Gastric ulcer in children, newborns and adolescents: symptoms and treatment

In medical practice, ulcers in adolescents, and especially in newborns, are very rare. And the most aggravating moment is the acute course of the disease, because it does not pass to the chronic stage.

According to etiology, peptic ulcer disease in children can develop both against the background of external unfavorable factors, and internal pathogenic causes. External factors include the lack of rational nutrition, and the internal circumstances of the development of the gastrointestinal system are related to the genetic predisposition of the digestive organs to the development of defects in the mucosal epithelium. Most experts in the field of gastroenterology believe that an ulcer in a newborn baby can also be associated with psychotraumatic factors, especially since the disease occurs in a fairly short period of time.

The reasons and conditions for developing a stomach ulcer in children, say that this is the so-called polyethological syndrome with heterogeneous predisposing factors.

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The most common causes of the origin of the disease:

  • Genetic heredity of high secretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • Disturbance of the motility of the digestive system. Increased or vice versa, the lowered motor system of the gastrointestinal tract provokes either stagnation of digested food and, as a result, the formation of putrefactive microbes, or a rapid release of the contents of the stomach, which adversely affects the alkalinization of hydrochloric acid;
  • Gastritis and gastroenteritis are factors that rapidly develop stomach ulcers in children;
  • Situations related to emotional and physical stress. Stress always affects negatively the protective functions of not only the child, but also the adult body.

Symptoms and treatment of ulcers in children

Often the symptoms of ulcers in children are confused with signs of gastritis, because when a mucosal epithelium defect there are similar manifestations:

  • heartburn;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • gag reflex after eating.

Children feel painful in the morning on an empty stomach, and a short time after a meal. Periodic discomfort negatively affects the child's sleep and appetite, so when a stomach ulcer occurs in children, symptoms can be recognized by a sharp decrease in body weight and cycles of nervous excitement.

In the absence of concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal system and complications of the disease, children are prescribed only conservative therapy. If the examination revealed an acute painful deviation from the normal state of the mucous membrane, then surgical treatment of peptic ulcer in children is possible, but this is in very rare cases.

Drug therapy is characterized by the rules of an individual approach to the diagnosis and prescription of medications. Small patients are prescribed physical activity and activity limitations, and a therapeutic diet is compulsorily developed.

Principles of complex therapy of gastric ulcer in adolescents and newborns

Based on etiology, gastric ulcer in adolescents is treated with drugs that provide elimination of irritant factors. Destination sheet is made depending on the localization of mucosal epithelial defects, confirmation of the presence of the H. pylori microbe and the properties of the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Common antiulcer therapy:

  1. Antibiotic Amoxicillin or semisynthetic Tetracycline - arresting microbial activity Helikobakter Pilori;
  2. Vikalin, Almagel - lowering the acidity of the digestive juice;
  3. Bromine, Valerianka - normalization of emotional state;
  4. Motilium, Domrid - elimination of dyspeptic symptoms;
  5. No-shpa - reduction of intestinal spasms.

Additionally, a physician can prescribe a set of physiotherapy procedures.

Because the newborn's ulcer is a rare exception, the approach to treatment is extremely thorough. The specialists perform an X-ray and histological examination to confirm the presence or absence of hypersecretion, congenital abnormalities of the intestine and then decide on the tactics of therapeutic actions.

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