Pomegranate and pomegranate juice with pancreatitis, is it possible?

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Pomegranate in pancreatitis is tolerated, folic acid fruit is useful in the prevention of cancer. Pomegranate juice doctors prescribe for anemia, for health the benefits of this fruit can not be overemphasized. However, the disease of the pancreas makes you very cautious about vegetables and fruits. Sour juice is dangerous for pancreatitis. The positive qualities of the fruit are:

  • is useful for digestion
  • strengthens intimate muscles in women
  • increases blood coagulation
  • saves from ASI
  • relieves edema, removing fluid
  • relieves nausea
  • is useful for blood bodies
  • is needed for heart

Pomegranate juice in pancreatitis is dangerous , therefore, canused only with remission. It irritates the mucous membranes of all internal organs too much, contains active components and aggressive ones. Pomegranate is very useful for healthy people, after the disease it should be diluted with water at reception.

Pomegranate in pancreatitis can be diluted with carrot or beet juice, water. It can be used in very moderate doses( starting from a spoon) not earlier than the seventh day after the end of an exacerbation. Pomegranate juice in its natural form is forbidden to such patients.

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Pomegranate juice is replaced with infusion of crusts with inflammation of the pancreas. Pomegranate can be mixed with any of these plants: stigmas of corn, chamomile, string, burdock, chicory, sophora, wormwood, elecampane, barberry. Very good results for the exit from exacerbation of pancreatitis give a mixture of crusts of this fruit from immortelles in equal parts. It is brewed and drunk two weeks before the onset of remission.

Pomegranate is completely excluded from pancreatitis during fasting and strict diets. At this time, you should take care of the pancreas, not to allow her irritation with such powerful acid-containing products. All the basic vitamins and amino acids in this fruit are present, they are rich in minerals.

Pomegranate juice in pancreatitis is completely banned for children. Despite useful properties, harm it can bring to the child more. The pomegranate will be present in the baby's diet as he grows up. Moreover, it will be allowed during stable remissions. In the morning and in the evening, you can drink two spoons of tincture of the skin of this fruit, boiled for twenty minutes before eating. Self-treatment with pomegranate is dangerous, alkaloids from the fetal bark can lead to blindness.

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