. Which ones? First, the rules of personal hygiene should be strengthened and only chlorine-containing disinfectants used to treat the surrounding things that destroy rotavirus should be used. Secondly, in order to avoid the occurrence of such symptoms as temperature, red throat and diarrhea, it is necessary to reduce all contacts with the sick to a minimum. And it should be remembered that even after the acute period of pathology ends, a person remains infectious for a week.

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