medicines, drugs, and drugs in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, pills, antibiotics, what to take when exacerbated?

One of the main tasks in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis is the relief of the pain syndrome manifested during the period of exacerbation of the disease. To do this, appoint non-narcotic drugs, and if they do not bring the expected result, then narcotic analgesics. To date, the use of painkillers is the most effective and basic method of getting rid of pain in a patient with pancreatitis. Most often, these drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets, but in the case of severe exacerbations, these drugs are administered parenterally. Paracetamol is considered the most preferred drug used to relieve pain in exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. This is due to the fact that this drug has a minimal negative effect on the gastric mucosa, but this medication has a drawback - it is very hepatotoxic, and therefore not suitable for the treatment of patients with liver damage.

Dosage for each specific case is selected individually, trying to prescribe the lowest dose of the drug that would be effective. If non-narcotic drugs are ineffective at the recommended dosage, the doctor may decide to treat at the maximum daily doses taken at a time. For example, they may prescribe a drug such as tramadol in a dosage of 800 mg, which exceeds the recommended dose by 2 times.

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Another way to increase the effectiveness of taking pain medication is to add to the prescribed drug therapy such types of psychotropic medications as tranquilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics that can have not only a direct analgesic effect, but also increase the action potential of non-narcotic analgesic drugs. It is not necessary to dismiss the importance of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, because most patients suffering from this disease have different neurotic disorders, borderline mental disorders or are in an anxious-depressive state.

Opium preparations and their synthetic analogues in the treatment of pain caused by exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis are prescribed only in the case of resistance to non-narcotic drugs.

In addition to painkillers in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, vitamin A, B, C, D are prescribed in usual daily doses. This is due to the deterioration of digestibility of vitamins and minerals by the intestine in conditions of insufficient pancreatic secretion.

What drugs are used for chronic pancreatitis?

In addition to analgesics shown for pain, the disease requires the appointment of a number of other drugs. Finding out what means are used for chronic pancreatitis, you need to know that they are all divided into two groups. These are the means of the main action, which include enzymes, and auxiliary drugs, which are administered depending on the presence of one or another symptomatology.

Phytotherapy was also widely used in the treatment of the disease. For complex collections and mono infusions and decoctions, we use herbs and plants that have a different spectrum of action. This antimicrobial, astringent, and spasmolytic effects, as well as improving appetite and strengthening the body's immune forces. The list of herbs useful in the treatment of this disease is wide enough, but specific appointments should be obtained from a doctor.

What should I do if I have chronic pancreatitis?

The basis of therapy without exacerbation is the replacement of enzyme deficiency with the help of a corresponding group of drugs. As a result, digestive processes are improved, pain and nausea are stopped. Enzyme means can be both with the addition of bile, and without it. The choice of a suitable medicine is made by a gastroenterologist.

In order to determine what to take with chronic pancreatitis, you should start with the concomitant symptomatology. In the presence of pain, a group of antispasmodics is shown. With an increased level of acidity, antacids are indispensable, which, moreover, contribute to better enzyme efficacy. Also do not forget about the intake of vitamins and minerals.

Drugs and drugs for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

Exacerbation of the process entails more intensive therapy. With increasing pain to the treatment, H2-blockers are connected. The appearance of signs of peripancreatitis and cholangitis is a sufficient reason for prescribing a course of antibiotics, usually intramuscularly or intravenously, taking into account the sensitivity of the flora.

In addition, drugs for the treatment of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis include adequate therapy with enzyme preparations. In cases of increased secretory function of the gland, trypsin and lipase are preferred, with the signs of secretory deficiency - Creon, and in the presence of hepatic insufficiency - panzinormu and pankurmenu.

In rare cases, accompanied by swelling of the gland and increased release of amylases, anti- enzyme therapy is prescribed. For this purpose, it is used counterkal or gordoks, but with great caution, since various side reactions are possible. Pancreatitis in the acute phase is treated, as a rule, in a hospital, under the supervision of medical personnel.

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